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Tiny Giant Tiny-Giant

  • Ladysmith, BC, Canada
View GitHub Profile
const deepmerge = (h, ...args) => {
const gettype = e =>*\b(\w+)./, '$1');
const o = {};
Object.assign(h, {
"Array": (a, b) => [...a, ...b],
"Object": (a, b) => deepmerge(h, a, b),
"Set": (a, b) => new Set([...a, ...b]),
"Map": (a, b) => {
// ==UserScript==
// @name CV Request Generator
// @namespace
// @version
// @description This script generates formatted close vote requests and sends them to a specified chat room
// @author @TinyGiant
// @include /^https?:\/\/(?!chat)\w*.?(||||||\/.*/
// @updateURL
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant unsafeWindow

Did I [do the right thing]?

From your description of the question, (irrelevant, screenshot now in question) yes. "Looks OK" was the correct action. It also probably shouldn't have been closed. (Disclaimer: I can't actually see the question; from your description, it could possibly be off-topic for "typographical error".) (irrelevant, screenshot now in question)

Copying from here:

For example, in Triage, clarify a few things:

  • It is completely okay to both downvote and review "Looks OK" on the same question.
  • "Requires Editing" should only be used if a decent edit could be made by 2K users, not the OP.

##What does the window object contain?

I was exploring the this keyword in the global scope, and discovered that this in that context refers to the window.

I logged the value of this to the console, and saw a huge list shown in the image below.

What does the list I'm seeing contain, and how is it populated?


/* jshint esnext: true */
const counts = {
NAA: { mod: 0, review: 0, owner: 0 },
VLQ: { mod: 0, review: 0, owner: 0 }
const start = 1;
const total = 2;

##What can I do when I find improper tagging paterns?

I sometimes notice improper tagging patterns, for example, today I noticed a pattern of posts involving [tag:fast-math] which did not include that tag.

Later, while reviewing and editing these posts I noticed a pattern of users tagging their questions with [tag:optimization] when they should be using [tag:compiler-optimization].

  • What can I do when I notice improper tagging patterns affecting a large number of posts?
    (Other than reviewing the affected posts)

  • Is there any criteria I should adhere to with regards to editing?

  • Something

    ####Hello World

  1. Foo

  2. Bar

    ####Bar World

  3. World

The Close Voter's Guide To Gimme Teh Codez:

How To Moderate How-To Questions

They are not inherently off-topic

It is a common misconception that questions "requesting code" are off-topic. Usually these people express their opinion with the following line:

We are not a code writing service

Yes we are. We write code. We do it all the time. People ask questions, we write code. This is not the only thing we do, but we do write code, and we are a service. So yes, we are a code writing service. Sorry to burst your bubble.

// ==UserScript==
// @namespace
// @description Makes a link to create new case on knowledge center VIN lookup page
// @include*
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name YPEC Fix
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
if (/ypecfix/i.test(window.location.href)) {