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Created August 21, 2015 01:50
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  • Save Tiny-Giant/77251c46dbe624f83a53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tiny-Giant/77251c46dbe624f83a53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function () {
// Define app namespace
var App = {};
// Place edit items here
App.items = [];
// Place selected jQuery items here
App.selections = {};
// Place "global" app data here
App.globals = {};
// Place "helper" functions here
App.funcs = {};
//Preload icon alt
var SEETicon = new Image();
SEETicon.src = '//';
// Populate global data
// Get url for question id used in id and class names
App.globals.URL = window.location.href;
// Get question num from URL
App.globals.questionNum = App.globals.URL.match(/\/(\d+)\//g);
if (App.globals.questionNum) {
App.globals.questionNum = App.globals.questionNum[0].split("/").join("");
// Define variables for later use
App.globals.barReady = false;
App.globals.editsMade = false;
App.globals.editCount = 0;
App.globals.infoContent = '';
App.globals.spacerHTML = '<li class="wmd-spacer wmd-spacer3" id="wmd-spacer3-' + App.globals.questionNum + '" style="left: 400px !important;"></li>';
App.globals.buttonHTML = '<div id="ToolkitButtonWrapper"><button class="wmd-button" id="ToolkitFix"></button><div id="ToolkitInfo"></div></div>';
App.globals.reasons = [];
App.globals.numReasons = 0;
App.globals.replacedStrings = {
"block": [],
"inline": []
App.globals.placeHolders = {
"block": "_xCodexBlockxPlacexHolderx_",
"inline": "_xCodexInlinexPlacexHolderx_"
App.globals.checks = {
"block": /( )+.*/gm,
"inline": /`.*`/gm
// Assign modules here
App.globals.pipeMods = {};
// Define order in which mods affect here
App.globals.order = ["omit", "edit", "replace"];
// Define edit rules
App.edits = {
i: {
expr: /(^|\s|\()i(\s|,|\.|!|\?|;|\/|\)|'|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1I$2",
reason: "in English, the pronoun 'I' is capitalized"
so: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Ss]tack\s*overflow|StackOverflow(.|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1Stack Overflow$2",
reason: "'Stack Overflow' is the legal name"
se: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Ss]tack\s*exchange|StackExchange(.|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1Stack Exchange$2",
reason: "'Stack Exchange' is the legal name"
expansionSO: {
expr: /(^|\s)SO(\s|,|\.|!|\?|;|\/|\)|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1Stack Overflow$2",
reason: "'SO' expansion"
expansionSE: {
expr: /(^|\s)SE(\s|,|\.|!|\?|;|\/|\)|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1Stack Exchange$2",
reason: "'SE' expansion"
javascript: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Jj]ava\s*script(.|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1JavaScript$2",
reason: "'JavaScript' is the proper capitalization"
jsfiddle: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Jj][Ss]\s+[Ff]iddle(.|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1JSFiddle$2",
reason: "'JSFiddle' is the currently accepted capitalization"
caps: {
expr: /^(?!https?)([a-z])/gm,
replacement: "$1",
reason: "copy edited"
jquery: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Jj][Qq]uery(.|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1jQuery$2",
reason: "'jQuery' is the proper capitalization"
html: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Hh]tml(5|\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1HTML$2",
reason: "HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language"
css: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Cc]ss(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1CSS$2",
reason: "CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets"
json: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Jj]son(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1JSON$2",
reason: "JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation"
ajax: {
expr: /(^|\s)ajax(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1AJAX$2",
reason: "AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML"
angular: {
expr: /[Aa]ngular[Jj][Ss]/g,
replacement: "AngularJS",
reason: "'AngularJS is the proper capitalization"
thanks: {
expr: /(thanks|pl(?:ease|z|s)\s+h[ea]lp|cheers|regards|thx|thank\s+you|my\s+first\s+question|kindly\shelp).*$/gmi,
replacement: "",
reason: "'$1' is unnecessary noise"
commas: {
expr: /,([^\s])/g,
replacement: ", $1",
reason: "punctuation & spacing"
php: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Pp]hp(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1PHP$2",
reason: "PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"
hello: {
expr: /(?:^|\s)(hi\s+guys|hi|hello|good\s(?:evening|morning|day|afternoon))(?:\.|!|\ )/gmi,
replacement: "",
reason: "greetings like '$1' are unnecessary noise"
edit: {
expr: /(?:^\**)(edit|update):?(?:\**):?/gmi,
replacement: "",
reason: "Stack Exchange has an advanced revision history system: 'Edit' or 'Update' is unnecessary"
voting: {
expr: /([Dd]own|[Uu]p)[\s*\-]vot/g,
replacement: "$1vote",
reason: "the proper spelling (despite the tag name) is '$1vote' (one word)"
mysite: {
expr: /mysite\./g,
replacement: "example.",
reason: "links to mysite.domain are not allowed: use example.domain instead"
c: {
expr: /(^|\s)c(#|\++|\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1C$2",
reason: "C$2 is the proper capitalization"
java: {
expr: /(^|\s)java(\s|$)/gmi,
replacement: "$1Java$2",
reason: "Java should be capitalized"
sql: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Ss]ql(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1SQL$2",
reason: "SQL is the proper capitalization"
sqlite: {
expr: /(^|\s)[Ss]qlite([0-9]*)(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1SQLite$2$3",
reason: "SQLite is the proper capitalization"
android: {
expr: /(^|\s)android(\s|$)/gmi,
replacement: "$1Android$2",
reason: "Android should be capitalizaed"
oracle: {
expr: /(^|\s)oracle(\s|$)/gmi,
replacement: "$1Oracle$2",
reason: "Oracle should be capitalized"
windows: {
expr: /(win(?:\ ?)(\sxp|\svista|\s[0-9]+)|window(?:s))(\s|$)/igm,
replacement: "Windows$2$3",
reason: "Windows should be capitalized"
ubuntu: {
expr: /(ubunto|ubunut|ubunutu|ubunu|ubntu|ubutnu|ubanto[o?]|unbuntu|ubunt|ubutu)(\s|$)/igm,
replacement: "Ubuntu$2",
reason: "corrected Ubuntu spelling"
linux: {
expr: /(linux)(\s|$)/igm,
replacement: "Linux$2",
reason: "Linux should be capitalized"
apostrophes: {
expr: /(^|\s)(can|doesn|don|won|hasn|isn|didn)t(\s|$)/gmi,
replacement: "$1$2't$3",
reason: "English contractions use apostrophes"
ios: {
expr: /\b(?:ios|iOs|ioS|IOS|Ios|IoS|ioS)(\d|\s)/gm,
replacement: "iOS $2",
reason: "the proper usage is 'iOS' followed by a space and the version number"
caps: {
expr: /^((?=.*[A-Z])[^a-z]*)$/g,
replacement: "$1",
reason: "no need to yell"
wordpress: {
expr: /[Ww]ordpress/g,
replacement: "WordPress",
reason: "'WordPress' is the proper capitalization"
google: {
expr: /(google)(\s|$)/igm,
replacement: "Google$2",
reason: "Google is the proper capitalization"
mysql: {
expr: /(mysql)(\s|$)/igm,
replacement: "MySQL$2",
reason: "MySQL is the proper capitalization"
apache: {
expr: /(apache)(\s|$)/igm,
replacement: "Apache$2",
reason: "Apache is the proper capitalization"
git: {
expr: /(^|\s)(git|GIT)(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "$1Git$3",
reason: "Git is the proper capitalization"
harddisk: {
expr: /(hdd|harddisk)(\s|$)/igm,
replacement: "hard disk$2",
reason: "Hard disk is the proper capitalization"
github: {
expr: /\b([gG]ithub|GITHUB)(\s|$)/gm,
replacement: "GitHub$2",
reason: "GitHub is the proper capitalization"
// Populate funcs
App.popFuncs = function() {
// This is where the magic happens: this function takes a few pieces of information and applies edits to the post with a couple exceptions
App.funcs.fixIt = function(input, expression, replacement, reasoning) {
// Scan the post text using the expression to see if there are any matches
var match =;
// If so, increase the number of edits performed (used later for edit summary formation)
if (match !== -1) {
// Later, this will store what is removed for the first case
var phrase;
// Then, perform the edits using replace()
// What follows is a series of exceptions, which I will explain below; I perform special actions by overriding replace()
// This is used for removing things entirely without giving a replacement; it matches the expression and then replaces it with nothing
if (replacement === "") {
input = input.replace(expression, function(data, match1) {
// Save what is removed for the edit summary (see below)
phrase = match1;
// Replace with nothing
return "";
// This is an interesting tidbit: if you want to make the edit summaries dynamic, you can keep track of a match that you receive
// from overriding the replace() function and then use that in the summary
reasoning = reasoning.replace("$1", phrase);
// This allows me to combine the upvote and downvote replacement schemes into one
} else if (replacement == "$1vote") {
input = input.replace(expression, function(data, match1) {
phrase = match1;
return phrase + "vot";
reasoning = reasoning.replace("$1", phrase.toLowerCase());
// Fix all caps
} else if (reasoning === "no need to yell") {
input = input.replace(expression, function(data, match1) {
return match1.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + match1.substring(1).toLowerCase();
// This is used to capitalize letters; it merely takes what is matched, uppercases it, and replaces what was matched with the uppercased version
} else if (replacement === "$1") {
input = input.replace(expression, function(data, match1) {
return match1.toUpperCase();
// I can use C, C#, and C++ capitalization in one rule
} else if (replacement === "$1C$2") {
var newPhrase;
input = input.replace(expression, function(data, match1, match2) {
newPhrase = match2;
return match1 + "C" + match2;
reasoning = reasoning.replace("$2", newPhrase);
// iOS numbering/spacing fixes
} else if (replacement === "iOS $2") {
input = input.replace(expression, function(data, match1) {
if (match1.match(/\d/)) { // Is a number
return "iOS " + match1;
return "iOS" + match1;
// Default: just replace it with the indicated replacement
} else {
input = input.replace(expression, replacement);
// Return a dictionary with the reasoning for the fix and what is edited (used later to prevent duplicates in the edit summary)
return {
reason: reasoning,
fixed: input
} else {
// If nothing needs to be fixed, return null
return null;
// Omit code
App.funcs.omitCode = function(str, type) {
str = str.replace(App.globals.checks[type], function(match) {
return App.globals.placeHolders[type];
return str;
// Replace code
App.funcs.replaceCode = function(str, type) {
for (var i = 0; i < App.globals.replacedStrings[type].length; i++) {
str = str.replace(App.globals.placeHolders[type],
return str;
// Eliminate duplicates in array (awesome method I found on SO, check it out!)
// From AstroCB: the original structure of the edit formation prevents duplicates.
// Unless you changed that structure somehow, this shouldn't be needed.
App.funcs.eliminateDuplicates = function(arr) {
var i, len = arr.length,
out = [],
obj = {};
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
obj[arr[i]] = 0;
for (i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Prevents messiness of statements
return out;
App.funcs.applyListeners = function() { // Removes default Stack Exchange listeners; see
function removeEventListeners(e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
// CTRL/CMD + Enter -> Activate the auto-editor;
} else {
// It's impossible to remove the event listeners, so we have to clone the element without any listeners
var elClone = this.cloneNode(true);
// Tags box
// Edit summary box
// Wait for relevant dynamic content to finish loading
App.funcs.dynamicDelay = function(callback, id, inline) {
if (inline) { // Inline editing
setTimeout(function() {
App.selections.buttonBar = $('#wmd-button-bar-' + id);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
}, 500);
} else { // Question page editing
App.selections.buttonBar = $('#wmd-button-bar-' + id);
// When button bar updates, dynamic DOM is ready for selection
App.selections.buttonBar.unbind().on('DOMSubtreeModified', function() {
// Avoid running it more than once
if (!App.globals.barReady) {
App.globals.barReady = true;
// Run asynchronously - this lets the bar finish updating before continuing
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
// Populate or refresh DOM selections
App.funcs.popSelections = function() {
App.selections.redoButton = $('#wmd-redo-button-' + App.globals.questionNum);
App.selections.bodyBox = $("#wmd-input-" + App.globals.questionNum);
App.selections.titleBox = $(".ask-title-field");
App.selections.summaryBox = $("#edit-comment-" + App.globals.questionNum);
App.selections.tagField = $($(".tag-editor")[0]);
App.selections.submitButton = $("#submit-button-" + App.globals.questionNum);
// Populate edit item sets from DOM selections
App.funcs.popItems = function() {
App.items[0] = {
title: App.selections.titleBox.val(),
body: App.selections.bodyBox.val(),
summary: ''
// Insert editing button(s)
App.funcs.createButton = function() {
// Insert button
// Insert spacer
// Add new elements to selections
App.selections.buttonWrapper = $('#ToolkitButtonWrapper');
App.selections.buttonFix = $('#ToolkitFix');
App.selections.buttonInfo = $('#ToolkitInfo');
// Style button
App.funcs.styleButton = function() {
var buttonCSS = {
'position': 'relative',
'left': '430px',
'padding-top': '2%'
$("#wmd-help-button-" + App.globals.questionNum).css({
'padding': '0px'
'position': 'static',
'float': 'left',
'border-width': '0px',
'background-color': 'white',
'background-image': 'url("//")',
'background-size': '100% 100%',
'width': '18px',
'height': '18px',
'outline': 'none',
'box-shadow': 'none'
'position': 'static',
'float': 'left',
'margin-left': '5px',
'font-size': '12px',
'color': '#424242',
'line-height': '19px'
App.selections.buttonFix.hover(function() {
App.globals.infoContent = App.selections.buttonInfo.text();
App.selections.buttonInfo.text('Fix the content!');
'background-image': 'url("//")'
}, function() {
'background-image': 'url("//")'
// Listen to button click
App.funcs.listenButton = function() { {
if (!App.globals.editsMade) {
// Refresh item population
// Pipe data through editing modules
App.pipe(App.items, App.globals.pipeMods, App.globals.order);
App.globals.editsMade = true;
// Figure out the last selected element before pressing the button so we can return there after focusing the summary field
App.funcs.setLastFocus = function() { {
App.globals.lastSelectedElement = $(this);
}); {
App.globals.lastSelectedElement = $(this);
}); {
App.globals.lastSelectedElement = $(this);
}); {
App.globals.lastSelectedElement = $(this);
// Handle pipe output
App.funcs.output = function(data) {
if (App.selections.summaryBox.val()) {
data[0].summary = " " + data[0].summary; // Add a leading space if there's something already in the box
App.selections.summaryBox.val(App.selections.summaryBox.val() + data[0].summary);
// Update the comment: focusing on the input field to remove placeholder text, but scroll back to the user's original location
App.globals.currentPos = document.body.scrollTop;
if ($("#wmd-input")) {
} else {
window.scrollTo(0, App.globals.currentPos);
App.globals.infoContent = App.globals.editCount + ' changes made';
App.selections.buttonInfo.text(App.globals.editCount + ' changes made');
// Pipe data through modules in proper order, returning the result
App.pipe = function(data, mods, order) {
var modName;
for (var i in order) {
if (order.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
modName = order[i];
data = mods[modName](data);
// Init app
App.init = function(inline, targetID) {
// Check if there was an ID passed (if not, use question ID from URL);
if (!targetID) {
targetID = App.globals.questionNum;
App.funcs.dynamicDelay(function() {
}, targetID, inline);
App.globals.pipeMods.omit = function(data) {
data[0].body = App.funcs.omitCode(data[0].body, "block");
data[0].body = App.funcs.omitCode(data[0].body, "inline");
return data;
App.globals.pipeMods.replace = function(data) {
data[0].body = App.funcs.replaceCode(data[0].body, "block");
data[0].body = App.funcs.replaceCode(data[0].body, "inline");
return data;
App.globals.pipeMods.edit = function(data) {
// Visually confirm edit - SE makes it easy because the jQuery color animation plugin seems to be there by default
backgroundColor: '#c8ffa7'
}, 10);
backgroundColor: '#fff'
}, 1000);
// Loop through all editing rules
for (var j in App.edits) {
if (App.edits.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
// Check body
var fix = App.funcs.fixIt(data[0].body, App.edits[j].expr,
App.edits[j].replacement, App.edits[j].reason);
if (fix) {
App.globals.reasons[App.globals.numReasons] = fix.reason;
data[0].body = fix.fixed;
App.edits[j].fixed = true;
// Check title
fix = App.funcs.fixIt(data[0].title, App.edits[j].expr,
App.edits[j].replacement, App.edits[j].reason);
if (fix) {
data[0].title = fix.fixed;
if (!App.edits[j].fixed) {
App.globals.reasons[App.globals.numReasons] =
App.edits[j].fixed = true;
// Quickly focus the summary field to show generated edit summary, and then jump back
// Asynchronous to get in both focuses
setTimeout(function() {
if (App.globals.lastSelectedElement) {
} else {
}, 0);
// Eliminate duplicate reasons
App.globals.reasons = App.funcs.eliminateDuplicates(App.globals.reasons);
for (var z = 0; z < App.globals.reasons.length; z++) {
// Check that summary is not getting too long
if (data[0].summary.length < 200) {
// Capitalize first letter
if (z === 0) {
data[0].summary += App.globals.reasons[z][0].toUpperCase() +
// Post rest of reasons normally
} else {
data[0].summary += App.globals.reasons[z];
// Not the last reason
if (z !== App.globals.reasons.length - 1) {
data[0].summary += "; ";
// If at end, punctuate
} else {
data[0].summary += ".";
return data;
setTimeout(function() { // Allow post to load entirely
if ($(".edit-post")[0]) { // User has editing privileges; wait for button press
$(".edit-post").click(function(e) {
App.init(true,\d/g).join("")); // If there are multiple posts, we need to pass the post ID
} else if ($(".reviewable-post")[0]) { // H&I review queue
App.globals.questionNum = $(".reviewable-post")[0].getAttribute("class").match(/\d/g).join("");
$($(".review-actions")[0].children[0]).click(function(e) {
App.init(true, App.globals.questionNum);
} else { // User does not have editing privileges or is editing on question page; start immediately
}, 1000);
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