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Created May 31, 2020 11:19
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"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Jake, is that you? Are you going to let us in?",
"linkTitle": "Her Parents",
"href": "/wiki/Her_Parents"
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Ohh, he's so handsome! Oh, Bob, our daughter's finally found a handsome Rainicorn to love!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Well, we are a little blind.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Your house is very colorful. I like that!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Yes, we're eager to know about the studly young Rainicorn that's dating our daughter.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "I am a little curious about your goblin; he looks a little odd.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Oh, Bob, our future son in law must be filthy rich to afford a human butler!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Oh, oh! Let's play some traditional Rainicorn games!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Oh, I was hoping but I was afraid to ask!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Of course we do! Jake said you'd make a great lunch.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Don't you touch him!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "(gasp) You're a dog?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Finn, listen, I just want you to know how sorry we are about trying to eat you.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ethel Rainicorn",
"quote": "Oh, no, this is soy people. I've never tasted real human before, but they say you can't even tell the difference.",
"linkTitle": "Her Parents",
"href": "/wiki/Her_Parents"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "I didn't know he was chocolate.",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "I swear I found him like this; I don't know what happened!",
"linkTitle": "The Eyes",
"href": "/wiki/The_Eyes"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Better not say nothing, you!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Fine, fine, you can have it... when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Excuse me, but did you all say Land of the Dead?",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Certainly Finn, for a small price, which we can discuss later. Take my hands, gentlemen. Stare into where the two walls meet. Now slowly, cross your eyes. Do it, fools! The portal opens. Say 'hi' to Death for me if you see him, he lives in a castle made of light.",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "And don't drink the... *portal closes* water.",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Hello, Princess!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Ahem, Mr. Finn, Mr. Jake, I believe you still owe me something in exchange for that favor I did.",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "I'd like your flesh.",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "*sinister* I'm going to take it from you while you sleep!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "We're all candy here!",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Princess! I brought you some tea-AH! *hisses at possessed Princess Bubblegum*",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Hey, man! Calm down! It's just a prank, man, for laughs!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Behold! A plate of mashed carrots! Flavo-AAARGH! *screaming hysterically in pain*",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "*in great pain* Because I'm excited by this meal I made!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "He's eating the dirt. SPICE IT NOW!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "*singing* Get ready for the ultimate prize! Watch her lips puff before your eyes! Never in your life would you dream of this! Never in your freaking life!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Oh, no, Ogdoad, you will be mine!",
"linkTitle": "The Suitor",
"href": "/wiki/The_Suitor"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Alright, you guys, all you guys are gross. How long have you been waiting to court the princess?",
"linkTitle": "The Suitor",
"href": "/wiki/The_Suitor"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Well, you paid the price, no doubt. And I want to have your babies.",
"linkTitle": "The Suitor",
"href": "/wiki/The_Suitor"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "You should have given him to me!",
"linkTitle": "The Suitor",
"href": "/wiki/The_Suitor"
"character": "Peppermint Butler",
"quote": "Hey! You want three demon babies?",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Wildberry Princess",
"quote": "Oh, it's nothing really. Someone's trying to kill me. [...] It's no big deal! Finish your pie...",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Wildberry Princess",
"quote": "I found this note stabbed to my door!... man.",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Wildberry Princess",
"quote": "W-w-why would you say that?!",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Wildberry Princess",
"quote": "Oh my! Look at how close to the edge I am!",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Wildberry Princess",
"quote": "Oh, what if I made you my royal pet?",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Wildberry Princess",
"quote": "Oh, no this is a medical condition. I need a hospital.",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Wildberry Princess",
"quote": "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! My arm!",
"linkTitle": "Princess Monster Wife",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Monster_Wife_(episode)"
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "The prince shall be mine!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "Outta my way, tomboy!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "You should talk! Keeping all the babes to yourself, totally ice-blocking my game!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "NOT THIS TIME!!!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "This was so much easier than I thought it would be!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "You're what stands between me and my Gumball!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "You like my ice sword?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "Paws off my prince!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ice Queen",
"quote": "My magic powers!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "(to Finn) Ha ha ha ha ha! Jake's MY best friend now, forever!",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "(to Finn) No, Jake will be MINE!",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "(to Finn) You'll never defeat me! I WILL be Jake's best friend, because I'm Tiffany! (Finn spits on Tiffany) AAAAAAAHH!!",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "Well, well. From the shadows of dream, the dog wakes to find its—uh... (reads arm) the dog wakes to find its mangy tail flopping in the dust like a fish in a tree. That fish is me, Tiffany!",
"linkTitle": "One Last Job",
"href": "/wiki/One_Last_Job"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "I know that vault inside and out. Every guard rotation, every camera, every deadly trap, and that safe is locked up so tight, it makes me wanna spit out my guts and cry about it. YOU EVEN HAVE A PLAN, JAKE?!",
"linkTitle": "One Last Job",
"href": "/wiki/One_Last_Job"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "Just like old times, right, Jake? When we were blood, we'd follow each other into the jaws of Death... on a pale horse.",
"linkTitle": "One Last Job",
"href": "/wiki/One_Last_Job"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "Now, uh... (reads arm) I'm the dog, and you're the tail. Now you chase me! YOU CHASE MY DREAMS!",
"linkTitle": "One Last Job",
"href": "/wiki/One_Last_Job"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "Oh, crud! Jake, I love you! I love you!",
"linkTitle": "One Last Job",
"href": "/wiki/One_Last_Job"
"character": "Tiffany Oiler",
"quote": "[in Finn's mind] Tiffany! Finn, I'm gonna kill you!",
"linkTitle": "Dentist",
"href": "/wiki/Dentist"
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "Finn, it's hopeless to try to stop a thief here. Everyone steals from each other. It's ri-doo-doo-diculous.",
"linkTitle": "City of Thieves",
"href": "/wiki/City_of_Thieves_(episode)"
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "I have an idea. My mom used to tell me there's a King of Thieves who lives in the center of the city and everything that gets stolen from little girls ends up at his tower.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "Legend says you'll find the loot in the King of Thieves' chest.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "Of course it's not! I set you up to steal this chest of gold! I couldn't get past the barrier, because I'm a thief.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "You stole something in the city. Now YOU'RE a thief.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "I'm sorry, Finn. Let me give you some, uh, gems or some gold. Or, uh, have some knife in your neck!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "I feel clean, like all the filth of the city and wrongdoings are gone. Thank you, F and J. I haven't felt like this since I was young!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Penny",
"quote": "Finn, thank you for the second chance to live a purer life.",
"linkTitle": "City of Thieves",
"href": "/wiki/City_of_Thieves_(episode)"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Princess? It's me, Starchie the Grave Digger. I brought you a larger corpse shovel. Princess? Well, I'll just wait for you here then, by the mausoleum, with my back turned and my defenses lowered.",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "I can't help it; flesh is delicious!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Oh, oh, don't squeeze me; I'll fart! [farts]",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Starchie's feeling healthy again! A bit too healthy if you ask me.",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Starchie's a Beelzebub.",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Starchy",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Yeah, right. If Starchie survives that long.",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Oh my, that's a lot of zombies down there. Starchie's glad he's up here. Doo dee doo doo doo doo—[gets carried away by flying zombie] Dang it!",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "In your dreams, you freak!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Starchie only takes magic!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Princess, you're being really disrespectful of my beliefs.",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Cough,cough. Boy, that's some smelly.",
"linkTitle": "Billy's Bucket List",
"href": "/wiki/Billy%27s_Bucket_List"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "I officially call this meeting of the Veritas Brigade to order. Lux in Tenebris",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Whoa! This is some good stuff. We are finally this close to exposing the Princess' shady dealings. Meanwhile, PB remains blissfully unaware up in her ivory tower.",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Whoa, Kenny boy, you're blowing my mind.",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Hey Peace Master, Ohh! My noodle.",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "It's all cool, Peace Master. Truth Sleuths keep it real.",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "Oh, this is a mistake. That's my boy Peppermint Butler.",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Starchy",
"quote": "You can't do that to our friend!",
"linkTitle": "Nemesis",
"href": "/wiki/Nemesis"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "Hmm? Hohoho, gleeble bayble grapes, you're just in time. Bayble Cuber's bound to watch an inkledribble adventure from days of old, on my Holo-Pyramid Viewer. Five stories - each relating to one special theme. See if you Graybles can guess the theme by the end of the episode, OK? Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.",
"linkTitle": "Five Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "What? What's that? You haven't guessed it? Oh, I'm sorry. Well, pause your viewer now to think about it before I belable it to you ...The theme was the five senses, you see? Look: BMO SAW his reflection, Finn and Jake TOUCHED their hands together, the princess made a TASTY sandwich, the blue guy SMELLED bad, and the other thing HEARD music.",
"linkTitle": "Five Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "Ho ho, what a treat! OK well, I'll see you crimpy glimmers on triode flimpin' the diode, ah ha ha hmm! (waves)",
"linkTitle": "Five Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "Here for more graybles, I reckon?",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "Now you've got it. I can tell. The theme is the five tastes.\nYou see, Jake ate a SWEET plum. Marceline played some SAVORY licks. Tree Trunks had a SOUR taste inside her mouth, oh my. Gunter wanted to taste the SALTY tears and Football's tea was BITTER.",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "Huh? What’s that you say? You thought the theme was the five fingers? (laughs) Don’t be silly! No one's had five fingers for twenty blablillion glaybles. Five telepathy glands maybe. Ah… slimmin'. Well anyway, looks like it’s that time again. I’ll see you crimpy glimmers on triode flimpin’ the diode!",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "Now, look to my visualizer screen and let this exciting grayble dribble all over your mind label.",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Cuber",
"quote": "Oh, hello. Here for more graybles I presume. Well you've come to the right computer-fable. Feast your eyes-mabel on my holo-pyramid viewer and--Huh? What's that you say? Not in the mood for graybles, you say? Oh dear.",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Hi Jake, why are you lookin' so down in the dumps?No response, huh? Guess you're good.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Hey, Jake, why don't you just hang out with both of them at the same time?",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "You can just call me Shelby.",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Check please.",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "And so it was decided, that once a year when the weather got chilly, that Finn, Jake, The Ice King, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline the Vampire Queen, Cinnamon Bun, Peppermint Butler, Phil, a Candy Cane Man, one of the Gumdrop Girls, Lady Rainicorn, Lumpy Space Princess, that guy, the other guy, a pig, Tree Trunks, a two-headed duck, the old crazy Tart Toter, the Punch Bowl, a booger and Gunther would get together while wearing really big sweaters and watch videos on the floor next to a fire, to celebrate the day that Finn and Jake had a fleeting moment of empathy for the biggest weirdo in Ooo. It was a miracle. Good night.",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part II",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_II"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Hey, Tree Trunks! Hey! Tree Trunks! How are you?",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Yes, just reading this book.",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "What? (confused) Uh uh oh, ohhhhhh I get it. (laughs)",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Where am I? Tree Trunks, What's going on?",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Behind this door on every floor, danger danger evermore.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Uh, Lemongrab.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Nevermind.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "I think I have an idea.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "That's a girl, Tree Trunks! You can do it!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "This is all gonna work out just fine.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Yay! Tree Trunks.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Faster, TT.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Uh, what is going on here Ice King.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Yeah, but no thanks.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Uh, you should have told us, I would have freaking brought something.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Hey Jake, can I hitch a ride back home.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Ice King was doing some desperate business, it didn't work out and he's pretty bummed out about it.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Shelby",
"quote": "Me, watching this.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Sometimes I do [drink blood], but it's not the blood that I like. It's the color.",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I eat shades of red.",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I've seen some stuff that would really make you say \"like what?\"",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I'm not mean. I'm a thousand years old, and I just lost track of my moral code.",
"linkTitle": "House Hunting Song",
"href": "/wiki/House_Hunting_Song"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "\"Henchman for life\" means, \"HENCHMAN FOR LIFE!\"",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Oh, if it isn't my favorite goody-two-shoes Finn.",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "(mocking Finn) Ooh, \"My code of honor wouldn't allow it.\"",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Yes, Jake? What would you like to talk about?",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Sounds like dinner.",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Hey, Finn, are you thinking about how that guy's bow tie sorta looked like a bra?",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Corpses buried in mud that's black, from death I command you to come back!",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Are you ready to lead an evil army of the undead?",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I wrote this next song about a fisherman.",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "You should've hacked it to pieces when it was still adorable...",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Yeah, it hurts, but I kinda like it. Reminds me when I'd scrape my knees up as a kid, and my mom would patch me up. You know what I'm saying?",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "So, Finn, I need you to strangle some pixies.",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "[...] maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "My dad stole my bass guitar, Finn!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I just want my dad to notice me.",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Yeah, it'll be funny.",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Hello, Bonnibel.",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": ""
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "If you show Bubblegum you're fun, she'll defs wanna go to the movies with you.",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "The only thing women love more than fun is excitement. She needs to feel her blood pump, man! She needs to... BE CHASED BY WOLVES!",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Come on, Finn, a brainlord like Bonnie? You'd be bored with her in a week.",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Vampire kick!",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Vampires can't beat ghosts. It's like a rock-paper-scissors thing.",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Hambo is my only friend.",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I'm hurting you because I love you.",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "What are you guys still doing here?",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Nope, but there might be anything behind that cellar door, and it rhymes with memory core!",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Daddy, why?",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "That was my favorite thing in the whole world!",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "That's the last straw, Ash! That's it! You're a psycho jerk and you ruined my life!",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "IT'S OVER, YOU PSYCHO!!!",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Finn, I think I'd like to wake up now.",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "They broke out because you let them live.",
"linkTitle": "What Was Missing",
"href": "/wiki/What_Was_Missing"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Ha! Looks like you're not as perfect as you thought. Guess you can't judge me anymore.",
"linkTitle": "What Was Missing",
"href": "/wiki/What_Was_Missing"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Stay away from me! FOREVEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!",
"linkTitle": "Return to the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/Return_to_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Hey guys, wanna come party in the Nightosphere with me? I visited my dad and it's crazy boring.",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Yeah, I want you to be proud. I want you to be proud of me!",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Stop acting crazy!",
"linkTitle": "I Remember You",
"href": "/wiki/I_Remember_You"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "You know, I’m actually glad to see you.\nMaybe I’m the one who’s... nuts.",
"linkTitle": "I Remember You",
"href": ""
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "You don't remember anything, do you SIMON?!",
"linkTitle": "I Remember You",
"href": "/wiki/I_Remember_You"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Well, he's very dear to my heart. I love him.",
"linkTitle": "Simon & Marcy",
"href": "/wiki/Simon_%26_Marcy"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I love you, Simon.",
"linkTitle": "Simon & Marcy",
"href": "/wiki/Simon_%26_Marcy"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "You... ate all... MY RED!",
"linkTitle": "Red Starved",
"href": "/wiki/Red_Starved"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "Jake, I don't wanna hurt you. But you should know things get crazy when I'm hungry.",
"linkTitle": "Red Starved",
"href": "/wiki/Red_Starved"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I'm gonna go into feral mode. [sighs] It's not gonna be pretty.",
"linkTitle": "Red Starved",
"href": "/wiki/Red_Starved"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "[in raspy voice] Get me a bucket of lava, Jake.",
"linkTitle": "Red Starved",
"href": "/wiki/Red_Starved"
"character": "Marceline",
"quote": "I can smell your insides, Jake. [chuckles] They smell... red!",
"linkTitle": "Red Starved",
"href": "/wiki/Red_Starved"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "Hello? Am I in the right room?",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "I'm Lemongrab!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "All in favor of pardoning the prisoners? [...] Pardons for all!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "...and cares by yelling! Hmm!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "But call first!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "I looked deep inside myself and found that I'm a guy who can't stop making candy life from the food he needs.",
"linkTitle": "All Your Fault",
"href": "/wiki/All_Your_Fault"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "Who cares anyway? They've brought no food! We're all going to die!",
"linkTitle": "All Your Fault",
"href": "/wiki/All_Your_Fault"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "Dearest brother, I really think Lemon-Sweets would rather go to bed.",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "The end! My end!",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "Come, one and all, and join the dance!",
"linkTitle": "Too Old",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Old"
"character": "Lemongrab 2",
"quote": "Lemon brothers! Stop! Stop and listen! It has cost me much, but I have learned that lemon need not squeeze lemon to survive. Lemonhope, go forth, grow strong, and return for us!",
"linkTitle": "Too Old",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Old"
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "I am Paper Pete, the leader of the Pagelings, but you can call me PP!",
"linkTitle": "Paper Pete",
"href": "/wiki/Paper_Pete_(episode)"
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "We are the secret guardians of the books in the library. You know those blank pieces of paper in the beginning of old books? That's us! We revealed ourselves to you, noble giant, because you felt our plight when you saw the damaged books - and now is our darkest hour, for the Moldos have been growing more bold with every attack. Look at the damage done yesterday at the battle of teddy bear joke book!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "They're massing for a full scale assault on every book in the library!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "We don't want to reveal ourselves to anyone else, we are the secret guardians. Secret.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "Very well, we shall dance as flowers!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "By wearing the beast (Jake), we shall become like the beast!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "We can't wait any longer. We must go back to the bookshelf to prepare for the Moldos attack.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "(Gasps) We were gone too long! Wield my brethren, wield!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "Aye, this was but a reconnaissance squad. Sent to test our marrow!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "Their bites sting like the dickens.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "You've discovered the Moldoses' secret lair!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "Finn: I've come to help the Moldos defeat the Pagelings.\nPaper Pete: Traitor! Hi ya! (starts attacking Finn to no effect)\nFinn: Calm down, this is part of my plan.\nPaper Pete: Ohh, haha. Then I shall play along wise giant!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "May you rot in Tartarus, may your skin boil, and eyes burst into flames, forever in a pit!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "Well played, o giant! You have the cunning of Odysseus!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Paper Pete (character)",
"quote": "Giant! Have you wiped out the Moldo horde?",
"linkTitle": "Paper Pete",
"href": "/wiki/Paper_Pete_(episode)"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "I am incapable of emotion, but you are making me chafed!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Who wants to play video games?",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Battery low. Shutdown.",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Oh no, it's much more dangerous than you think!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "If I push this button, you will both be dangerously transported into my main brain game frame, where it is very dangerous.",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "No! It's a far-too-dangerous incredible adventure for you! That's final.",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Use the combo move, Finn! The combo move!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "This does compute!",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "BMO is camera!",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Check, please.",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "When bad things happen, I know you want to believe they are a joke, but sometimes life is scary and dark. That is why we must find the light.",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Yes, Finn. It goes in my butt.",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part I",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_I"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "My alarm says it's time for Finn's bath. Finn, get naked.",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part I",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_I"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "If anyone tries to hurt Finn, I will kill them.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Bow to your sensei.",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "No, I do not play such games... with Jake.",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "BMO Chop! If this were a real attack, you'd be dead.",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Guess who's late for their video chat.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Sure he's a dirt bag born out of a mother, but who's not?",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "I feel like I got hit with a Dracula by King Kong.",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "She's red hot like pizza supper!",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "My face! Finn! Jake! Kiss my face!",
"linkTitle": "BMO Lost",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Lost"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "All right, last night, an electric presence came into my room and said, \"BMO, I need your perfect body to host the human incarnation of a baby!\"",
"linkTitle": "James Baxter the Horse",
"href": "/wiki/James_Baxter_the_Horse_(episode)"
"character": "BMO",
"quote": "Finn, you're dumb- you're dumb- you're dumb- you're da man! This is gonna be a snap!",
"linkTitle": "Be More",
"href": "/wiki/Be_More"
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "What happened to them, husband?",
"linkTitle": "Princess Monster Wife",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Monster_Wife_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "Is there something wrong with me? The way I am... it's not normal, is it?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "Princess Monster Wife: I need a glass of water.\nIce King: Ooh, I'll go get it-\nPrincess Monster Wife: No, it's okay. I'll get it.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "(looking at her reflection) You are not normal; you are a monster! Monster! A monster!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "I don't feel beautiful. I feel like a freak.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "You should just find another princess to marry, I'm unlovable!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "Ice King: Girl I love you as much as all the other princesses in the world combined.\nPrincess Monster Wife: You don't really mean that...",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "I'm just a bunch of stolen parts?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "But who am I?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "You'd love me even without these other princesses's parts?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Princess Monster Wife (character)",
"quote": "Though my parts be scattered, I shall always be your wife.",
"linkTitle": "Princess Monster Wife",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Monster_Wife_(episode)"
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "I call this chair!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "You put on some pants!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "This game cheats!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "Everybody's gettin' mad at me for nothing!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "Jake, somebody broke your... um... entire living room.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "Ah! Master Finn has returned. [...] Thanks to you, I shall never be jerky again!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "(Singing) Eight ounces, eight glasses, eight days a week.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "(Singing) Gotta get pants! Go get your pants! Button... fly!I wrote that one myself.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "(Singing) Comb your hair right! It's a good time! Sticky, sticky pomade. Short back and sides!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Donny (character)",
"quote": "Hey, I love being a jerk! Thanks, Finn. Finn? Finn, you loser. I'll... never... forget you!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Well, he's right. I only entered this contest 'cause I thought the prize would be money... but it's just a kiss!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Blegh, no way! If I were the winner, I would turn my face so our lips wouldn't touch, and I would push Princess away! Turn and push, turn and push...",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Well, I'm going back to my cave to wait for someone to kill me. Goodbye.",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "My body is squishy. That's how I survived.",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Yes, I did it! I really did it! I'm a true wizard!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Thank you, Grand Master Wizard. I guess through this trial I have become a great wizard. I came here with no self esteem and no chances, a will-o-wisp of a boy, but I walk out this arena a man! A confident man, who deserves a kiss from a princess!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Oh, guys, I don't know. That's not my place; I just work here, and I...",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "This isn't happening! Ouch!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Bubblegum, I hereby challenge you to an honorable prison stabbing to the death!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "Strike me down, and restore my honor.",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Abracadaniel",
"quote": "...Ooooooh! (Makes rainbow magic with his wand)",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Hey, how's it going?",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Is that true what the bird said? You guys are heroes?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Oh, I wasn't hiding. I'm a tree witch. I can turn into trees and bushes and shrubs and stuff. Check it out.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "So, listen. I need you two heroes to get me a lock of princess hair.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Why? 'Cause I have a balding problem. What are you, blind? Are you blind?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Anyway, I need the princess hair so I can put it on my head, and then I'll be beautiful.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "I don't mind if you have a GF.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Hey, how would you court me?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "There. Now someone's in danger.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "What? You forget I'm a witch?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Well, maybe you should get me some princess hair, so maybe your friend doesn't get sucked into my bottomless bottom!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Wait! You can't tell anyone why you need it.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "I don't want anyone to know I have a balding problem.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "I'm gonna look so beautiful... Invited to all the parties.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Ah! Quiet down! I'm daydreaming!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "My cat had kittens... and I'm thinking of naming one \"Little Whiner.\" What do you think? Is that a good name?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "This isn't hair! It's bubblegum!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Well, I guess you failed. Say goodbye to your dog.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "He's right. Well, don't get me wrong, I know I'm ugly... and evil.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "But I thought if I had some beautiful hair, I could learn how to love myself. (sobs)",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "(shocked) You'd really give me your hair?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "Thank you, Finn. And now to use my hair for evil.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "'Cause I'm evil! (cackle, cackle) What'd you want from me?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Tree Witch",
"quote": "OW! Oh, Oh... I think I fractured a branch.",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Nothung!",
"linkTitle": "His Hero",
"href": "/wiki/His_Hero"
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Yep, it's me.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Aww, that'd be a waste of time.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "No, I was talking about beating up monsters. It's as pointless as a dog chasing his own tail.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "You know where she is right now? She's probably being eaten by a different monster. She's probably dead.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "In my youth, I was much like you. Motivated, head strong, wore a silly little outfit. Even had a magic dog.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "All my life I've beaten on evil creatures, (sigh) but new evil keep [sic] popping up! Kicking their butts was a hopeless effort!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Non-violently. Help people by being active in your community!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Aw I don't--I don't want to buy anything!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Don't you see how pointless it is? You know what's probably happening to that Old Lady right now? She's probably dead!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Hm. Perhaps you're right. (groans) It's as if your words are filling a void in my very being. You wanna watch?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Nothung! Finn and Jake, truly, you are my heroes.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Now you're freaking me out!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Get outta here!",
"linkTitle": "His Hero",
"href": "/wiki/His_Hero"
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Not Joshua! Your other dad. Dad the Human.",
"linkTitle": "Billy's Bucket List",
"href": "/wiki/Billy%27s_Bucket_List"
"character": "Billy",
"quote": "Your father, Finn. He's alive.",
"linkTitle": "Billy's Bucket List",
"href": "/wiki/Billy%27s_Bucket_List"
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "Yeah, thanks, Finn. I'm excited to learn.",
"linkTitle": "Goliad",
"href": "/wiki/Goliad_(episode)"
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "Jake, these kids seem pretty scary...",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "Yeah, I think so, Finn. I've learned a real lot already so far. So much. From Jake.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "Alright, listen up! You kids better stop donking around and get up that ramp! You're gonna mess up Goliad! I'm Don Juan Cherry Temp—Cherry Tempo! It's my way or the highway, glob-dobbit!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "My brain? Are you sure?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "No, Finn. This way's good. Everyone did what I wanted. Really fast, no mistakes, calm like you said. This is definitely the way to lead. Definitely.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "No, Princess. Bee cares not for flower. If getting pollen hurt or killed flower, bee would not care. Bee is stronger than flower. Goliad is stronger than bee. Goliad is stronger than all.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "No, Princess. This is my castle now.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "Wait, brother. Why must we fight? Rule with me! [...] No, brother. Don't you see? They're turning us against— [...] So be it...",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Goliad (character)",
"quote": "Hi, Finn. Hi, Jake.",
"linkTitle": "Goliad",
"href": "/wiki/Goliad_(episode)"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "These jelly kinders aren't alive, are they?",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "Sounds like it's gonna be large.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "You want me to... go with you to the ball?",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "Ice Queen, why are you always predatoring on dudes?",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "I'm sure when he said, \"Go out,\" he meant, \"Go out,\" not, \"GO OUT.\"",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "Come on, you heard what he said. I'm like his guy friend.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "A crystal sword! I'm all about swords! How did you know?",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "But I'm gonna kick your butt! Not that I'm thinking of butts...",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "It was a date! There was singing and junk!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "This is really messed up, Ice Queen! What is your problem with me!?",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "I can't believe I fell for this trash! You got me to show up in a dress and a purse... my purse! My sword!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "No! You might catch her crazy!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "I think the reason I got all these guy friends and no boyfriend is because I don't really wanna date any of 'em. I don't need to feel like I'm waiting to be noticed. I know who I am and I'll know what I want if and when it ever comes along.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "But there is one guy I'd do anything to date: the Ice King.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "Ugh. Sometimes Gumball's missions can be so lame",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "Bad little boy. That's what you're acting like, but I really don't buy your that kind of guy.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "Look, I don't care your being a jerk to me, but nobody messes with Cake",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Fionna",
"quote": "I-I get that you flirt with me all the time and it's funny and whatever, but your doing that now!? What are you trying to do to my head!? You think I've got some little crush on you? Well, for however long we have left . . . for once drop it you freak!",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Quiet... or you die!",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "But once I take out a princess, I gaduate [sic] to full membership.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Yes I know, but since you've blown my cover you will slay Wildberry Princess!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Blech! It's like warm garbage up in here!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Grrraaah! You liar!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Okay Jake, I've injected half the poison and you'll be dead in 30 minutes, unless you kill the princess, which is when I'll give you the antidote.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "If you say anything I'll stab you in the brain!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "(While sleeping) Gonna double-cross Jake... and leave him to die...",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Time's running out Jake! Do you want the antidote or not?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Do it, Jake! Do iiiiit!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "The name's Me-Mow!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Try it, oaf!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "We'll see who's laughing... when you're blind!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "What? This antidote? (Smashes vial)",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "Forget it kid. I gave Jake enough poison to kill a dog fifty times his size!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "A magic dog?! Nooo!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Me-Mow",
"quote": "You've ruined me! I have to wait a whole year to retake the assassin's test!",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "Dad! The manual's a buncha junk! Just give us a chance.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "수학! [suhag!] Mathematical!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "아빠 몸체이동! [abba momche idong!] Move Dad into body!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "무지개 뱅! [mujigae baeng!] Rainbow bang!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "Ya see, Dad? We flippin’ crushed it. Crushed it!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "Ta-da! I totally double-crossed you!",
"linkTitle": "One Last Job",
"href": "/wiki/One_Last_Job"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "Ya havin' fun, Dad?",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "Oh, sorry. It's cool. I'm just thinking about the future, I guess. We're on, like, the bleeding edge of history. Everything ahead of us is totally unknown, and there's no guarantee that things are going to be all right. It's exciting, but it's also pretty scary. You know?",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "Mom has some weird taste in men.",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "HEY, why are you trying to steal my dad's stuff!?!",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Jake Jr.",
"quote": "Man, you can't steal, dummy.",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Heh? Stop meddling, boy! You and your magical dog can't harm me.",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I'm going to make one marry me!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Your hat is stupid!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Now I've got you, boy!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Fool! Your powers are no match for my magical crown!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "My powers! Foul and noisome whelp! You've not seen the last of my wintery fangs! I'll cleave the warmth from your bones and stop still your beating heart with my claaaaws...",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Do you know what 'Ice King' means?!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Ladies! I brought you a baby, and a puppy!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I'll show you fun. Fun is my middle name!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Play it or I'll squish you into juice!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I am the king! I am the king of c-c-cool!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Ooh, are you trying to hit me? Well, excuse me because I have to go potty in the bathroom.",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Who are you? Ha ha ha! I know, you're probably a... a biiiiiiig neeeerd! Hey baby, why don't you try being cool like me?",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "This is my domain!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Fat! Fat! Fat! Daddy's little fatty. Oh, you'll never get a prom date with all that tub on your face, you know?",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Finn? Ugh! Why can't you ever be a princess?",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Finish him off, my semi-loyal pet!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Now finally I can kill you! Oh, wait. Wait, wait... I am so stupid. Silly billy. I came by to tell you the good news. I'm getting married to someone who wants to marry me.\"",
"linkTitle": "When Wedding Bells Thaw",
"href": "/wiki/When_Wedding_Bells_Thaw"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Strangling the groom's nose at a wedding?! What's wrong with you?!",
"linkTitle": "When Wedding Bells Thaw",
"href": "/wiki/When_Wedding_Bells_Thaw"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Gunter, who told you you could fly?",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "No one sucks the life from my penguins except me... and maybe polar bears, because that's just nature, Gunter.",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "You've raised my frosty dander!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I've soiled my tunic, completely by choice!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Finn! You have destroyed my faith in canned peanut brittle!",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "These bars won't hold me forever! Hey, there's only like two of them.",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I'm toying with you... psychologically!",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm rockin' your world view!",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "So, let me get this straight. You're hitting on me.",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I'm a banana!!",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Oh, well... Gunter, dispose of Finn's carcass.",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Gunter, you're embarrassing me!",
"linkTitle": "The Chamber of Frozen Blades",
"href": "/wiki/The_Chamber_of_Frozen_Blades"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Gunter was preggers!",
"linkTitle": "The Chamber of Frozen Blades",
"href": "/wiki/The_Chamber_of_Frozen_Blades"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Oh. I... I see. It's all making sense now. Brrrrapapo! (Blasts window with ice magic, shattering it) I'm going, Princess. I'm sorry if my skin grossed you out. Nobody wants to see this old skin, I guess. (Tearing up) Nobody in the world.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Hey. I had to keep an eye on the Princess because she's being possessed by the Lich.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Because when you have stanky old Wizard Eyes, sometimes you see things that are real, and other times it's like crazy, crazy, crazy, in your face, all the time. (sighs) All the time.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Okay, I didn't kill her this time. Everybody saw that, right?",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Whoa! You are fast... and quiet... and very good at dramatic silence. I like it.",
"linkTitle": "Hitman",
"href": "/wiki/Hitman"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "No! Come back, you wussy!",
"linkTitle": "Hitman",
"href": "/wiki/Hitman"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Look, a supermodel! Look, a hoverboard! Look, the apocalypse! Someone got hit in the boingloings! Hit in the boingloings! Boingloings! Boingloings! Somebody got hit in them. Peace out!",
"linkTitle": "Hitman",
"href": "/wiki/Hitman"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I take artful black-and-white photographs of my penguin's body parts.",
"linkTitle": "Still",
"href": "/wiki/Still"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "How 'bout me? Put me on the grid, scale of 1 to 10. 1 is \"totally gross,\" 10 is like, \"Hey, Ice King. You look crazy siiiiick!\"",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "(reading his Fionna & Cake fan-fiction) 'Ice King is the hottest hottie, and I can't wait to marry him!' said Fionna. Then, she turned to Prince Gumball and said, 'I hope Ice King will sweep me off my feet and take me to the farthest corner of Ooo, where we will do nothing but kiss and eat a whole bunch, until we get fat and die.' The end.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Iniceable Vincearmor...",
"linkTitle": "Thank You",
"href": "/wiki/Thank_You"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "(As Simon Petrikov) After purchasing this crown from an old dock worker in Northern Scandinavia, I brought it home and excitedly showed my fiance, Betty. I jokingly put it on my head just for a laugh or something. And that's when it started... the visions. I fought with them, shouted at them until I realized it wasn't real, it was the crown! I quickly took it off, and saw my fiancee in front of me, looking at me with such contempt! What had I said? What had I done when I wore this crown? All I know is, I never saw Betty again.",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part II",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_II"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "(As Simon Petrikov) I know my mind is changing... but I'm already gone too far to know what to do. I want people to know that... if I do things that... if I do things that hurt anyone, please, please forgive me.",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part II",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_II"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "(As Simon Petrikov) Just watch over me until I can find my way out of this labyrinth in my brain and regain my sanity. And then maybe Betty, my princess... maybe you will love me again. Please love me again, Betty!",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part II",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_II"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Now you know my secret! You know... that I used to wear glasses!",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part II",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_II"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Gunter, are you blowin' it up in here? You are nasty, Gunter. You got a nasty booty, mister. Nasty!",
"linkTitle": "Five Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Sorry. I thought you had a stank booty, Gunter. My bad.",
"linkTitle": "Five Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Trust me! We are turbros! Turbo bros! Tur... bros... turbo... bros.",
"linkTitle": "Beyond this Earthly Realm",
"href": "/wiki/Beyond_this_Earthly_Realm"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "\"What do you think, Finn? Can we pull back the veil of static and reach in to the source of all being? Behind this curtain of patterns, this random pattern generator. So clever. Right here in every home, watching us from a one-sided mirror.\"",
"linkTitle": "Beyond this Earthly Realm",
"href": "/wiki/Beyond_this_Earthly_Realm"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Wizards only, fools, keep it tight.",
"linkTitle": "Reign of Gunters",
"href": "/wiki/Reign_of_Gunters"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "J. T. Dawgzone always says, 'Ladies are drawn to bros. with tortured pasts.' And I've got a way tortured past! I think. I don't really . . . re . . . hmm.",
"linkTitle": "I Remember You",
"href": "/wiki/I_Remember_You"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I just wanted to be loved!",
"linkTitle": "I Remember You",
"href": "/wiki/I_Remember_You"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Huh? Oh. Now where were we? To free yourself from this tomb, and never more re-enter, find the room amidst the rooms that lies exactly center?",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Ah! Alright! I knocked you out and brought you here! I'm sorry, but I had to do it. Each of you possess the exact qualities to pass the various tests of this dungeon. Tree Trunks, with your baking skills! Lemongrab, with your lemon-y juice! Yeah... Shelby, who should have been the bait for the fish. And BMO, who should of been here instead of this weird piece of junk that I don't remember nothing about. Ah, but I've failed!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Now you see why I need to bring you here. Behold the Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving! [...] Anything goes in the Magi's ice flames comes to life! Anything at all! [...] Yes! isn't it amazing? [...] Don't be sad, because I've brought the ultimate thing! This! [...] Except it's not my journal! It's my Fionna and Cake fan fiction! All my brilliant fantasies will now be real! Fionna, Cake, Marshall Lee, will all be living breathing beings just like me!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I know you are out there somewhere. I just haven't figured out how to get to you. But believe me, I will. I will.",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "I love you too . . . Gunter.",
"linkTitle": "Simon & Marcy",
"href": "/wiki/Simon_%26_Marcy"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "This island doesn't have a lady, this island is a lady!",
"linkTitle": "The Party's Over, Isla de Señorita",
"href": "/wiki/The_Party%27s_Over,_Isla_de_Se%C3%B1orita"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Yeah, well PB is just so closed off to her emotions.\nShe crushes the relationship so she doesn't even have to develop feelings.",
"linkTitle": "The Party's Over, Isla de Señorita",
"href": "/wiki/The_Party%27s_Over,_Isla_de_Se%C3%B1orita"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Banana Guards yourself, Princess!",
"linkTitle": "The Party's Over, Isla de Señorita",
"href": "/wiki/The_Party%27s_Over,_Isla_de_Se%C3%B1orita"
"character": "Ice King",
"quote": "Oh, hey, kids! Fine day for a picnic.",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Grand Master Wizard",
"quote": "Ladies and gentlemen, I am the Grand Master Wizard of ceremonies, and now the rules: Contestants will fight each other with spells from the eight schools of magic. No science, Science Whyzard! No weapons, Weapon Head! To enter wizard battle, you must be a wizard!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Grand Master Wizard",
"quote": "No! No one is allowed to exit Wizard Battle! The doors are shut, the sky barrier is in place, all of you will kiss the princess or die in battle.",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Grand Master Wizard",
"quote": "It appears you have knocked Abracadaniel using the most shameful of all magic, a power shriek. But since you are the last wizard, you are the winner of Wizard Battle!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Grand Master Wizard",
"quote": "Wizard Prison! All of you! WIZARD PRISON!!!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Grand Master Wizard",
"quote": "Aw cram, HERE WE GO!",
"linkTitle": null
"character": "Grand Master Wizard",
"quote": "Bella Noche is a being of pure anti-magic. Y'alls got played!!",
"linkTitle": "Betty",
"href": "/wiki/Betty"
"character": "Grand Master Wizard",
"quote": "We're toast, bro.",
"linkTitle": "Betty",
"href": "/wiki/Betty"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "And then, I ate all the peaches in the orchard. And that farmer was so angry...",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Hop on my back! I'll give you both a ride home.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Come on my darling. Wrap your legs around me.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Well, light travels from the sun. Then, bounces off of our planet, and back into our eyes so we can perceive color. My body can intercept that light and dance around on it!",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Do you wanna try gettin' some, Finn?",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "I thought you were behind us this whole time.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Oh, Honeypie. We probably couldn't hear you because of the cloud density.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "I like you too, Finn.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "(Gasp) Jake, what are you doing?",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Jake, what's going on with you?",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "I'm hangin' out with Finn because you wanted us to get to know each other better.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Oh, sweet potato, I love you BECAUSE you're an idiot. You make me feel like a genius.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "Jake, I am Pregnant!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "좋아, 나 잡아봐봐~ [Na jab-a-bwa-bwa~]Sure, catch me if you can!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "뭐? 나? 웃겨 정말. 좋아 그래! 하자. [Mwo? Na? Ut-gyeo jeong-mal. Joa. Geu-rae, Ha-ja.]Who? Me? So silly. Alright, let's do it.",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "안녕! [An-nyeong!]Hi!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "진짜로. [Jin-jja-ro.]Indeed.",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "고마워. [Go-ma-wo.]Thanks.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "(Yawns) 자러 가야겠다. [(Yawns) Ja-reo ga-ya-getda.](Yawns) I may have to go to sleep.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "미안해. [Mi-a-nae.]I'm sorry.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "네가 늦게 왔잖아. [Ne ga neut-ge wat-jana.]It's because you came late.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "잘 자. [Jal ja.]Good Night.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "맞아. [Ma-ja.]You're right.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "누구세요? [Nu-gu-se-yo?]Who is it?",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "어, 나도 들었어. 뭐야, 하나도 재미없잖아. [Eo, na-do deureo-sseo. Mwo-ya, ha-na-do jae-mi-eob-cha-na.]Yeah, I heard him. What was that? It's not funny at all.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "어.. 뭐가 있었을까? 아! 우리 완전히 다 벗고 상추밭 미친듯이 떠 다닌 거 기억 나? (Giggle) 그 농부 아저씨 완전 맛이 갔었지! [uh...Mwo-ga isseoseulkka? Ah! U-ri wan-jeoni da beot-go sang-chu-bat mi-chin-deu-shi dwi-eo-da-nin geo gi-eok na? (Giggle) Geu nong-bu a-jeo-ssi wan-jeon ma-shi gasseot-ji!]Maybe... What could it have been? Ah! Do you remember when we got completely naked, and frantically float around in the farmer's cabbage patch? (Giggle) That farmer got crazy mad!",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "고마워, 나도 재밌었어. [Go-ma-wo, na-do jae-mi-seo-seo.]Thanks, I enjoyed it too.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "이게 더 좋아? [I-ge deo jowa?]Do you like this better?",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "으으, 웃기시네! 너는 우리 공주님과 판결 상대도 안 될 그런 가치없는 놈이야! [Eu-eu, ut-gi-shi-ne! Neo-neun u-ri gong-ju-nim-gwa pan-gyeol sang-dae-do an dwel geu-reon ga-chi-eom-neun nomiya!]Are you joking? You are not even worth my Lady's disdain.",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "말도 안 돼! [Mal-do an dwae!]I cannot believe it!",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "어, 나도 우리 부모님 때문에 걱정했었어. 우리 엄마아빠는 개라면 완전 맛이 가거든! 개가 전쟁터에서 우리 아빠 생명을 구해줬었어. \n[Eo, na-do u-ri bu-mo-nim ttae-mun-e geok-jeong-hae-sseo-sseo. Uri eomma-appa-neun gae-ra-myeon wan-jeon ma-shi ga-geo-deun! Gae-ga jeon-jaeng-teo-e-seo uri appa saeng-myeong-eul gu-hae-jweo-sseo-sseo.]Oh, I was worried about my parents too. My mom and dad are crazy about dogs! A dog saved my dad in the war!",
"linkTitle": "Her Parents",
"href": "/wiki/Her_Parents"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "아, 너무 좋았는데. [Ah, neo-mu jo-at-neun-de.]Too bad. It was so fun!",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "알았어, 제이크. [Arasseo, Jake.]Okay, Jake.",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "자기야, 너무 흥분하지 마. [Jagiya,neomu heungbunaji ma.]Don't be too excited about this honey.",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "당연하지! 난 제이크랑 항상 한 몸이 되는데. [Dang-yeon-ha-ji. Nan Jake rang hang-sang han momi dwe-neun-de.]Of course. Jake and I merge our bodies into one all the time.",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "아니야, 얘는 날 사랑해. [Aniya. Yae-neun nal sa-rang-hae.]No, he loves me.",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "난 네가 깨물어 주는 거 좋아. [Nan ne-ga kkae-mureo ju-neun geo jowa.]I love your biting on me.",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "흑흑흑 안돼. 내가 왜 그랬을까? [Heuk heuk heuk. An-dwae. Nae-ga wae geu-raessul-kka?](crying) No, no, no. What did I do?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "걔네들 찾았어요? [Gyaenedeul chajasseoyo?]Did you find them?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "걔네들 안전할까요? [Gyae-ne-deul an-jeon-hal-kka-yo?]Will they be okay?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "제이크가 실종되기 전에 내가 월남국수 면이 질기다고 말했어요. 아, 내가 왜 그런 말을 했을까. 무슨 나쁜 일이 생겼으면 어떡해! 걔가 만든 국수 맛없다고 한 게 우리의 마지막 대화였어요. [Jeikeu-ga siljong-dwegi jeon-e nae-ga weolnam-guksu myeon-i jilgidago mal-haesseo-yo. Ah, nae-ga wae geu-reon mareul haesseul-kka. Mu-seun nappeun iri saenggyeosseumyeon eo-ddeokhae! Gyae-ga mandeun guksu madeob-ddago han ge uri-eui majimak dae-hwayeosseo-yo.]I told him that his Vietnamese noodles were too tough before he went missing. Why did I say such a thing! What if something bad happens to him! The last conversation we had was that his noodles were bad.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "미안해요. 내가 국수를 너무 많이 먹었나 봐요. [Mi-an-haeyo. Naega gugsureul neo-mu mani meogeonna bwayo.]Sorry. Guess I've eaten too many noodles.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "그놈이 칼을 들고 덤비면 어떡해요? [Geunom-i kal-eul deulgo deombimyeon eotteoghaeyo?]What if he attacks you with a knife?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "그놈이 공주님을 해치려고 하면요?[Geunom-i gongjunim-eul haechiryeogo hamyeon-yo?]What if he tries to hurt you?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "맞아요, 내가 좀 걱정이 심한 편이죠. 전 반 살은 시체들이 우리 집을 공격하는 악몽에 시달려요. 우리 삼촌, 외숙모, 사촌들이 다 집에 있었어요. 아기가 위층에서 우는 소리까지 생생히 들린다니까요. 내가 우리 가족들을 지킬 수만 있다면 — 그 꿈 꾸는 동안 얼마나 스트레스 받으면 이빨까지 무지하게 갈아요. (Grinds teeth) 다음날 일어나면 이빨들이 금 가있어요. 보통 전 그냥 그런 것 꿈이려니, 내가 걱정을 사서 하지 하며 잊어버리려고 해요. 제가 그 반 살은 시체들에게 정말 두 번이나 공격당했었잖아요. [majayo . naega jom keok-jeong-i shiman phyeoni-jyo . jeon pan sareun shichedeuri uri jib-eul kong-gyeokhaneun angmong-e shidal-lyeo-yo . uri samchon . oe-sungmo . sachondeuri ta jibe isseo-sseo-yo . agiga wicheung-e-seo u-neun soriggaji saeng-saeng-hi teullindanikkayo . naega uri kajokdeu-reul jikil suman ittamyeon . keu kkum kkuneun tong-an eolmana stressu padeumyeon ippalggaji mujihage karayo (Grinds teeth) ta-umnal ireonamyeon ippaldeuri keum ka-isseoyo . potong jeon keunyang keureon keot kkumiryeoni . naega keokjeong-eul saseo haji aneumyeon i-jeo-beori-ryeogo haeyo . jega keu pan sareun shichedurege jeongmal tu peo-nina konggyeok-tanghae-sseot-janayo]\nThat's right. I'm little bit too worrying sometimes. I always get haunted by this nightmare where half-dead bodies are attacking my house! My uncle, aunt-in-law, and cousins are all present; I even hear the baby crying coming from the upstairs. I just wished that I could protect my family — I become too stressful during that dream; I even grind my own teeth! (Grinds teeth) When I wake up in the morning, my teeth are cracked up! I usually try to forget about it, thinking that it's just a dream or I'm being paranoid, but I was actually attacked by these half-dead bodies twice!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "으으, 잘 안 보이네. [eueu , jal an boine.]It's hard to see things.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "뭐예요? [mwo-eyo?]What's that?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "으! 아아! 그만해! 도와줘요![eu ! aa ! geumanhae! dowa jweoyo!]Ah! Stop it! Help!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "공주님 무기들! [gongjunim mugideul!]Your weapons!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "공주님 저 땀나게 만드시네요.[gongjunim jeo ttam-nage mandeusi-neyo.]Princess, you're making me sweat.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "와, 이 방은 예쁜 새 소리에 대한 내 사랑보다 더 크네![wa, i bang-eun yeppeun sae sorie daehan nae sarangboda deo keu-ne !]Wow. This chamber is bigger than my love for the songs of pretty birds!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "으, 네. 걱정 마세요. 저 완전, 완전 괜찮아요. 자, 가요. 일어납시다! (넘어짐) 으, 안 되겠네. 혼자 가세요. 전 짐만 될 뿐이에요.[eu , ne. geokjeong maseyo . jeo wanjeon , wanjeon gwaenchanayo . ja, gayo . i-reo nabsida ! ( Falls down ) eu , an doegen-ne . honja gaseyo . jeon jimman doel ppuni-e-yo.]Eh, Yeah. Don't worry about me. I'm perfectly, perfectly fine. Let's go. Get up! (Falls down) Guh. I don't think this will work. You should go alone. I'm just a burden to you.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "제이크 깨어났어요?[jeikeu kkae-eo nass-eoyo ?]Is Jake awake?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "괜찮아요. 비밀로 한 제가 잘못이죠.[gwaenchanh-ayo. bimillo han jega jalmosi-jyo .]It's fine. That was my fault for hiding it.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "자기야, 나 완전 중요한 할 말 있어. 나, I am pregnant![jagiya , na wanjeon jung-yohan hal mal-iss-eo . na , I am pregnant!]Honey, I've got something terribly important to tell you. I, I am pregnant!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "으음, 내 임산부 배에 시원한 바람 쐬니까 좋다![Heum. Nae imsanbu bae-e sinseonan param ssoe-nikka jota!]Hmm. It's so good to get some fresh air on my pregnant belly!",
"linkTitle": "Up a Tree",
"href": "/wiki/Up_a_Tree"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "천만에, 괜찮아.[cheon-mane . gwaen-chana.]Don't mention it. It's fine.",
"linkTitle": "Up a Tree",
"href": "/wiki/Up_a_Tree"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "얘들아 안녕![yaedura an-nyeong]Hi, guys!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "자기 지금 뭐 하는 거야...[chagi ji-geum mweo haneun keo-ya]What are you doing, honey?",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "자기야, 애들 데리고 나가서 바람좀 쐬고 오지 그래? [chagiya . aedeul derigo nagaseo paramjom sswego o-ji keurae] Hey honey, why don't you go outside and have some fresh air with kids?",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "얘들아! 비올라! 제이크 2세! 그만해! 찰리! 김길환! 아빠 좀 고만 괴롭히고 안에 들어와! [yaedeura . pi-ola . jei-keu i-sae . keumanae . challi . kim-kil-whan . appa jom koman gwerophigo a-ne teu-reo-wa] Hey kids! Viola! Jake Jr.! Stop it! Charlie! Kim Kil-Whan! Stop messing with daddy and go inside!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "제이크, 자기 혼자 난리치는 거야. 우리 애들 걱정 안 해도 돼. (Broken dialogue) 과잉보호라니까. [jei-keu . chagi honja nalli-chineun keoya . u-ri ae-deul keokjeong a-nedo dwae . kwa-ing-boho-ranika] Jake, you're making a huge deal out of nothing. You don't have to worry about our kids. (Broken dialogue, not significant meaning as it comes first on the sentence) That's being overprotective.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "아이야이야. 필요 없을 때만 난리라니까. [ai-yai-ya . piryo upssul ttaeman nalli-ranikka] Ai yai yai! He makes a fuss whenever it's not necessary.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "아, 얘들아, 가서 아빠 좀 도와드려라. [a . yaedura . kaseo appa jom towa-duryeora] Oh, kids, go and give daddy a hand.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "애기들아! 참 잘했어! 너네 정말 대단했어! [Aegideura! Cham jalhaesseo! Neo nae jeongmal daedanaesseo!] Well done, babies! You were awesome!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "핀! 여기서 뭐 하는 거야? 제이크는 어딨어? [finn . yeogiseo mweo haneun geoya . jei-keu-neun eodisseo] Finn! What are you doing down here? Where’s Jake?",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "어… 아무래도 쟤, 쟨 집돌이인 것 같아. [uh . amuraedo jyae . jyaen jiptorin keot katta] Uh… no matter what, I think he’s stay-at-home.",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "제이크, 뭐 하는 거야? 왜 핀 몸 속에 있어? [jake . mweo ha-neun keoya . wae finn mom soge isseo] Jake, what are you doing? Why are you in Finn’s body?",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "어머, 뭔 소리야! 걔 내 남자친구잖아! 왜 자꾸 우리 사이를 이상한 쪽으로 몰고 가려고 그래? [eo-meo mweon soriya . kyae nae namjachin-gu-jana . wae jakku uri sai-reul i-sangan jjo-geuro molgo garyeogo gurae] Oh my, what are you talking about! He's my boyfriend! Why do you keep assuming my relationship between Jake weirdly?",
"linkTitle": "The Pit",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pit"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "옛날에 조슈아가 만든 테잎이야. 제이크가 그 위에 그냥 녹음(녹화)해버려서 기억하고 있어. 그 앞쪽은 보지 말고 그냥 빨리 돌려! [yennare joshua-ga mandeun te-i-biya . jei-keuga geu wi-e geunyang nogeumae-beoryeo-seo kieokhago isseo . keu apjjogeun boji malgo geu-nyang ppalli dollyeo] It's a video tape that was made by Joshua long ago. I remembered it because Jake recorded something else on top of it. Just skip past the front section!",
"linkTitle": "The Pit",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pit"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "나 정말 TV 걱정되네. 쟤는 밖에 절대 안 나가잖아. [na jeongmal TV keokjeong-dwene . jyae-neun pakke jeoltae an nagajana]I’m really worried about T.V. You know, he never leaves home.",
"linkTitle": "The Diary",
"href": "/wiki/The_Diary"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "으유, 몰라, 난 싫어. 쟨 밖에 나가서 찬 공기 좀 쐬야 돼. [eu-ieu . molla . nan . shireo . jyaen pakke nagaseo chan gong-gi-jom ssoe-ya dwe]Ugh, I don’t know, I don’t like it. He really needs some fresh air.",
"linkTitle": "The Diary",
"href": "/wiki/The_Diary"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "TV가 걱정되서. 얘가 하루 종일 밖에 나가 있잖아. [TV ga keokjeong-dweseo . yae-ga haru jong-il bakke naga i-chana]I’m worried about T.V. He’s been outside for all day.",
"linkTitle": "The Diary",
"href": "/wiki/The_Diary"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "너무 어두워지네. 가서 애 뭐 하나 좀 봐. [neo-mu eo-duweo-jine . ka-seo ae mweo hana jom bwa]It’s getting too dark. Go see what he’s doing.",
"linkTitle": "The Diary",
"href": "/wiki/The_Diary"
"character": "Lady Rainicorn",
"quote": "어으, 놀고들 있네. [eo-eu . nolgo deul inne](disturbed) Ugh, what are they doing?",
"linkTitle": "The Diary",
"href": "/wiki/The_Diary"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Greetings, creator!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "My name is N.E.P.T.R., which stands for Never Ending Pie Throwing Robot.",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Creator, I am eager to commence the creation and propulsion of pies forever, but my pie-hucking appendage is... malfunctioning, and my oven lamp is cold, and my tank treads do not roll! They only do skids! Why, creator? Does it please you to watch me struggle?",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Ha ha! I'll always love you, creator.",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Ooo! What beautiful piles of sugar!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "But, creator, is not breaking and entering wrong?",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Sneaking. We're sneaking. Sneaking... Sneaking... Sneaking!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Creator, if we get caught I want you to know that I will always love you.",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Creator, you have shown me the joys of pranking! I cannot wait throw pies infinitely at Jake's face!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Are those my tickets to the gun show, creator?",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Neptr is fully functional!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Just boysenberries. Heh heh heh. And also... poison.",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "I'm troubled, creator. Troubled by a sudden urge to... collect princesses.",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "I am torn! I am processing a love for both princesses and pranking!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "I'm not finished! I choose Ice King... to prank! Hard core!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Sleep well, papi, in your imagination zone full of beautiful princesses.",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Jake! You found Neptr! I am the ultimate hide-and-seek champion! 15 months, 4 days, 9 hours, and you guys did not find me!",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "You cannot tell, but I am giving a thumbs-up.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Haha! We are as one, creator.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "I will solve this, creator. I will extinguish her using our suits! Foam blaster! Hold still, burning lady!",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Not true, creator. You haven't failed Neptr. Even if everyone burns, you'll still have me, creator.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Goodbye, lady.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "I don't know, but now my sensors indicate that some treasure is missing. About a sock's worth.",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Hey, BMO, we should hang out more! We're both robots!",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Check out my mods, bro.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Slop your mouths up. I found an oven and baking supplies.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "I'm not BMO; I'm your son Neptr. I-I throw pies.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Don't be sad, papi. Your characters can always be real in the garden of your mind.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Neptr",
"quote": "Of course they can. Dreams are real!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "It just means he's changing into a Lumpy Space guy on account of my bite. It's just like um... you know... werewolf rules.",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "WHATEVERS 2009!",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "First you should check out my house. It's, like, kinda lame but way less lame than, like, your house.",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I said, \"Lump off,\" Mom!",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I lumping hate them!",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I'm really, really sorry, Finn, but I can't help you because my parents are horrible idiots.",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Hey! This is hard for me, too! I mean, I used to eat chili-cheese fries with Brad, (sniff) so there's gonna be a lot of romantic tension on this ride.",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "The guys who use the antidote up here are notorious for being... smooth posers.",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Buuuuumps!",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I know I mess things up sometimes, but I'm really trying! And you're supposed to be my friend! Not like the fake ones I have here!",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I'm bored. And I'm not having any fun!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "That wasn't fun. That was lame!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, yeah, I'm havin' a fun time.",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I want surgery to make my body hot.",
"linkTitle": "His Hero",
"href": "/wiki/His_Hero"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, yeah! This body's HOT! I feel POWERFUL!",
"linkTitle": "His Hero",
"href": "/wiki/His_Hero"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I totally saw Hot Dog Princess get sucked in here, and I wasn't invited!? I was all, \"What the lump?\" so I'm crashing this party.",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, my Glob, you guys, drama bomb!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I can be smooth. (Grunts) Finn, punch out my lumps. I can be whatever he wants, I can change.",
"linkTitle": "Loyalty to the King",
"href": "/wiki/Loyalty_to_the_King"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Get away from my camp. I'll cut you!",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, my Glob. What the stuff are you doing?",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Well, if you want these lumps, you gotta put a ring on it. WHERE'S MY RING?",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Get in touch with your feelings, babe!",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Princess Bubblegums's in my seat (growls)",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, my Glob Melissa, ever since Clara stopped eating meat, her skin looks so good! I mean, she still looks fat, but, like, I can't say that junk to her face.",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I'm doing so awesome on my own, like I found this can of beans",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Melissa, I have to go, they got into my toilet paper! Melissa, I have to go!",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "MAH BEANS!",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Not yet, Cinnamon Bun!",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "No way. First, I'm gonna fall in love with one of those little guys, then I'm gonna fall out of love. And then I'm gonna totally fake die, of a fake heart attack! Oh my heart! My heart hurts because I fell out of love! And now i have to die! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "One last kiss...before dying, my love.",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I'm sorry that you're starving because I ate all of your crops, even though you're all still really fat, and I probably helped you lose some weight.",
"linkTitle": "The Monster",
"href": "/wiki/The_Monster"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "What the jug?!",
"linkTitle": "The Monster",
"href": "/wiki/The_Monster"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Get off, you big doughnut!",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Maybe he'll be a steaming hot babe with huge money.",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "(On learning her mystery name) My name is Duchess Gummibuns!",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I blinked my balls... my eyeballs.",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "(LSP screaming loudly, says, \"I'm dying\"--toilet flushes) Woooooooh! Ugh, gross, ugh! My lumpin' body's all hollow now! I gotta put something in it!",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "But where's the food?! What kind of castle is this?! It's like a poor peoples' castle! With no lumpin' waffles for my dump truck!!",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "He tried to kiss me on the mouth! And I was like, blah blah!",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "\"What does it lumping mean?!\"",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I'm ready for you now, Brad. Isn't that obvi? I'm so ready.",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, nah. I am not getting eaten by zombies tonight.",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "MOVE OUTTA MY WAY!!!",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "My formula's gonna cure the zombies cause I made the prettiest formula.",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh. My. GLOB! Look at those luscious lips! I gotta go lick up the rest of that formula!",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, my Glob! Yes! I'm gonna be so hot! So freakin' hot!",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I know you want this body, but you can't have it! YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!",
"linkTitle": "From Bad to Worse",
"href": "/wiki/From_Bad_to_Worse"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Gotcha!",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Hey, girl!",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh my Glob! Turtle Princess, I always wanted to write trashy books for ladies. Back up off me, Rickie!",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "...I look fresh to death with my new dress and purse!",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Looks like I'll have to bust out these cobras to get a better dinner.",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I guess at the end of the day, it's all about the lumps.",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, nuh-uh! I am not gonna carry rocks.",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "(Carrying two rocks) My arms weren't meant to carry so many rocks, you guys.",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Finn has the hottest lumps, but his lumps are on the inside!",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "You guys! Somebody stole something from me! Something I can't live without!",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "I've been robbed! I've been robbed!",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "He did! He heart!",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Everybody get ready to pay attention to me!",
"linkTitle": "Apple Wedding",
"href": "/wiki/Apple_Wedding"
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "What the lump?!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Lumpy Space Princess",
"quote": "Oh, my Glob!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "He's held us here for weeks, questioning us about our favorite sports and quirky behavior. We've tried to tell him as little as possible.",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "Thank you for saving us, Finn.",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "And remember when you said you'd vow to marry us to the thing of our choosing? Well, I'd like to marry you.",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "Oh, gross! Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!!!!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "Excuse me for approaching you, sir. You just seem so approachable.",
"linkTitle": "Loyalty to the King",
"href": "/wiki/Loyalty_to_the_King"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "Tell me about yourself.",
"linkTitle": "Loyalty to the King",
"href": "/wiki/Loyalty_to_the_King"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "Oh, a Nice King.",
"linkTitle": "Loyalty to the King",
"href": "/wiki/Loyalty_to_the_King"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "Please, Finn. I know I've crushed on you in the past, but I have no intention of locking this down. Our marriage will be in name only.",
"linkTitle": "Love Games",
"href": "/wiki/Love_Games"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "We're here. Welcome to my little oasis in the wasteland.",
"linkTitle": "Love Games",
"href": "/wiki/Love_Games"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "Wrap those gorgeous pythons around me!",
"linkTitle": "Love Games",
"href": "/wiki/Love_Games"
"character": "Slime Princess",
"quote": "I can't just pop out eggs on demand! I'm an artisan!",
"linkTitle": "Princess Day",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Day"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "Don't worry, my dear. I'll have you fixed up in no time.",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "My dear, not to worry. The medicine milk in this suit will have you healed lickety-split. In just five days, you'll be back to your beautiful, bubblegummy self.",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "She's totally gross over ninety percent of her body. The other ten percent is crazy nasty.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "I don't know, Nurse Pound Cake.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "Put sugar on her, two scoops!",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "We're losing her!",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "Her sugar levels are stabilizing.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "She's fine. Why?",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "Start assembling. Here, try to connect these two pieces. Turn it...perfect.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Dr. Ice Cream",
"quote": "Give me more pieces, Doctor Princess.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "Oh no, oh no! I really did want to kiss Boobafina! I'm secretly in love with her!",
"linkTitle": "Storytelling",
"href": "/wiki/Storytelling"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "No, no! It had to happen naturally! Now she'll never love me! Wahaha! (runs off into the forest)",
"linkTitle": "Storytelling",
"href": "/wiki/Storytelling"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "It's true... It's for the best.",
"linkTitle": "Storytelling",
"href": "/wiki/Storytelling"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "Yo, put that bag back on!",
"linkTitle": "Storytelling",
"href": "/wiki/Storytelling"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "Hey! Hey, everybody, look! Look at this book I found about eating babies! They just sit there while you eat them.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "Look, fellas, there's never going to be a perfect baby. Times like this you just gotta dive right in",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "Look at this. This was my grandpa's rug. Some bums let him have it 'cause it was so ugly.",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "Wow! Haha! Almost got me right in my both eyes!",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Mr. Fox",
"quote": "Look at my bugs. Man, I always did have the ugliest bugs.",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "Oh! Forgive me. Hello, your majesty.",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "I know you're going to say yes to me, so let's just go.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "Don't you know I'm a villain? Every night I'm out killin'. Sending everyone running like children. I know why you're mad at me. I've got demon eyes and they're looking right through your anatomy . . .",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "Not so bad? I'm the son of a demon and the vampire king. It's not something I have to try at.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "Unexpected!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "Did you think I was lying? I said I'm evil, without even trying.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "I think this is it for me, Fionna. So why don't you just admit it. You're in love with me.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "Glob, Fionna. You're like the realest person I've ever met.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Marshall Lee",
"quote": "Aw, my cheek meat!",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "Yeah, he wished for the extinction of all life and I did it.",
"linkTitle": "Finn the Human",
"href": "/wiki/Finn_the_Human_(episode)"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nasty! Nasty jazz!",
"linkTitle": "Finn the Human",
"href": "/wiki/Finn_the_Human_(episode)"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "You see Jake, there's rules to this stuff. Wishing an event to be changes elements before and after it. Memories will be destroyed, babies will not be born, potential worlds could be evaporated by your wish.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "Dude, I get out of relationships because I don't want to have a discussion about what we're going to have for dinner every night.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "Dude, I like you, so you should know my wishes always have a bit of an ironic twist to them. Sort of a monkey's paw kind of thing.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "Say your wish is \"I wish for a back rub\". Who's gonna give it to you? A dirty man? A bear? And where does this masseuse come from? Do I zap some guy away from his family dinner, leave some kid traumatized? \"Mom where did dad go\", \"I don't know, son, he just disappeared from the table, sorry\".",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "Hey Jake, see that? Monkey's paw..",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Prismo",
"quote": "Yes, sometimes a well intentioned wish can lead to... \"nuts.\" But you know, you get a wish too.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Party Pat",
"quote": "Before you talk to the chief, you must party with the chief.",
"linkTitle": "Belly of the Beast",
"href": "/wiki/Belly_of_the_Beast"
"character": "Party Pat",
"quote": "But you haven't been partying. [...] You move to music, but that's not dancing. You chew pancakes, but you're not tasting. To truly party, one must leave behind the problems that are troubling and open one's mind eye.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Party Pat",
"quote": "Attention. Attention, everybody. Can I have you're attention, please. So... Apparently we're not in a cave. We're in a... monster's belly!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Party Pat",
"quote": "To survive, my people need a phat party-club to grind in. That monster's gut was totally excellent.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Party Pat",
"quote": "Hear me, monster. My people and I wish to party inside you once more. Prithee take us upon thine gut, and we shall party no more with fireworks, but instead... with gentle lasers.",
"linkTitle": "Belly of the Beast",
"href": "/wiki/Belly_of_the_Beast"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "This castle is in unacceptable condition! Unacceptable!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Thirty days in the dungeon! [...] Everyone in this room! Mmmlluuuuuuugh!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Too young! Too young to rule the kingdom!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "I am next in line to the throne! So, I will be in charge until Princess Bubblegum turns eighteen again!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "If anyone needs me, I'll be taking a nap! A-a-and clean this place up or dungeon! Three hours dungeon!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Huh? (Reading quietly) \"You... really... smell... like... dog buns.\" Nnnuuuooooooooooooooouuuuuhhhh!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "So, which one of you was it? Who did the thing? [...] Ffffffuuuuummmm! The thing! The thing!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Prank? For... laughs? Yes, of course. Just a harmless prank... for laughs. Ahhhahahahahahahaha-Ohohohohoaaahahahahoh!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Twelve years dungeon. All of you. Dungeon. Seven years, no trials. C'mon, let's move it!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "(Sob and cough) Ha! Haha! Good one! (Retch) Keep 'em coming! I'm not going anywhere!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Also, I don't know where food comes from.",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Ahh! Atatatatat-No! That is why I'm royal, and you are servile!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Stop screaming! Why are you screaming?!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "One million years dungeon!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "I am within my rights!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "I am the earl... [...] I am the earl... of nothing!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Castle Lemongrab has no citizens! You have excess candies! You must donate! Donate!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "No one... No one understands! I am alone, and you made me like this! You made me! You made me! You're... my... Glob! You're my Glob!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Blombo, you must heed my instructions! Take off your thiiings!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "I have to use my sound sword now! It's a sound sword!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "You are in my Reconditioning Chamber. You will receive four to three units of juice now.",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "They didn't understand my lemon styles. I like this way better.",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Uh... Goo goo? Uh... Goo? Nuh! Nuh! Gnuh! Uh uh bluh-bluoh-blouuh-bloouh! Mmmmm! Put you in my oven! It's gross! And who says your way's right, anyway? I look in the lemon heart you gave me and see my lemon way to act! And that must be right! Mmmllooouuuaaaaaaaaaaaah!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "This is serious! Pup Gang got four units... Maybe... Maybe ten units for trespassers?",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "You got tricks, huh? You gotta fall down some time! And when you do, twelve units!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "No! No! No more helping! You're the one who made me this way! How can you help? You unload your punkest boys on me? You try to change my ways? You're poison! You're poison! You need reconditioning! Reconditiooooooooon!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Huh? What? Who's this rigamarole?",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Two Lemongrabs? Hmmm! [...] Yeah, okay!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Yes. Yes, indeed. Ah hah! A lemon gives by taking!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Well, okay! Stop by any time! [...] Yes, good-bye!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Awake! Avast! Hold tight your buns, if buns you do hold dear. For time has come to wake and run and not give way to fear!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "This is wrong! The map lied to me! It doesn't want me to FIND THE EXIT!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Mmm, acceptable.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Ice King, H-how do you taste?",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Mild or spicy?!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "You serve no function. You must be destroyed.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "That will do, Slave-Trunks.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Bye don't follow me!!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "It's all your fault!",
"linkTitle": "All Your Fault",
"href": "/wiki/All_Your_Fault"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "How dare you? How dare you? After all I've done for you?! You try to steal my Lemonhope away?! You're too old, princess. Too old for pranks. Too old! I've tried imprisoning! I've tried reconditioning! You leave me no choice. Lemon children! Go forth! Go forth now!",
"linkTitle": "Too Old",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Old"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Rocks... Dripping water... More rocks... Mmmm I'm becoming stressed!",
"linkTitle": "The Mountain",
"href": "/wiki/The_Mountain"
"character": "Earl of Lemongrab",
"quote": "Yo yo, it's grease",
"linkTitle": "The Mountain",
"href": "/wiki/The_Mountain"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "What do you want, baby? Why are you crying?",
"linkTitle": "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain",
"href": "/wiki/Memories_of_Boom_Boom_Mountain"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "Margaret, this baby won't tell me what's wrong with it, and it's stuck to a leaf, and it stinks.",
"linkTitle": "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain",
"href": "/wiki/Memories_of_Boom_Boom_Mountain"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "You just kissed a boom boom baby, so don't expect any more sugar from me, sweetheart, until we wash your dirty, dirty face.",
"linkTitle": "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain",
"href": "/wiki/Memories_of_Boom_Boom_Mountain"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "Well, that's too bad, kid, because you're gonna hurt everybody.",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "I said hurt everyone that is evil. Let me finish next time.",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "Kee Oth Rama Pancake!",
"linkTitle": "Dad's Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dad%27s_Dungeon"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "Finn, if you're seeing this pre-recorded holo-message, it's because you finished the dungeon I made for you. I'm proud of you. You're going to do great things in this world. I love you, son.",
"linkTitle": "Dad's Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dad%27s_Dungeon"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "I made you boys something. It's (Jake quickly rewinds message) babies. (rewinds again) the family sword, it's made out of (Jake rewinds message again) babies.",
"linkTitle": "Dad's Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dad%27s_Dungeon"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "\"Small fire goblin burns down Candy Kingdom forest.\"",
"linkTitle": "Joshua and Margaret Investigations",
"href": "/wiki/Joshua_and_Margaret_Investigations"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "Let's say we're out on the street fighting some lowlife. He throws a punch, you zig when you should've zagged, and oops, junior takes a knock to the noodle, comes out with a shiner the size of a grapefruit.",
"linkTitle": "Joshua and Margaret Investigations",
"href": "/wiki/Joshua_and_Margaret_Investigations"
"character": "Joshua",
"quote": "These steaks are tough and stringy, like you.",
"linkTitle": "Joshua and Margaret Investigations",
"href": "/wiki/Joshua_and_Margaret_Investigations"
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "No, please! This has gone far enough.",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "Who's the toughest little nut? That's you! [aside to Finn and Jake] One second?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "Oh. Sorry to make you wait, I made these daisy crowns for you guys as a - as a token of my gratitude for waiting. Hohh, sorry I - I have to sit down for a second. Ohh, I know this is an odd question, but you wouldn't happen to have any pudding on you, would you?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "Oh, I'm so embarrassed! Now you know my shame. I can't stop eating pudding.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "I don't tell people, because I hate making them worry, but yes, I have a rare condition - a pudding deficiency - [sigh] and I always end up eating all the royal pudding supply when I go to the castle.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "Yes, but I didn't turn Princess Bubblegum green and bald! I would never do such a thing!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "Hey, it's okay. People make mistakes. It's all a part of growing up and you never really stop growing.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "Maybe I should just confess the crime and end all this.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "[In a bush hiding with Jake] I don't know if I can do this! [Jake pushes him out] ..and that's how I, the Duke of Nuts, by disfiguring you beyond all recognition, humbly saved your life.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "She's right, innocent or not, I should accept what's coming to me.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "Nuttin's goin' my way today.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Duke of Nuts",
"quote": "It's true, Your Majesty... I'm - I'm sorry for my medical condition.",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Barb",
"quote": "Barb: So what, you're not talkin' to me now?\nEd: No, I'm just tired of setting traps all day, solo style.\nBarb: Why are you mad?\nEd: I just said I was tired.\nBarb: But you're acting like you're mad.\nEd: I'm not mad! Oh look, food. That I caught. In my web. For us.\nBarb: I spin webs too, Ed.\nEd: Yeah, I know.\nBarb: I try just as hard as you.",
"linkTitle": "Web Weirdos",
"href": "/wiki/Web_Weirdos"
"character": "Barb",
"quote": "Barb: I can’t! You think I’m gross when I spin my web!\nEd: What?!\nBarb: I can see it on your face! Tell me that you don't.\nEd: Uh... I uh... You tell me you don't find me gross!\nBarb: Oh, get stuffed Ed!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Barb",
"quote": "We are never going to snuggles until you learn to appreciate me!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Barb",
"quote": "Ed: Now what are you gonna eat, huh Barb?\nBarb: I'm gonna eat you!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Barb",
"quote": "Oh, Ed! We’re parents!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Barb",
"quote": "We can make a new start as a family.",
"linkTitle": "Web Weirdos",
"href": "/wiki/Web_Weirdos"
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "I'M NOT MARRIED!",
"linkTitle": "The Witch's Garden",
"href": "/wiki/The_Witch%27s_Garden_(episode)"
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "I never married!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "Let that be a lesson to all you cupcakes. Ughhhhhh.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "Wait a minute, you're a bagel! Liars! Liars everywhere!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "Who is that?!... Then he has to do it, too.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "Apology denied... you took too long. Now you must apologize while doing a variety of humiliating things.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "Yes! Gloat, gloat, gloat! All right, I think you've learned your lesson. I forgive you.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "Oh, you're doing so well, AND I HATE YOU SO MUCH.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "Wait, wait, start over... It's for my newsletter... Then guess what, cool guy, you can forget about getting your powers back, EVERRRR!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "You ate one of my donuts!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Witch",
"quote": "But didn't you learn your lesson?!",
"linkTitle": "The Witch's Garden",
"href": "/wiki/The_Witch%27s_Garden_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "O my gra cup-ssah!",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Ow la koo sow suhn.",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Just a rock.",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "That is good!",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Candy Kingdom!",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Finn, where's all the candy yuh werp ta ah bup.",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Now I gonna get friends. We eat all of Candy Kingdom!",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, we won't eat red stripe man. Only everyone else. Bye!",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Just grass!",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Just shadows.",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Finn, help Susan.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "I need your hero heart, and your magic.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Magic of red flower.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Long ago, my people live in Beautopia, but driven out by Lub Glubs, we come here. We too scared to fight back. This why we need your hero heart. Hyoomans, I'll be back!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "You no gills! We take boat.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Oh good! Still got some boat left.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Hmm. Never made it this far before... Just gotta get past Lub Glubs!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Yes, Lub Glubs crazy scary. Hyoomans scare so long, even Susan. That's why glad I meet you! You have brave heart.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Will be alls good once bring red flower to City Heart!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Too many Lub Glub to fight!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Susan scared, but Susan brave, too! Susaaan!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Red flower! Throw it to City Heart!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Susan Strong (character)",
"quote": "Finn, you stay.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "See you back at the treehouse!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "Fionna, we got trouble! My tail is totally frizzing out!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "Shut up, he's into you!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "No! No retreat, girl.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "Catnip! Sweet babies!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "Psst, Fi, tell Gumball that you think he's \"HAWT.\"Guys like to hear that they're hot!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "After him, Fionna. After your man!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "Why are y'all breathless if we're the ones running?",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE!?AAAHH! Don't you touch her!",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "Me too! Ice King's the real deal.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Cake",
"quote": "I got a hot potato! And I got two hot tomatoes! They'll make a good sauce, maybe! So I'll shake my bottle baby. I'll shake it and shake it and shake it and shake it and shake it all over the table, the table, for as long as I am able!",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Fighters! Fighters! Seek you glory from the Fight King?",
"linkTitle": "Morituri Te Salutamus",
"href": "/wiki/Morituri_Te_Salutamus"
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Then step forth beyond the Moonlight seal to bathe in blood and glory forever.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Fools! All exits are sealed! Now you must fight my Gladiator Ghost!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Good... Take these branches of palm.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Where do you think you're going? You must earn thy freedom by defeating each of my ghosts! When you are ready, speak the Fight King's name, and I shall raise you for battle.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Gladitoria continues for you, human, and, er... dog?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Arise, Priscus, Verus!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Pity. The dog falls.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Come closer, my champion. You have proven worthy of my favor.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Ah... The dog lives.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "No, for there is one more opponent. Your dear companion!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Then this is round two, my vassal! Take his head for me!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Yes... FINISH HIM!!!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Fight King",
"quote": "Aaarghh... *shrivels as curse dies*",
"linkTitle": "Morituri Te Salutamus",
"href": "/wiki/Morituri_Te_Salutamus"
"character": "Ed",
"quote": "I'm just tired from setting traps all day, solo-style.",
"linkTitle": "Web Weirdos",
"href": "/wiki/Web_Weirdos"
"character": "Ed",
"quote": "Oh look, food... that I caught... in my web... for us.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ed",
"quote": "Yeah, right. You just wanna get out of my web. All you food ever wanna do is escape. You're always, like, in cahoots, making plans not to be food.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ed",
"quote": "All I have is Barb, and she treats me like a dingus. Oh, cool, a sword! Wow, neat. It's magic or something! We can hang this up over our mantle and snuggle by the fire, like we... like we used to! I'm going to fix us, Barb. FIX US!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ed",
"quote": "Barb, look! Damage control! Check it out; I wrapped it up and everything.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ed",
"quote": "Oh, really? Well, I guess we're never going to eat again either, 'cause I catch the food and your butt is dysfunctional. Go, run away food! We don't need you, apparently.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Ed",
"quote": "I think there's hope for us, Barb.",
"linkTitle": "Web Weirdos",
"href": "/wiki/Web_Weirdos"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Mmmmmm, what is it you seek? Speak!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Silence, my molten mamas.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Bold words, but know you that my daughter is a rare jewel. She cannot be wooed by just any ragamuffin prince!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "If you are a baron true, where is your gift? 'Tis common practice among visiting dignitaries.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Mmmmmm, three is more than one.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Prince Finn has smote my jester! Pourquoi? ...I do hate my jester.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "\"A fire inside my body\"? I am disgusted! Give me your third terrible gift, and be on your way.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Is that him? He looks terrible! Why isn't he here?! Why did he send his buffoon?! Leave now, buffoon, for you have failed!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "A koala bear?",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "I don't like koalas anymore.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Excellent! You have indeed proven yourself!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Any prince ruthless enough to kill his own buffoon would make an excellent boyfriend...for my evil daughter!!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "She's an unstoppable force of destruction. Haaaaa! Nothing a psycho like you can't handle! Congratulations!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Sickos! Off with their heads!",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "All evil.",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Evil, evil, evil, evil, evil.... EVIL!!!",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Flame King",
"quote": "Once I get outta here, I'm gonna ground you for real. No snacks, no friends, no popular music.",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Alright. Let me just add three more drops of explosive diarrhea...",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "No. If my decorpsinator serum works, all the dead Candy People will look as young and healthy as you do.",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Pick up that platter, tough guy.",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "No, this is wrong. They're not coming back to life--they're still dead! The decorpsinator serum--it's incomplete!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I mean they would flip out!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "You promised you wouldn't frickin' tell anyone! Oh, you're so cute, Finn.",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "This is really, really bad, Finn! You can't break royal promises! Never, ever, never, no matter what, forever!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "That's it! The answer was so simple, I was too smart to see it!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "(Stomach grumbles) I should not have drunk that much tea!",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "C'mon! Turn around! (Loud whisper) It's a secret!",
"linkTitle": "The Enchiridion!",
"href": "/wiki/The_Enchiridion!_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "What a patoot.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Finn, what the cabbage?",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Come on, Ricardio, I'll patch you up and give you some candy.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Zanoits kill hundreds of thousands of Plantoids a year. [...] Plantoids produce mellotoxin. Mellotoxin kills Zanoits!",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "You're totally jealous of Ricardio.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Finn, you shouldn't punch braniacs. You know how fragile they are.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Finn, I feel like a big idiot for doubting you! He was just so engaging... but his knowledge on Plantoids is actually pretty weak.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Get on my swan!",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Princess Bubblegum awaaaaay!",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Unless you feel like a fist cookie you better keep running!",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I'd never forgive anybody who did this to me!",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Oh Finn, my flawless, flawless champion. Bring the Duke of Nuts to justice. The justice of a cold dungeon! Mwahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Oh, my. You poor man... Of course you're forgiven! (To Finn) Yeah, I don't believe a word from him.",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "And now Ice King, prepare to howl with... pain?",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Ahh! Ich bin so glücklich! Ich könnte, ich könnte... (Faints)(Translation: I'm so happy! I could, I could...)",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "That's paralyzing potion, Finn. Don't touch it. It'll paralyze you forever. Heeheeheee!",
"linkTitle": "The Other Tarts",
"href": "/wiki/The_Other_Tarts"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Excuse me. What is this about poisoned tarts and alternate plans?",
"linkTitle": "The Other Tarts",
"href": "/wiki/The_Other_Tarts"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "The old Tart Toter! Nobody move. He can't see or hear, but he can feel your movement.",
"linkTitle": "The Other Tarts",
"href": "/wiki/The_Other_Tarts"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Finn, of course I like you.",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Oh, Finn, that's sweet. Sure I'll give you some of my hair. Here. Take it, you cutie.",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "What's that you got behind your back there, Finny? [...] Can I scope it?",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Please! I need the real you!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Screeeee!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Auf wiedersehen!(Translation:Goodbye!)",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Oh hey, Finn. Did you ever find some-- Whoa-ho-ho! What are you wearing?",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Beyond Iceberg Lake lies the ruins of the Lich's tower, where he was converting the planet's life force into unholy power to destroy all of Ooo... but before he could, the legendary Billy attacked him and pummeled him into the resin of this tree.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Folly",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Folly"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "What the nuts?!",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Folly",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Folly"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Give me a hug, hero.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "You so spice!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Finn, this is dirt balls!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Yo, Earl! Hey! You're fired! Ya butt!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "It's the door of the Door Lord, Finn. We used to lock them up, but they kept breaking out... 'cause they're door lords.",
"linkTitle": "What Was Missing",
"href": "/wiki/What_Was_Missing"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I never said you had to be perfect!",
"linkTitle": "What was Missing",
"href": "/wiki/What_was_Missing"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "The deer wanted our sugar, but I didn't give him any... if ya know what I mean. (Winks and clicks teeth)",
"linkTitle": "No One Can Hear You",
"href": "/wiki/No_One_Can_Hear_You"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Finn, nobody really thought the bear was you [...] We thought its only one of your jokey joke jokes.",
"linkTitle": "In Your Footsteps",
"href": "/wiki/In_Your_Footsteps"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "As princess of candy kingdom, I'm in charge of a lot of candy people. They rely on me, I can't imagine what might happen to them when I was gone. And after my brush of death in the hands of the Lich, I realized something, I am not going to live forever Finn, I would if i could...But modern science just isn't there yet, so i engineered a replacement that could live forever. I call her Goliad.",
"linkTitle": "Goliad",
"href": "/wiki/Goliad_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Oh,um, pretty standard candy creature soup, amino acids, some algebra, and I threw in some of my baby teeth so she'd have my DNA. [...] Yep, all it takes is one little tooth, or a single hair, its all it takes.",
"linkTitle": "Goliad",
"href": "/wiki/Goliad_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Yeah, I'm good! Haven't slept for solid eighty-three hours, but yeah, I'm good. [...] I can't go to bed, Goliad has huge \"Mondo-mama brains, I still need to fill them with knowledge, on how to rule a kingdom.",
"linkTitle": "Goliad",
"href": "/wiki/Goliad_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Uhhh, okay, I guess that will be alright [...] Huh? Bye guys.",
"linkTitle": "Goliad",
"href": "/wiki/Goliad_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Okay, okay, how 'bout I give you a big cowboy hat, then will you let the hostages go? [...] Well obviously that's going to be a problem, because I'm the princess and I need my crown, so-",
"linkTitle": "Princess Cookie",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Cookie"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I don't know guys, he's crazy, he's left me no choice, I am sending in the Banana Guards, its about to turn crazy nasty, hello, captain Banana Guard. [...] Hmmm, okay, but if you guys aren't out of there by four, I'm sending in the guards.",
"linkTitle": "Princess Cookie",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Cookie"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Jake, where's Finn? [...] Will you tell him why he can't see Flame Princess anymore?",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Finn, sometimes you want someone and you want to kiss them and be with them, but you can't because responsibility demands sacrifice.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Shut up.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "My GPS shows Finn and Jake over there. I think that's where the Ice King has them hostage.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I'm sure the boys are fine. The Ice king isn't usually a serious threat.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Besides this'll be easy with the two of us. We've got science on our side.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "It's okay, Lady. Jake knows you love him.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Don't worry. Just try to relax.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I'll work on my holo-entry: It's been three weeks since Finn and Jake disappeared while battling the Ice King. I've activated a secret GPS implanted in Finn's ear. It has led us to an uncharted black ice cave, but I've spent hours calculating every possible danger and well prepared.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Then I'll pull out my Electrode gun.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Then I'll use my Ball Blam Burglerber. Lady, it'll be fine. We've got science!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I suppose that's true. Let's roll.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I can't get a signal in this chamber. Let's see if they show up on my heart monitor.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "There they are! Through this sphincter.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Don't worry, Lady! Ball Blam Burglerber-ber!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "My field of vision! Hey! Lady, phase through the wall!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Come on. There's no turning back now.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I'm picking up three heart signatures. Ice King must be talking to Finn and Jake.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Go to the right, Lady.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Lady! Lady, are you okay? [...] No, Lady. I wont leave you while you're hurt. Come on.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "What are you playing at, Ice King?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Three heart signatures. Getting closer.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Ricardio! Where are Finn and Jake?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Poisoned with Zanoits.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Okay, Ricardio I'll do it. I'll be your wife, if you could beat me at hand-to-hand combat!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "You think we're intellectual equals? It only took me seconds to get you off your guard! And this body you designed is self-congratulatory garbage. See, I know a thing or two about building a body out of bio-mass, and you don't leave your heart exposed.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "You didn't! Get out of my sight.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I know, and he poisoned you both with Zanoits. But I took care of it.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I dragged you all here on Lady's back. It took two days. And another day to make you guys an antidote. And fifteen minutes to build Ice King a new heart. I made it out of Ricardio's sinews and some toffee and maracas.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "I'm glad you guys are up . Please make the Ice King leave. [...] Ice King, please leave!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "How are you feeling, Lady?",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Yes, he's awake. Oh, Lady, I should've never put you in danger. I saw on the heart monitor. I didn't know.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "What! What happened!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog (episode)",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "\"Mmmmn. Princess Bubblegum, we are starving, immediately send us all of your candy. How dare you. Ours, Lemongrabs.\"",
"linkTitle": "All Your Fault",
"href": "/wiki/All_Your_Fault"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Bullgunk! I left them a lifetime supply of candy.",
"linkTitle": "All Your Fault",
"href": "/wiki/All_Your_Fault"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Hey Finn! Hey Jake! Can you come up here, I got a job for you.",
"linkTitle": "All Your Fault",
"href": "/wiki/All_Your_Fault"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "What now, Ice King.",
"linkTitle": "A Glitch is a Glitch",
"href": "/wiki/A_Glitch_is_a_Glitch"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Oh, me too, I'll take care of it too...",
"linkTitle": "A Glitch is a Glitch",
"href": "/wiki/A_Glitch_is_a_Glitch"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Okay, even if I did say that, you are NOT the last person in Ooo, because I'M still here.",
"linkTitle": "A Glitch is a Glitch",
"href": "/wiki/A_Glitch_is_a_Glitch"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Welcome to the potluck guys. Jake, you look pretty.",
"linkTitle": "Princess Potluck",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Potluck"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Yes I did! I sent it to you in the mail!",
"linkTitle": "Princess Potluck",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Potluck"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Listen, all magic is scientific principals presented like \"mystical hoodoo\" which is fun, but it's sort of irresponsible. I got your magic right here, okay? (Pretending to be a wizard enchanting the serum) Haaaan-hazzle dazzle! Flubby-doo! Slama-blama-foo!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "(In response to Jake's stretchy powers) It looks like a mutation.",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "So you want to sell me a product with no information?",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Now make a fist with your brain and punch against sleepy times, saying, \"No! NOOO! NOOOOO! Don't go on gentle into that good night.\"",
"linkTitle": "Sky Witch",
"href": "/wiki/Sky_Witch"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Um, yeah. Raggedy Princess can make you a new Hambo in, like, three seconds... or Raggedy Princess can be your new Hambo. She'd do it, too. That girl's got, like, zero self-respect. [chuckles] That's mean--don't tell her I said that.",
"linkTitle": "Sky Witch",
"href": "/wiki/Sky_Witch"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "What is all that noise? (In response to the fight of Ice King and Flame Princess) Ach, mein Glöb!",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Thanks again for coming to castle Lemongrab with me, Finn. I kinda hate these diplomatic dinners. Also, I think the Lemongrabs are getting weirder.",
"linkTitle": "Too Old",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Old"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Peeps'll never starve in my eternal empire.",
"linkTitle": "Red Starved",
"href": "/wiki/Red_Starved"
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "About a thousand years ago, I gestated in this... sentient pink soup.",
"linkTitle": null
"character": "Princess Bubblegum",
"quote": "Eight hundred, twenty seven.",
"linkTitle": null
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "I am incapable of emotion, but you are making me chafed!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Who wants to play video games?",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Battery low. Shutdown.",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Oh no, it's much more dangerous than you think!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "If I push this button, you will both be dangerously transported into my main brain game frame, where it is very dangerous.",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "No! It's a far-too-dangerous incredible adventure for you! That's final.",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Use the combo move, Finn! The combo move!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "This does compute!",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "BMO is camera!",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Check, please.",
"linkTitle": "Video Makers",
"href": "/wiki/Video_Makers"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "When bad things happen, I know you want to believe they are a joke, but sometimes life is scary and dark. That is why we must find the light.",
"linkTitle": "The Creeps",
"href": "/wiki/The_Creeps"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Yes, Finn. It goes in my butt.",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part I",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_I"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "My alarm says it's time for Finn's bath. Finn, get naked.",
"linkTitle": "Holly Jolly Secrets Part I",
"href": "/wiki/Holly_Jolly_Secrets_Part_I"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "If anyone tries to hurt Finn, I will kill them.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Bow to your sensei.",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "No, I do not play such games... with Jake.",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "BMO Chop! If this were a real attack, you'd be dead.",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Guess who's late for their video chat.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Sure he's a dirt bag born out of a mother, but who's not?",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "I feel like I got hit with a Dracula by King Kong.",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "She's red hot like pizza supper!",
"linkTitle": "BMO Noire",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Noire"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "My face! Finn! Jake! Kiss my face!",
"linkTitle": "BMO Lost",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Lost"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "All right, last night, an electric presence came into my room and said, \"BMO, I need your perfect body to host the human incarnation of a baby!\"",
"linkTitle": "James Baxter the Horse",
"href": "/wiki/James_Baxter_the_Horse_(episode)"
"character": "Beemo",
"quote": "Finn, you're dumb- you're dumb- you're dumb- you're da man! This is gonna be a snap!",
"linkTitle": "Be More",
"href": "/wiki/Be_More"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "Aren't you cold, Finn?",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Folly",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Folly"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "Walk into the well, Finn.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Folly",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Folly"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "You are a joke... to me!!",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Folly",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Folly"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "(Princess Bubblegum's body) Yes, I'm fine, I just need to rest.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "(Princess Bubblegum's body) The ice wizard is a weak fool.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "(Princess Bubblegum's body) Finn, I need you to get me some things...",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "Did you bring the book? ... Yes, one step closer.",
"linkTitle": "In Your Footsteps",
"href": "/wiki/In_Your_Footsteps"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "The book, Finn. Give me The book. Quickly, child. We are running out of time.",
"linkTitle": "The Lich",
"href": "/wiki/The_Lich_(episode)"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "No, child. It's all true. The book has great power. I can make you live... forever. Anything you want... Just give me that book.",
"linkTitle": "The Lich",
"href": "/wiki/The_Lich_(episode)"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "Thanks, Finn. I couldn't have done it without you.",
"linkTitle": "The Lich",
"href": "/wiki/The_Lich_(episode)"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "Get off! (kicks jake)",
"linkTitle": "The Lich (episode)",
"href": "/wiki/The_Lich_(episode)"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "I wish for the extinction of all li- for Finn and Jake to go back home to Ooo. Huh? No! Wait! That's not what I wished for!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog (episode)",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "Fall!",
"linkTitle": "Escape from the Citadel",
"href": "/wiki/Escape_from_the_Citadel"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people. These ancients are just the beginning. I will command a great and terrible army, and we will sail to a billion worlds. We will sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong, child, but I am beyond strength. I am the end, and I have come for you, Finn.",
"linkTitle": "Escape from the Citadel",
"href": "/wiki/Escape_from_the_Citadel"
"character": "The Lich (character)",
"quote": "Stop. I have learned much from you. Thank you, my teachers. And now for your education. Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. And before there was nothing, there were monsters. Here's your gold star!",
"linkTitle": "Gold Stars",
"href": "/wiki/Gold_Stars"
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "We are Bufo.",
"linkTitle": "Wizard",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard"
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Behold the Grand Hall of Wizardry. This is where young potentials train to become Ultimate Wizards. But most are not ready for the responsibility that comes with it.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Fine, fine. Now, for every power that you accrue, you shall receive a star badge like these. This final star betokens the rank of Ultimate Wizard.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Are you ready for more magic?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "No! Cover your eyes!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "My word. I've never met someone so irresponsibly responsible. Very well, then. You must... grasp my hand.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Yes. It's been heading for this temple for 847 years. Only the magic of the Ultimate Wizards keeps it from getting any closer.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Don't forget to thank me, for this was my plan for all these 847 years.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Perhaps you're right. No more giving out free powers. I hereby renounce all magic... My life is over!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard"
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Sorry, man. Nothing personal.",
"linkTitle": "Reign of Gunthers",
"href": "/wiki/Reign_of_Gunthers"
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "What part of \"secret society\" don't you understand?!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Bufo",
"quote": "Ghosts of the warp-plane, grant us passage into your realm.",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Cinnamon Bun",
"quote": "Okay. I'm gonna do it. Okay, okay, okay. Everyone watch! I'm gonna do a flip!",
"linkTitle": "The Enchiridion!",
"href": "/wiki/The_Enchiridion!_(episode)"
"character": "Cinnamon Bun",
"quote": "You're a dynamo, Finn!",
"linkTitle": "Power Animal",
"href": "/wiki/Power_Animal"
"character": "Cinnamon Bun",
"quote": "I said you don't really focus at all!",
"linkTitle": "Power Animal",
"href": "/wiki/Power_Animal"
"character": "Cinnamon Bun",
"quote": "You came into my room around midnight and gave me a squeeze—a really strong one!",
"linkTitle": "Hug Wolf",
"href": "/wiki/Hug_Wolf"
"character": "Cinnamon Bun",
"quote": "You're wrong. Flame Princess may not be the most ruthless of all despots, but she is strong where it really counts—in her heart. And that is good.",
"linkTitle": "The Red Throne",
"href": "/wiki/The_Red_Throne"
"character": "Cinnamon Bun",
"quote": "I have learned so much watching this beautiful woman work, and with her example, I have become a better man. I will be by her side as her champion and knight every step of the way because... I love her.",
"linkTitle": "The Red Throne",
"href": "/wiki/The_Red_Throne"
"character": "Cinnamon Bun",
"quote": "It's true, she does have egg breath.",
"linkTitle": "Princess Day",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Day"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Actually, I think I'm beating it back with sheer willpower. (grows another lump) Oh, my.",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "No! Because no matter how messed up and lumpy I get, this guy never turns his back on me! (turns into Lumpy Jake) Oh yeah. Right behind ya. Just gotta turn my back on this guy.",
"linkTitle": "Trouble in Lumpy Space",
"href": "/wiki/Trouble_in_Lumpy_Space"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Sleds are for suckers! Just ride on my gut!",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Slime Princess, you shouldn't marry Finn. He pees his pants constantly. All the time.",
"linkTitle": "Prisoners of Love",
"href": "/wiki/Prisoners_of_Love"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "She got past me, man. I tried to stop her, but she overpowered me.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Hey! Crack open that book and read something for fun's sake, alright?",
"linkTitle": "The Enchiridion!",
"href": "/wiki/The_Enchiridion!_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Seriously, Stanley... For a watermelon, you get into trouble way more often than you should.",
"linkTitle": "The Jiggler",
"href": "/wiki/The_Jiggler"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "(Imitating Princess Bubblegum) Hey, shorty. You should pick your boogers and then fart! (Imitating Ricardio) You look kinda like a big pink baguette!",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I keep finding baby shoes. What the heck, man? And they're all lefties!",
"linkTitle": "Business Time",
"href": "/wiki/Business_Time"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "You know what they remind me of? Well-dressed pickles.",
"linkTitle": "Business Time",
"href": "/wiki/Business_Time"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "(imitating the Ice King) I'm the Ice King, and I'll never find a bride because I'm such a tool!",
"linkTitle": "Business Time",
"href": "/wiki/Business_Time"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "쟤가 설사래. [Jyae-ga seol-sa-rae.]He said \"diarrhea.\"",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Uhh... No. No, she didn't say 'diarrhea who.' She didn't... say it.",
"linkTitle": "My Two Favorite People",
"href": "/wiki/My_Two_Favorite_People"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "He still cries when he poops. Thanks for being cool, guys.",
"linkTitle": "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain",
"href": "/wiki/Memories_of_Boom_Boom_Mountain"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "This dolphin fell in love with me!",
"linkTitle": "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain",
"href": "/wiki/Memories_of_Boom_Boom_Mountain"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I wasn't scared! I was singing! I was singing my scream song. Wooaah! Wooaaooh!",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Finn, House-hunting is wiiiild! You've got to try it.",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I'd rather be dancin' with some babes!",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "My subconscious must be hungry, huh?",
"linkTitle": "The Witch's Garden",
"href": "/wiki/The_Witch%27s_Garden_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "You guys are so cute, I could just maul you to death.",
"linkTitle": "The Witch's Garden",
"href": "/wiki/The_Witch%27s_Garden_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Hey, hey. Come on, the ocean is your friend, and you got friends all around you right now. Miles and miles of friends.",
"linkTitle": "Ocean of Fear",
"href": "/wiki/Ocean_of_Fear"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I can't have you messin' up my bread and butter, dude.",
"linkTitle": "Ocean of Fear",
"href": "/wiki/Ocean_of_Fear"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "And also swear to only speak in rhymes. Speak in rhymes all the times!",
"linkTitle": "Ocean of Fear",
"href": "/wiki/Ocean_of_Fear"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "(deep, Elvis-like voice) Whatever you want, mama.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Come put her out of her misery, dude.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Eh. Um. Uh. I choose... sandwich.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Just hop on my powdered doughnut, boy!",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Nah, we're more like cops. Crooked cops!",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I could probably think of a reason of why that's villainous if you gave me enough time. Maybe...",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I'll kill you and raise your children as my own!",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I'm gonna go rescue all the babies in town. Only the babies.",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Get your hero on, dude!",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Heh heh. I can't take you seriously when you're singing, man.",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Safety! Patrol! Safety patrol! Safety... Oh, were we not wearing the uniforms?",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I have pants! Spun from spider webs... by pixies.",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I wanna help you outta this, man, but she scares the filling outta my doughnut!",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Don't you worry, Finn. I'll get you out of there. I've got a perfect plan! (Marceline sees him & hisses at him, scaring him off) I'm not running away, Finn! This is just part of my plan!",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I saved my bro from a scum-sucking vampire!",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "The bazooka goblin has you in its sights!",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Dang girl, if you weren't a figment of my imagination, I'd wanna to have your baby...",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Oh man, I imagined my mom naked! Yuck!",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Dude, be calmed by my saliva.",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Dude, suckin' at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something. You and I are like little baby Billys right now. And we're \"sucking\" on our first bottle of nonviolent milk.",
"linkTitle": "His Hero",
"href": "/wiki/His_Hero"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I'm not cute, I'll mess you up...",
"linkTitle": "Gut Grinder",
"href": "/wiki/Gut_Grinder_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Hey, get outta here, horse! I wanna go to sleep and you're creeping me the math out!",
"linkTitle": "The Eyes",
"href": "/wiki/The_Eyes"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Forget it, man. This horse is whack. It's got poobrain.",
"linkTitle": "The Eyes",
"href": "/wiki/The_Eyes"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Yeah. I know, Finn. I diagnosed this horse with whacked out poobrain 5 minutes ago.",
"linkTitle": "The Eyes",
"href": "/wiki/The_Eyes"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Dude, let's kill the horse.",
"linkTitle": "The Eyes",
"href": "/wiki/The_Eyes"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Did you find out that I sleep in the nude? It's none of your business how nude I sleep, Ice King! None of your business!",
"linkTitle": "The Eyes",
"href": "/wiki/The_Eyes"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "You don't just read the poetry to understand it, you got to feel it.",
"linkTitle": "Blood Under the Skin",
"href": "/wiki/Blood_Under_the_Skin"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Then just make it think it's her idea. That's how you make the ladies do what you want.",
"linkTitle": "Blood Under the Skin",
"href": "/wiki/Blood_Under_the_Skin"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Bad computer! No! No! Go sit in the corner, and think about your life.",
"linkTitle": "Slow Love",
"href": "/wiki/Slow_Love"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Girl, you smell good. Did you take a bath in rainbows and cupcakes?",
"linkTitle": "Slow Love",
"href": "/wiki/Slow_Love"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Dude, I'm going in.",
"linkTitle": "Slow Love",
"href": "/wiki/Slow_Love"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Take my sandwich, BMO. I'm gonna go find Fi-- (gasps) A dancing bug!",
"linkTitle": "Power Animal",
"href": "/wiki/Power_Animal"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Must... find... Finn! Must... must... (voice gets slightly deeper) party foreverrrrrrr!",
"linkTitle": "Power Animal",
"href": "/wiki/Power_Animal"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "If I had a penny for every time someone went crazy, hopped up and magic energy... I'd be Abraham Lincoln.",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Uh-oh. Somebody's gonna do a quest for a frog.",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Gee! Sittin' in this hot sun guarding beans. Boy, it sure beats 26 miles of vanilla ice cream, or caramel ice cream, or peach ice cream.",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "This pod makes ice cream outta nothing! It's the goodest thing that's ever happened to me.",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Buddy, just breathe into me.",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Hey, Finn, let's split. This turned out to be boring.",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "It's probably a computal gleetch.",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Easy peasy, livin' greasy!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "They're trying to peel me! I'm... not... a... banana!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "We can rule them, like gods...(deep voice) angry gods.",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "(Susan Strong falls on the grass) You killed her... Yep. Felled by surface world germs.",
"linkTitle": "Susan Strong",
"href": "/wiki/Susan_Strong_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "You're sick, Party Pat! I'm gonna go watch T.V.",
"linkTitle": "Belly of the Beast",
"href": "/wiki/Belly_of_the_Beast"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Hey man, watch it. I think that's my nerp, but like super stretched out.",
"linkTitle": "The Limit",
"href": "/wiki/The_Limit"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Yeah, I could go for some blood.",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "And what if we turn evil? I'll have to start wearing cologne.",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I love you, Everything burrito.",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Wanna just smash 'em all?",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Tastes better than blood! Or does it? Hey Finn, you think blood tastes better than ketchup?",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "(mumbling in his sleep) Meat Man. I'm sorry, Meat Man. I didn't mean it, man.",
"linkTitle": "Hitman",
"href": "/wiki/Hitman"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "It's not easy, but you have to be persistent. You might have to defeat a demon lord, or warp through several worlds. But once you do, you walk up the wizard stairs, and produce your magic key you got in the water world and unlock the chamber door. Then, you walk right up to the princess, and give her a smooch. ...Does that make sense?",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Well, I know what's missing. Talent. I'm getting out of here, you hacks. Talentless hacks!",
"linkTitle": "What Was Missing",
"href": "/wiki/What_Was_Missing"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Oh, I'm coming with you... if only to be disruptive and obnoxious!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Fish People! I'll be, um... a dolphin!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Whatever, man. This is a crazy cruise, and Susan is our crazy captain, and I'm a crazy clam shell!",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I'm puttin' an end to all this craziness with my Pick-Axe Hand.",
"linkTitle": "Beautopia",
"href": "/wiki/Beautopia"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "This ghost ain't home, man.",
"linkTitle": "Ghost Princess",
"href": "/wiki/Ghost_Princess_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Gotta find a honey for my homie! A baby for my buddy! (Deep voice) A lady... for my laddie...",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "They're all burned! There's barbequed bods everywhere!",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Love like theirs will always find a way. It will crawl up all over you and drain your body fluids, poisoning you slowly until you pass out. Circle of life, Finn… circle of life.",
"linkTitle": "Web Weirdos",
"href": "/wiki/Web_Weirdos"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Yaaaaaaay! Noooooo!",
"linkTitle": "Return to the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/Return_to_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Your heart may be small, but it's strong as a bull donk, and I know. You can wait through this line, so we can meet Hunson Abadeer and find out why we're here and why we we're in a pile of bañanles.",
"linkTitle": "Return to the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/Return_to_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "It's not answering questions, man. That thing's gonna bake our beans!",
"linkTitle": "Return to the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/Return_to_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "When you see the wicker devil in the tree afterlife, tell him Jake says, 'Hello.'",
"linkTitle": "Hug Wolf",
"href": "/wiki/Hug_Wolf"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Jakoria will reclaim what we have lost!",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Let me explain some junk about dating. Right now you're at tier one, which is hugging, but pretty soon you'll be at tier two, which is smooching. Then down the road you'll reach tier five, when she'll let you discover all fifteen feet of her long, beautiful stomach. And after a while you'll make it to tier eight where you touch her horn for the very first time. Very special.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Stay away from that! Do not do tier fifteen!",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Ok, Princess. You need to stop breaking in here!",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Back off Bubblegum, that's his man's biz.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "You heartless monster! Do you have any idea how much he's cried over you? Finn deserves to be happy! Even if his bloopin' face gets burned off. You should be ashamed. You're sick!",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I'm-- puppies?!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Bad biscuits make the baker broke, bro.",
"linkTitle": "I Remember You",
"href": "/wiki/I_Remember_You"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Your constant harassment of the female gender makes me siiick",
"linkTitle": "I Remember You",
"href": "/wiki/I_Remember_You"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I dreamed I was in kindergarten again, but I had really big feet, and was also the teacher.",
"linkTitle": "The Lich",
"href": "/wiki/The_Lich_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I wish for... a sandwich!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Oh, what a good boy am I!",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Don't let the dragon drag on.",
"linkTitle": "Davey",
"href": "/wiki/Davey"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Being crazy is hard. You’re getting all hung up, all hung up on imaginary problems. You gotta focus on what’s real, man.",
"linkTitle": "Puhoy",
"href": "/wiki/Puhoy"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Hey, a bubble! Pop!",
"linkTitle": "BMO Lost",
"href": "/wiki/BMO_Lost"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I look pretty!",
"linkTitle": "Princess Potluck",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Potluck"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "I really like turnin' into cop stuff. I literally can't stop turning into cop stuff.",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Dude, don't make me feel any more awkward than I already do!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Jake",
"quote": "Cram your tram!",
"linkTitle": "Be More",
"href": "/wiki/Be_More"
"character": "Sir Slicer",
"quote": "Ah, you foolish boy. Without full body armor you're weak.",
"linkTitle": "Blood Under the Skin",
"href": "/wiki/Blood_Under_the_Skin"
"character": "Sir Slicer",
"quote": "Good luck exposing your soft, vanilla-strawberry skin to the elements, dork. Later, losers.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Sir Slicer",
"quote": "What's the matter, crimson-cheeks? Feeling a little embarrassed in the Swamp of Embarrassment? You're so red you look like a tomato!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Sir Slicer",
"quote": "Armor. [Clicks tongue twice]",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Sir Slicer",
"quote": "Look at you losers. Finn, you don't have any armor and your friend is dressed like a lady. So not [Clicks tongue twice].",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Sir Slicer",
"quote": "I am more [Clicks tongue twice] than all of you!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Sir Slicer",
"quote": "Ah, no problem. I'll just prop myself up on this stick!Argh! Splinter!",
"linkTitle": "Blood Under the Skin",
"href": "/wiki/Blood_Under_the_Skin"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Whoa, is this the family axe? Did you turn it into some kind of lute?!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Well, I'm certainly not the guy who's gonna suck out your soul.",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "So, this next part will be all the more horrifying! (roaring laugh)",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "(chuckling) Alright! I got a joke too; what wears a dark suit, is completely evil and is about to suck out all your souls?",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "That's right; I'm your mama! (roars)",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "(whistling) Stompin' on ants, suckin' their souls. Stompin' on ants, souls, souls, souls. (screeches)",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "You can't destroy me!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "You're not even alive!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Of all of history's greatest monsters, you are by far the most evil thing I've encountered. Offer your soul to me, dark one!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "No! You can't have my soul! I don't even--look, just get in here!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Fine! GO! I'm too busy sucking to deal with you.",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "I love you, Marceline. Don't you ever doubt that.",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "See how chaotic it is out there?",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Well, I'm gonna go take a nappy.",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "You should put this amulet on. It'll grant you wishes, uh like ponies, or whatever kids like.",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Ha! Yes, you are, sweetie. Daddy's little monster!",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Just grabbin' a midnight snack.",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "I know! Isn't she great? Marceline, following in her daddy's footsteps.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "Uhh... I wonder what happened to him. Kids these days... am I right?",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "I know, I'm sorry. But I thought you'd want to... want to make your old man proud... and, you know, take over the Nightosphere.",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "No, I didn't mean... Baby, of course I'm proud of you.",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Hunson Abadeer",
"quote": "...And your friends; they're alright! That political rap; pretty great!",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "Salt?! But I heard you guys were heroes...",
"linkTitle": "Snorlock",
"href": "/wiki/Snorlock"
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "It's not mad juice, it's sad juice! My name's Snorlock, and I'm sa-a-a-a-ad!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "I need a girlfriend. I have no one to love.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "Talkin' to ladies is hard.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "(at \"snail\" Jake) I'll mate with you.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "Uhh, girl, you smell good.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "May I smell you more?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "Mmm... cupcakes... did you take a bath?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "What? I'm naked? But I never had a shell!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "Me, a slug?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Snorlock",
"quote": "I don't know any slug chicks.",
"linkTitle": "Snorlock",
"href": "/wiki/Snorlock"
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "Leave her be, Boilbee.",
"linkTitle": "Ghost Princess",
"href": "/wiki/Ghost_Princess_(episode)"
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "A princess deserves empathy. Not your sass.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "Some of us still want to feel, you know? The vital magnetism of live, the vibrating energies that connect all living and non-living beings.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "I can't imagine someone who would harm someone as beautiful as this.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "Of course not. And we may never find out, but that's okay, because right now, in this moment, I'm feeling pretty sweetles, you know?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "That's great, Ghost Princess. I'm glad we can feel this way together. In the face of uncertainty.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "More beautiful than I could imagine.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "I was talking about you, Princess.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "My soul is stuck! I have to know how I died!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "Oh, Glob. My life is like a fart!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "I said, \"My life is like a fart!!!\"",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Clarence",
"quote": "I'm starting to remember. I was a broken man.",
"linkTitle": "Ghost Princess",
"href": "/wiki/Ghost_Princess_(episode)"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "I'm so happy! I'm so happy to meet you, Prince! You're my prince.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "STOP WHISPERING!!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You! What's wrong with me, huh?! You don't like me?!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "What's wrong with you?! Don't ever mess with me again!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Yes, that's all you've done! (gasp) Are you trying to hurt me? Is that why you're following me?",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "I am ambushing you!",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Huh? Why do you torment me?\nEnough! You should not toy with the emotions of a fire elemental.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You told me you liked me, and you made my flame grow brighter, but then you put me out, which hurt!",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You're trying to impede me. That must be your purpose, ...but fire's purpose is to burn, so I'm going to turn this land into my fire kingdom.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "I've heard this all before.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You MEANIE!",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "That is the last time you hurt me.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "I understand now. You're a water elemental.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Finn, even if we like each other, we're going to hurt each other.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You would defy nature for me?",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Oh, do the thing that I like.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Thank you for building my new home, Finn. I'm so happy.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Come on, honey. Eat your soup.",
"linkTitle": "King Worm",
"href": "/wiki/King_Worm"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "EAT IT NOW!!!",
"linkTitle": "King Worm",
"href": "/wiki/King_Worm"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You guys are full of magic air.",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "It's just... the air smells bad from your magic tricks, and now I feel sad. I left all my scented candles at the castle. They'd really cut through the magic stank.",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Then I'll have to see my dad... I'm still mad at him for imprisoning me in that lantern. So UNFAIR!!!",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Really? That would be really nice! But don't let my pap see you! I don't want his majesty thinking I need anything from him!",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Oh, not you, Jake, my dad. I always catch him whispering stuff in my ear while I'm not paying attention. He keeps saying I'm evil.",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Uh, do we need a torch? I'm sorta made of fire.",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Burning you alive!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "This is kinda boring. At least he's walking fast.",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Ughh, doors! Burn, burn, burn!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Yes! Feel my flames, puny worms!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "The power of destruction!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Release him or feel the wrath of the Princess of Flames!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Do the splits, thou milk-livered maggot pie!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "No way! I'd never do that to my boyfriend.",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Hold on, bro. Perhaps it is a non-flameish custom unknown to us.",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Oh, my Bjork! No! I don't want to see more! Wait, what's that in your mouth? Jake?",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "I don't know about eating, but it feels nice.",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Why don't you get a room?!",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Beat it, you freaky old trump!",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "What did you say to me?!",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "I don't like being made fun of, Ice King. I don't like it at all!",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "It's only okay if the person making the fun is someone I'm cool with! And they do it in a respectful and knowing way!",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Inferno...shot!",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Shh. I should have known. That letter said things in it that only you would know. Personal things, Finn. And you used them against me. I thought you were the one person I could- I need some time alone.",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "I thought Finn was a stand-up guy, you know? But he basically betrayed me.",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "It's like that in the Fire Kingdom, too. Everyone's all deceitful and Shakespeare. But out here doesn't seem any different. Why do I have to feel like this? And what is that noise?! Grrr!",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "Sometimes friends are hard to understand. Sometimes you think you know them, but you find out they're just playing mind games.",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "That is the new way in the Fire Kingdom. Total honesty is the law of the land—no secrets.",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You never let me have any of those things! You were a selfish king and a bad parent!",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "You belong in that lamp! And if you don't settle down, you'll have to answer to Cinnamon Bun!",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "No. I've realized my place is here, ruling these weak and vicious Fire People.",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Flame Princess",
"quote": "But we're cool. You're welcome to come back and hang out whenever you like if you promise me one thing.",
"linkTitle": "Earth & Water",
"href": "/wiki/Earth_%26_Water"
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "Greetings, Frank the human boy.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "I have approximate knowledge of many things. For instance, I know that I am possibly going to slay you, and munch on your eyeballs.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "You're trespassing on my dungeon, man-ling, and I am the thing [extends claws] you should be afraid of.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "I'm going to unzip your skin and wear you like a little coat.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "Now you DIE!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "Wait a second...[sniffs twice] is that dog smell?! You...You have a dog with you? I'm outta here!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "Heeey, my dinner is back and your dog isn't with you. That's what you said, right? Jack the dog is not 'accompanying' you?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "Jake, Jack, whatever. He's not here. Which means I'm going to rip your heart out.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "You can't hide from me, Jim! I know almost everything, remember? I know exactly where you might be, Jim. I'm about to pounce on you... One... two... THREE—Aww, man, thought you'd be behind this rock.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "[sniffs twice] Alright, I know where you are now! And I'm about to pounce again! One... two... three! Oh, man. Well, there's only a few more places to look.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Demon Cat",
"quote": "I know where you're hiding, Jim.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "Another one! Be gone, mortal!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "You can't kick me because your brain is stupid!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "I'm going to kill you now.",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "Those are the rules in the Land of the Dead. Lose a music battle, lose your life.",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "What? You know Peppermint Butler? [...] Yo, you guys can have whatever you want!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "Kiss of death, baby. You got your memory back.",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "King of Mars. What's your business?",
"linkTitle": "Sons of Mars",
"href": "/wiki/Sons_of_Mars"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "What will you give me for him?",
"linkTitle": "Sons of Mars",
"href": "/wiki/Sons_of_Mars"
"character": "Death",
"quote": "(Laughs) Not this time, your majesty.",
"linkTitle": "Sons of Mars",
"href": "/wiki/Sons_of_Mars"
"character": "Prince Gumball",
"quote": "What? No. They can't even talk.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Prince Gumball",
"quote": "Yes! So very large.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Prince Gumball",
"quote": "I'd like you to be there as my special guest. . . Heck yes. As my pal.",
"linkTitle": "Fionna and Cake",
"href": "/wiki/Fionna_and_Cake"
"character": "Prince Gumball",
"quote": "Oh my. Looks like you almost skronked up my dome piece.",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Prince Gumball",
"quote": "Oh, it's just him.",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Prince Gumball",
"quote": "Come back inside if you want more polite company.",
"linkTitle": "Bad Little Boy",
"href": "/wiki/Bad_Little_Boy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Mathematical!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Whoa! Algebraic!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Rhombus! Iceclops!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "MY HAT IS AWESOME!",
"linkTitle": "Adventure Time",
"href": "/wiki/Animated_short"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm hanging the piñatas... They are all around you! Smash the piñatas!",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Candy People explode when they get scared?",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Slamacow! That was tops! Who's not good at math? I was all, \"Four!\"",
"linkTitle": "Slumber Party Panic",
"href": "/wiki/Slumber_Party_Panic"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Tree Trunks, I'm all jacked up because of you. Look at my jacked up face!",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Is that what you think adventurers do? Die and make all your friends feel terrible 'cause they couldn't save you?!",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Do you think I have the goods, Bubblegum? Because I am into this stuff!",
"linkTitle": "The Enchiridion!",
"href": "/wiki/The_Enchiridion!_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Shmow-zow!",
"linkTitle": "The Enchiridion!",
"href": "/wiki/The_Enchiridion!_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'll slay anything that's evil. That's my deal!",
"linkTitle": "The Enchiridion!",
"href": "/wiki/The_Enchiridion!_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm not righteous. I'm wrong-teous. Stupid-teous.",
"linkTitle": "The Enchiridion!",
"href": "/wiki/The_Enchiridion!_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Baby, I know what you crave.",
"linkTitle": "The Jiggler",
"href": "/wiki/The_Jiggler"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Let's get this party started!",
"linkTitle": "The Jiggler",
"href": "/wiki/The_Jiggler"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'll never kidnap again.",
"linkTitle": "The Jiggler",
"href": "/wiki/The_Jiggler"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm not jealous. I'm weird!",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Uhh.... She hates me now.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Finn",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I feel radder, faster... more adequate!",
"linkTitle": "Business Time",
"href": "/wiki/Business_Time"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm Princess Bubblegum and I'm a dork because I like science. I've also got a really annoying voice that Finn thinks is attractive!",
"linkTitle": "Business Time",
"href": "/wiki/Business_Time"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Youth culture forever!",
"linkTitle": "Wizard",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Are you gonna smash my skull and breathe my blood mist?",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "No worms on the bed!",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "It's vampire fighting time!",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Get ready for an uppercut, you dog!",
"linkTitle": "Evicted!",
"href": "/wiki/Evicted!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Stealing's wrong, doofus!",
"linkTitle": "City of Thieves",
"href": "/wiki/City_of_Thieves_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Holy stuff! It talked! Wow-cow-chow!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "What?! You gotta be flipping kidding me!",
"linkTitle": "What is Life?",
"href": "/wiki/What_is_Life%3F"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(to Fear Feaster) I'm no wuss! I'm the hero around these parts!",
"linkTitle": "Ocean of Fear",
"href": "/wiki/Ocean_of_Fear"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Yeah, it's pretty math... you psychopath!",
"linkTitle": "Ocean of Fear",
"href": "/wiki/Ocean_of_Fear"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Eat my sword, Ice King!",
"linkTitle": "When Wedding Bells Thaw",
"href": "/wiki/When_Wedding_Bells_Thaw"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm weddy for the wedding.",
"linkTitle": "When Wedding Bells Thaw",
"href": "/wiki/When_Wedding_Bells_Thaw"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "And I felt happy for that son of a toot!",
"linkTitle": "When Wedding Bells Thaw",
"href": "/wiki/When_Wedding_Bells_Thaw"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Heh. Yeah, right. That sounds like idiot talk.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm a radical boy on the mission for the Crystal Eye!",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Whoa, somebody pick up your freaky cat.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "How did you almost know my name?",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Slaps, that cat was kicking my buns, and it might've finished my buns it if weren't for Jake's stank.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Don't flaunt it if you're not gonna give it up.",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "All aboard the knuckle train to Fist Planet!I rode the knuckle train? But I'm in my element!",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Okay, just this once, we'll be vigilantes!",
"linkTitle": "The Duke",
"href": "/wiki/The_Duke"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Nuts, I'm freakin' all about sugar... but I'm even more all about feeding hobos!",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Not to scorn the kicking of people in the crotch?",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Kim, I will destroy you!",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "You're the sis, sis.",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Word! Now let's go wreck up that Magic Man!",
"linkTitle": "Freak City",
"href": "/wiki/Freak_City_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Safety! Patrol!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Shushers, man!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Slam-bam-in-a-can!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Have more apple juice. It always makes me feel better when I--Aw! Donny! Quit being a jerk!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Hands off the housing market!",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Werewolves: much worse than ogres.",
"linkTitle": "Donny",
"href": "/wiki/Donny_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I couldn't let that old man suffer, Jake. My code of honor wouldn't allow it.",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "That sounds bombastic, honey!",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "She's a radical dame who likes to play games!",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "You still up for pixie strangling tomorrow?",
"linkTitle": "Henchman",
"href": "/wiki/Henchman"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is!",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "What the hey-hey?",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "That riddle sucks.",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I can feel them on my face! Imaginary poison coursing through my veins!",
"linkTitle": "Rainy Day Daydream",
"href": "/wiki/Rainy_Day_Daydream"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Makes sense: you do bad stuff, I punish you!",
"linkTitle": "What Have You Done?",
"href": "/wiki/What_Have_You_Done%3F"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm not evil, Marceline's dad. I'm super good!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Marceline, release the Finn bomb!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Well, this ant's about to get in his pants!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Nobody flicks me in the butt without my consent!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'll see you in the Nightosphere, you sick freak!",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm also exhausted emotionally, or wait, I mean physically.",
"linkTitle": "It Came from the Nightosphere",
"href": "/wiki/It_Came_from_the_Nightosphere"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "No more pajamas!",
"linkTitle": "Power Animal",
"href": "/wiki/Power_Animal"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm not dead. I'm just all crystal stiff.",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Does it have to be princess hair?",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "'Here lies Princess Beautiful. She was so beautiful... but died of baldness?!' Dang it!",
"linkTitle": "To Cut a Woman's Hair",
"href": "/wiki/To_Cut_a_Woman%27s_Hair"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "JJ Flip! What the zip?",
"linkTitle": "Her Parents",
"href": "/wiki/Her_Parents"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "He just really likes ice cream.",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Glitter on its own could be evil, but with rainbows... over my dead body!",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Don't just lick stuff!",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "That doesn't fair well for their... grade point average.",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "It's freaking adorable.",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm killing you with ice cream!",
"linkTitle": "The Pods",
"href": "/wiki/The_Pods"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm not gonna spank your hams!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Wands are for wimps!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Die, you fire!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "The library of the undead!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'll just read this book about pigs.",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Jake, we're going to college!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I can't help it, man! I'm all about stupid!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Everything small is just a small version of something big! I understand everything!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm better than okay. I know exactly how to impress the princess.",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm going to blow your minds.",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "A 4-dimensional bubble casts a 3-dimensional shadow! It is beyond comprehension! Beyond space! Beyond time!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Yes! And their brains are releasing adrenaline, dopamine, even dimethyltryptamine from the pineal gland! This has serious educational value! Thanatophobia and this N.D.E. is giving us euphoric altered awareness! Don't you see, Princess? We were all born to die!",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "What? No way. I'm, like, the smartest guy in Ooo thanks to these glasses.",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Huh, knew what? I wrote that list when I was insane with smartness.",
"linkTitle": "The Real You",
"href": "/wiki/The_Real_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Up, down, left, left, right, right, down, spin, down, up, left, right, left, down, spin, up, down, jump!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "BMO, this game is the worst!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "If I were really in this game, I would crush Sam, breezily, with my mitts!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh, man, BMO, you gotta let us in that game!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm looking at my bits, dude. My leg is math!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Let's go kick their digital boo-tays!",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Bouncy Bee, Hunny Bunny, they're all hard as butts.",
"linkTitle": "Guardians of Sunshine",
"href": "/wiki/Guardians_of_Sunshine_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(to Death) Your brain is stupid!",
"linkTitle": "Death in Bloom",
"href": "/wiki/Death_in_Bloom"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "You're going down or both of us are going down!",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Train",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Train"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Marceline, would you do me the honor of getting the plop outta here?",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Marceline... of course! It's been Marceline all along!",
"linkTitle": "Go With Me",
"href": "/wiki/Go_With_Me"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I wish for... the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant!",
"linkTitle": "The Limit",
"href": "/wiki/The_Limit"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "No, I'm not! I've got a sweater on!",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Folly",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Folly"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Come on, man! That's pervy!",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Thirteen years old? That's how old I am.",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Uh, bleach, lighter fluid, ammonia, gasoline, I dunno. Lady stuff... Plutonium...",
"linkTitle": "Mortal Recoil",
"href": "/wiki/Mortal_Recoil"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "This stink up's mega bamm-bamm to the J-Stop!",
"linkTitle": "Heat Signature",
"href": "/wiki/Heat_Signature_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "But strength isn't your strength. Adorable cuteness is!",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Hoc habet!",
"linkTitle": "Morituri Te Salutamus",
"href": "/wiki/Morituri_Te_Salutamus"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Eludere!",
"linkTitle": "Morituri Te Salutamus",
"href": "/wiki/Morituri_Te_Salutamus"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm a buff baby who can dance like a man!",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Puncha yo buns, puncha yo buns!",
"linkTitle": "Memory of a Memory",
"href": "/wiki/Memory_of_a_Memory"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "So spice! So spice!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "What the huh?",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "That's bunk! Right, Pree-bos?",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Yeah, like pranking him up his face!",
"linkTitle": "Too Young",
"href": "/wiki/Too_Young"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Easy as childbirth.",
"linkTitle": "The Monster",
"href": "/wiki/The_Monster"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'd rather sanctify PB's lips.",
"linkTitle": "Wizard Battle",
"href": "/wiki/Wizard_Battle"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'll get your kid back, toy.",
"linkTitle": "What Was Missing",
"href": "/wiki/What_Was_Missing"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Aw, dude! I broke my stems!",
"linkTitle": "No One Can Hear You",
"href": "/wiki/No_One_Can_Hear_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Yo! Is everyone in church? Worshiping Glob?",
"linkTitle": "No One Can Hear You",
"href": "/wiki/No_One_Can_Hear_You"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Give it up, Me-Mow! You're only making my face look cooler!",
"linkTitle": "Jake vs. Me-Mow",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_vs._Me-Mow"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "That idiot's about to walk into the sun.",
"linkTitle": "The New Frontier",
"href": "/wiki/The_New_Frontier"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "One, two, three, four, five, four. Over the mountain, the ominous cloud. Coming to cover the land in a shroud. Hide in a bushel, a basement, a cave. But when cloud comes a hunting, no ones a save, uh, safe. Cloud hunt, gotcha!",
"linkTitle": "Marceline's Closet",
"href": "/wiki/Marceline%27s_Closet"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'll fly the paper, as an airplane, down the bedroom ladder. It'll triple barrel-roll past the kitchen, open the fridge, and cook some eggs; then eat the eggs and unfold itself as it lays on the carpet in front of Marceline's door.",
"linkTitle": "Marceline's Closet",
"href": "/wiki/Marceline%27s_Closet"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Disguise yourself, fool! [...] What the-? Dude! You shape-changed to look like me?",
"linkTitle": "Marceline's Closet",
"href": "/wiki/Marceline%27s_Closet"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "My way!",
"linkTitle": "Another Way",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Way"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Jake! You looted?! That's bad, man! You're supposed to be good cop.",
"linkTitle": "Ghost Princess",
"href": "/wiki/Ghost_Princess_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Gold-darn you, tear ducts! Yah! Yah!",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Dude, I think I have a crush.",
"linkTitle": "Incendium",
"href": "/wiki/Incendium"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "She ain't evil. She's passionate. Help me track her down.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh Jake, Look at her. She’s innocent… like the steam off a puppy’s nose searching for a ham in the snow.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'm not trying to. I just like you. I think I... I think I like like you. Listen, when I look at you my brain goes all stupid, and I just want to hug you and sit on the couch and play BMO with you. I can't explain why, but I never felt this way and I think we should be together.",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Why can't I just like a girl?",
"linkTitle": "Hot to the Touch",
"href": "/wiki/Hot_to_the_Touch"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "No, man. I'll stunt you out!",
"linkTitle": "Web Weirdos",
"href": "/wiki/Web_Weirdos"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Marceline. No one... leaves the Nightosphere!",
"linkTitle": "Daddy's Little Monster",
"href": "/wiki/Daddy%27s_Little_Monster"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "We never went steady.",
"linkTitle": "In Your Footsteps",
"href": "/wiki/In_Your_Footsteps"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Hey. What the jug is that?",
"linkTitle": "Hug Wolf",
"href": "/wiki/Hug_Wolf"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I'll hug your mom!",
"linkTitle": "Hug Wolf",
"href": "/wiki/Hug_Wolf"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh, whoa so, that means Stormo is like... my son?",
"linkTitle": "Goliad",
"href": "/wiki/Goliad_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Where did you go, Simon?",
"linkTitle": "Beyond this Earthly Realm",
"href": "/wiki/Beyond_this_Earthly_Realm"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "You better get back in the Spirit Hole, dead one.",
"linkTitle": "Beyond this Earthly Realm",
"href": "/wiki/Beyond_this_Earthly_Realm"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Jake! Kerploop!",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "LSP... you don't need a mirror to know you look good. (sheathes his sword and grabs Lumpy Space Princess' \"dress.\") You're beautiful on the inside. Like... your brain and stuff!",
"linkTitle": "Gotcha!",
"href": "/wiki/Gotcha!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Alvin's hot juice box! Alvin's hot juice box!",
"linkTitle": "Princess Cookie",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Cookie"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "\"Uh... Can my Cool Dog and Ancient Scholar defeat your Husker Knights?",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I floop the Pig!",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I activate my Ancient Scholar.... to begin studying and I also move my pig to the Cave of Solitude sooo he can take a nap.",
"linkTitle": "Card Wars",
"href": "/wiki/Card_Wars"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Well, for one, I think this house is a reflection of your sick brain.",
"linkTitle": "Sons of Mars",
"href": "/wiki/Sons_of_Mars"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Bubblegum, I can't do this anymore!",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Now you like me?",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "What am I talking about? PB, I was—I was in love with you, okay?! And, you didn't love me back. Now I'm ready to move on, and it's like you're gonna build me up all over again! Well, I'm done! I'm done.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "...Your wavelengths are my weakness. Your emissions are what I've been missing.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(To weakened Flame Princess) Eh h-hey, what's wrong!? Please say something. Nhgh. Please, I need you... Nhhgh to be okay.",
"linkTitle": "Burning Low",
"href": "/wiki/Burning_Low"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "\"Get out of my house, King Worm!\"",
"linkTitle": "King Worm",
"href": "/wiki/King_Worm"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Princess, Ricardo's alive, he's in the black ice caves and he's peacocking hardcore!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Let's crush this mess all accordingly!",
"linkTitle": "You Made Me",
"href": "/wiki/You_Made_Me"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I want bionic legs!",
"linkTitle": "Who Would Win",
"href": "/wiki/Who_Would_Win"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Naked babies! Naked babies! Naked babies!",
"linkTitle": "Ignition Point",
"href": "/wiki/Ignition_Point"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I call fire patrol!",
"linkTitle": "The Hard Easy",
"href": "/wiki/The_Hard_Easy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Shmow-tow, dude! That guy's gonna dingle our bones into tapioca pudding!",
"linkTitle": "The Hard Easy",
"href": "/wiki/The_Hard_Easy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "You messed up-ed, Billy!",
"linkTitle": "The Lich",
"href": "/wiki/The_Lich_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I wish...The Lich... never, even ever existed!",
"linkTitle": "Finn the Human",
"href": "/wiki/Finn_the_Human_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Wait... Wha... Why would The Lich... Jake! Something messed up is happening!",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dog",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dog_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh, what a good boy am I!",
"linkTitle": "Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Sometimes a man, just got to retrieve it's own disk...",
"linkTitle": "Up a Tree",
"href": "/wiki/Up_a_Tree"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I, ate a magic apple by mistake...",
"linkTitle": "Up a Tree",
"href": "/wiki/Up_a_Tree"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "How 'bout BMO and Ice King? (Jake asks) Would they make a good couple?",
"linkTitle": "All the Little People",
"href": "/wiki/All_the_Little_People"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(while watching the little people) I did not sleep.",
"linkTitle": "All the Little People",
"href": "/wiki/All_the_Little_People"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Hello! Hello, hello, helloo...... ahhhhhHHH (voice scales through several autotuned octaves) (Davey's voice) Hello! I'm Davey!",
"linkTitle": "Davey",
"href": "/wiki/Davey"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Hey Jake, hey Lady.",
"linkTitle": "Jake the Dad",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_the_Dad"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Do the splits, thou milk-livered maggot pie!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh crab it to the butternuts, it's locked!",
"linkTitle": "Vault of Bones",
"href": "/wiki/Vault_of_Bones"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Man, I don't have patience for this animation junk. Whoever does this must have no life whatsoeve--.",
"linkTitle": "A Glitch is a Glitch",
"href": "/wiki/A_Glitch_is_a_Glitch"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Escape, Jake, escape!",
"linkTitle": "A Glitch is a Glitch",
"href": "/wiki/A_Glitch_is_a_Glitch"
"character": "Finn",
"linkTitle": "A Glitch is a Glitch",
"href": "/wiki/A_Glitch_is_a_Glitch"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Ahem... Hey, Bubs, where's the Ice King? I want to kick his boingloings!",
"linkTitle": "A Glitch is a Glitch",
"href": "/wiki/A_Glitch_is_a_Glitch"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I guess I'm just thinking about Flame Princess. I told her a joke the other day and she didn't even laugh or anything. Guess it's over between us.",
"linkTitle": "Puhoy",
"href": "/wiki/Puhoy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh, well... I... have a girlfriend.",
"linkTitle": "Puhoy",
"href": "/wiki/Puhoy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(as adult Finn) Alphanumeric! Pillow sheep! You have more fluff than sense!",
"linkTitle": "Puhoy",
"href": "/wiki/Puhoy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(as dying Finn) I remember... back... when I was dad.",
"linkTitle": "Puhoy",
"href": "/wiki/Puhoy"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I've been going foot nude in the shoe and now I got this turbo huge callous.",
"linkTitle": "Princess Potluck",
"href": "/wiki/Princess_Potluck"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Hey, it's okay BMO, look, Jake and I will make you a funny face.",
"linkTitle": "James Baxter the Horse",
"href": "/wiki/James_Baxter_the_Horse_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "We're documenting our creative flow in case we make a break through.",
"linkTitle": "James Baxter the Horse",
"href": "/wiki/James_Baxter_the_Horse_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Yeah, its good, but if we want to be \"James Baxter\" good, we gotta go deeper.",
"linkTitle": "James Baxter the Horse",
"href": "/wiki/James_Baxter_the_Horse_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "We know to figure out how to make our sound force happiness into the listener!",
"linkTitle": "James Baxter the Horse",
"href": "/wiki/James_Baxter_the_Horse_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(written) Bringeth it on, sir!",
"linkTitle": "Shh!",
"href": "/wiki/Shh!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh, I win! You're so disappointed.",
"linkTitle": "Shh!",
"href": "/wiki/Shh!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "We were just playing a game, BMO. It all started this morning when Jake made a sign that said-",
"linkTitle": "Shh!",
"href": "/wiki/Shh!"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Oh cool, that's cool you're dating, that's coool, see ya princess.",
"linkTitle": "The Suitor",
"href": "/wiki/The_Suitor"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "What'ya think of that Braco guy? I mean, he seems kinda weird, and passive and baby lanish, and too unheroic for Peebs. *looks behind him and is shocked* And then I smash that peach!",
"linkTitle": "The Suitor",
"href": "/wiki/The_Suitor"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "That road you're on leads to nowhere.",
"linkTitle": "The Suitor",
"href": "/wiki/The_Suitor"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "You wanna join my primitive noise band?",
"linkTitle": "One Last Job",
"href": "/wiki/One_Last_Job"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(feminine voice) Hello? Oh! Is that the machine part that I ordered?",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "(writing) Ac-cep-tance.",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "O-ho-ho, was it? Then how do you explain tomorrow's newspaper?",
"linkTitle": "Another Five More Short Graybles",
"href": "/wiki/Another_Five_More_Short_Graybles"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Jake. A crime has been committed. We must find the criminal.",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Hmm. LSP's injuries were 100 percent emotional. So it has to belong to Pete Sa-something. BMO, take a sample and do a full blood analysis. (in a Jersey accent) The works. (normal accent) Hey, if that guy cut himself during the robbery, he might have gone somewhere to buy a mini adhesive bandage. There's a drugstore across the street!",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "What the-?! Jake! What's with all the turning into stuff today?",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Roll the dice, you pay the price.",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Man, we didn't just crack that case, we crunched it! Crumbled it!",
"linkTitle": "Candy Streets",
"href": "/wiki/Candy_Streets"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Trespassers get killed mad quick, like zap-zap.",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "\"Entanglement\" is a spell where you get trapped in tree roots, and sometimes they spike out and hook your flesh, and you got to be like, \"My body is clay, my spirit feels no pain.\" Then you chop your way out and kill the wizard!",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Is PB straight-up naked right now?",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I got traumatized by those underpanties.",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Your magicks are powerful, PB.",
"linkTitle": "Wizards Only, Fools",
"href": "/wiki/Wizards_Only,_Fools"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Yeah, BMO, show me the stuff, keep it coming!",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "C'mon bro, taking pain is easy. You just have to imagine that every bruise is a hickey from the Universe. And everyone wants to get with the Universe.",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Dude, I'm graceful. Mom raised me graceful.",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Dude, what the bjork?",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Jake, it's my special occasion phone! Someone's calling me to tell me about a special occasion.",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Bring it! Yeah, baby, feels good, love it, lovin' that heat on my skull!",
"linkTitle": "Jake Suit",
"href": "/wiki/Jake_Suit"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "It was weird but I liked it.",
"linkTitle": "Frost & Fire",
"href": "/wiki/Frost_%26_Fire"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Naw, that's all fine. I just been feeling kind of... gray, is all. Like my inside voice has been kinda quiet lately. Not a lot of instructions forthcoming, y'know?",
"linkTitle": "Dungeon Train",
"href": "/wiki/Dungeon_Train_(episode)"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "I found it in the woods. I named it \"Hot Daniel.\" Anyway, I figured we could do some pretty sick stuff with it.",
"linkTitle": "We Fixed a Truck",
"href": "/wiki/We_Fixed_a_Truck"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Come forth, wizard, and uncurse my mitt! Grassy Mountain Wizard!",
"linkTitle": "Blade of Grass",
"href": "/wiki/Blade_of_Grass"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Jeez. Did I just get shown up by Cinnamon Bun?",
"linkTitle": "The Red Throne",
"href": "/wiki/The_Red_Throne"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Off the dome, here we go. Uh! I'm-a start it now. I'm-a battle now. We gonna make a rhyme, so I can rap this time. I rap for millions... [beat] sesquipedalians.",
"linkTitle": "Billy's Bucket List",
"href": "/wiki/Billy%27s_Bucket_List"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Dude, I found out my human dad is still alive.",
"linkTitle": "Wake Up",
"href": "/wiki/Wake_Up"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Why'd you abandon me in the forest when I was a little baby???",
"linkTitle": "Escape from the Citadel",
"href": "/wiki/Escape_from_the_Citadel"
"character": "Finn",
"quote": "Thanks a lot, DAD!",
"linkTitle": "The Tower",
"href": "/wiki/The_Tower"
"character": "Business Men",
"quote": "I remember... business!",
"linkTitle": "Business Time",
"href": "/wiki/Business_Time"
"character": "Business Men",
"quote": "Looking for help, your business? We love work for you.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Business Men",
"quote": "Just small things. You save stress for big things.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Business Men",
"quote": "But we're being heroes, like you boss. We're protecting them. Collecting them in our care sac so they cannot be hurt.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Business Men",
"quote": "I'm going to kill you, not-boss!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Business Men",
"quote": "Re-hire? Really?",
"linkTitle": "Business Time",
"href": "/wiki/Business_Time"
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "Peep!",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "We're not cute, we're evil! And we're here to dominate you!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "Since you won't take use seriously, we will kill you. Until then..enjoy your burrito Jake!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "My men! Quickly men! Pick yourselves up before the enemy sees!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "Bravest warriors!How will we ever splash around in the brains of our enemies if you guys can't take two steps without exploding?Bliblob, I'm looking at you!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "We did it! Now I can do the victory dance! La!La la la la da da da.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "Can I use it to control others?",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Cute King",
"quote": "I command you to make me a sandwich! *Makes cute pose* How about now?",
"linkTitle": "Conquest of Cuteness",
"href": "/wiki/Conquest_of_Cuteness"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "Shush! You guys can't live without me, right?",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "You may have beaten me this time, but -- OW!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "Prepare to destroy them all!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "Line up for your spankings, Goblins!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "Who among you has the courage to face Xergiok?",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "I salute you, foolish warrior! You can be my personal slave!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "Eat this!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "Ha ha! You missed me! Oomph!",
"linkTitle": "The Silent King",
"href": "/wiki/The_Silent_King"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "I use no magic. I manipulated space with a vibrational chant. You see, now the injury has been transferred to me! Ooh yeah, that hurts, baby! Woo! Can't you see, Jake? I love these birds more than I love myself. What am I to the deafening roar of the macro-cosmos? Nothing much. Just a vessel to carry the message to y'all beasts and dirt.",
"linkTitle": "The Great Bird Man",
"href": "/wiki/The_Great_Bird_Man"
"character": "Xergiok",
"quote": "Yay, I found a girlfriend!",
"linkTitle": "The Great Bird Man",
"href": "/wiki/The_Great_Bird_Man"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "Stand back, everyone. This style of massage is called \"Best Friend Massage\" because it can only be done for friends. It is completely consensual.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "Ricardio at your service. I've been waiting all evening to meet you, Princess. I've heard you appreciate ancient technology. Have you ever used a belbaflonic laser to align the hybernautilus rift in the boobatron plasmordial formation?",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "Now that my plan is nearly complete, there is no way you can stop me.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "You were right all along, Finn!",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "I'm gonna smooch that heart. IT WILL BE MY BRIDE!",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "I'll rip out Princess Bubblegum's heart and make out with it.",
"linkTitle": "Ricardio the Heart Guy",
"href": "/wiki/Ricardio_the_Heart_Guy"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "What do you see in those two? A boy and a dog. You deserve more mature companionship.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "You see, I thought I only wanted your heart, but I was wrong. I was unfair to you. I want the full package.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "All for you, Princess! Now marvel at these powerful, articulate limbs!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "Now, my darling, we can finally be united as man and wife.",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Ricardio",
"quote": "I just wanted to impress you!",
"linkTitle": "Lady & Peebles",
"href": "/wiki/Lady_%26_Peebles"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "A fly landed on my pie! That's no good. Bye-bye.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "Flies wanted it, they can have it.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "Well, I have the perfect thing for him or her... stickers!",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "(to a Sign Zombie) And here's your sandwich!",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "(to a Sign Zombie) Oops, you dropped it.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "That tea party was crummier than a big ol' biscuit.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "But Finn said I was a top-notch adventurer, and my adventurer's instincts are telling me to seduce that tentacled critter with my womanly charms and elephant prowess.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "Even Brain Beasts get lonely, Finn.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "Jake, I think Finn's getting jacked up again.",
"linkTitle": "Tree Trunks",
"href": "/wiki/Tree_Trunks_(episode)"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "(As Quartzion) Finn, it's not sexy for a king to call his queen \"bananas!\"",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "(As Quartzion) Marry me, Finn! We can snuggle through time and space, and kiss each other in an alternate dimensional plane.",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "Whoa there, don't put your junk on my trunk!",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "When we get home, it's apple pie time.",
"linkTitle": "Crystals Have Power",
"href": "/wiki/Crystals_Have_Power"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "Where's my dang apples?",
"linkTitle": "Apple Thief",
"href": "/wiki/Apple_Thief"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "I'm gonna sass those boys up NASTY.",
"linkTitle": "Apple Thief",
"href": "/wiki/Apple_Thief"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "That you've been snoozing on my dome. I just woke up in this room with these fellas: Nectar, Ice Cream, and one of the Lemoncarbs.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Tree Trunks (character)",
"quote": "Yes, I'm getting a weird feeling in my stomach and I think it's 'cause of you, Mr. Wizard, you better fess up to what you are doing. I got no time for no body dancing around and acting the fool at my expense. I'm Tree Trunks and people know I'm kind, and honest, that's why people like me. [...] So stop sellin' fib-bibs and give it straight.",
"linkTitle": "Mystery Dungeon",
"href": "/wiki/Mystery_Dungeon"
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Do you think your energy could be used to power a huge machine?",
"linkTitle": "Power Animal",
"href": "/wiki/Power_Animal"
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Yes, the charismatic stranger from last night! Also, the Grand Master of the Gnomes! And... ruler of the Beneathaverse!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Oh, no. I've been searching all over Ooo for the ultimate power source, a living dynamo! Something that never slows down...",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "You will have the great honor of powering the Upturnoverdrive!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "It will flip over the entire world. Then we'll be the ones on top, buddy!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Yes, but the engineering... is very sound.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Your energies will be harnessed by our most advanced technology, the Cyclonic Rodentarod!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Congratulations, you've fully charged the alternator! Now it's time to power up the Plasma Ball... with sexy fun dancing!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Yes, this machine will suck the energy from your thoughts to start our Upturnoverdrive!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Gnome Ruler",
"quote": "Fire the shooty-gun-ray!",
"linkTitle": "Power Animal",
"href": "/wiki/Power_Animal"
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "I think we can recognize a member of our own species, Jake. We're not blind.",
"linkTitle": "Her Parents",
"href": "/wiki/Her_Parents"
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "Yeah, I guess we are a little blind.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "Jake, please tell your goblin butler to stop insulting my heritage!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "Thank you, Jake. I'm glad the wife and I made the trip from the Crystal Dimension.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "Shhh! Thank you, Jake, for being interested in our daughter.",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "Hmm. Bold move letting your opponent move first, Jake. I respect that. Very well, Cameladabalawabapp!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "We're about ready to break out our picnic basket and dig in!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "What? Wow! So wealthy and so generous!",
"linkTitle": "",
"href": ""
"character": "Bob Rainicorn",
"quote": "It's just we thought we'd never get another chance. We thought humans were extinct.",
"linkTitle": "Her Parents",
"href": "/wiki/Her_Parents"
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