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How to modularize your py.test fixtures

Using py.test is great and the support for test fixtures is pretty awesome. However, in order to share your fixtures across your entire module, py.test suggests you define all your fixtures within one single file. This is impractical if you have a large quantity of fixtures -- for better organization and readibility, you would much rather define your fixtures across multiple, well-named files. But how do you do that? ...No one on the internet seemed to know.

Turns out, however, you can define fixtures in individual files like this:


import pytest

def add(x, y):
    x + y

Then you can import these fixtures in your


import pytest
from fixtures.add import add

...and then you're good to test!


import pytest

def test_adding(add):
    assert add(2, 3) == 5

Because of the modularity, tests will have to be run with python -m py.test instead of py.test directly.

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