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Created January 31, 2017 19:26
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Save TinfoilPancakes/5dcc0da4d557026706d3ea2b2893b15d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TinfoilPancake's zsh crap.
alias ll='ls -lhF'
alias l='ls -1F'
alias realcat='echo "Meow." && say Meow.'
alias sublime='~/Applications/Sublime\'
alias ft_gcc='gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror'
alias norminette='echo "The norme is badly written and needs to be changed - this is my protest, however meaningless it is.\n\nUse: fnorme to check norme"'
alias fnorme='command norminette'
export PS1="
%B%K{11}%F{0} 〄 %b%k %K{15}%F{0} %* %K{7}%F{0} %n %k %K{5}%F{15} %~ %k%f
%B⑆%b "
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=fxexbxDxCxFgFdaBagacad
alias cl='clear'
alias ddiff='~/Documents/Projects/DirDiff/'
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