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Created September 14, 2010 22:31
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class Auth(object):
"""Provides an interface to services provided by"""
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.launcher_ver = 999999999
def _get_version(self):
from urllib import urlopen
page = urlopen("{0}&password={1}&version={2}".format(self.username, self.password, self.launcher_ver))
def _get_site_cookie(self):
"""Returns the login token from"""
from urllib import urlopen, urlencode
from httplib import HTTPConnection
from Cookie import SimpleCookie
fields= urlencode({"username": self.username, "password" : self.password})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
conn = HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("POST", "/login.jsp", fields, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
if not response.status == 302:
return None
cookies = SimpleCookie()
return (cookies["_uid"].value, cookies["JSESSIONID"].value)
return None
def get_latest_version(self):
"""Returns the latest available alpha client version"""
return self._get_version()[0]
def get_download_ticket(self):
"""Returns a download ticket used for getting updated copies of alpha's minecraft.jar"""
return self._get_version()[1]
def get_case_correct_username(self):
"""Returns a case-corrected username of a valid alpha account"""
return self._get_version()[2]
def get_session_id(self):
"""Returns a session ID used for doing name authentication with alpha servers"""
return self._get_version()[3]
def get_alpha_minecraft_jar(self):
"""Gets the latest alpha minecraft.jar game file and returns a temporary filename where it's stored"""
from urllib import urlretrieve
fname, headers = urlretrieve("{0}&ticket={1}".format(self.username, self.get_download_ticket()))
return fname
def do_join_server(self, server_hash):
from urllib import urlopen
page = urlopen("{0}&sessionId={1}&serverId={2}".format(self.username, self.get_session_id(), server_hash))
if == "ok":
return True
return False
def do_name_check(self, sername, server_hash):
from urllib import urlopen
page = urlopen("{0}&serverId={1}".format(username, server_hash))
if == "YES":
return True
return False
def do_skin_change(self, skin_url):
from urllib import urlopen, urlencode
from httplib import HTTPConnection
import re
# Try to login to the site
cookie, sessionid = self._get_site_cookie()
# Check to make sure it worked
if cookie == None:
return False
# Do the actual skin change, which is far more annoying (thank you Notch!) than it need be.
params = urlencode({"url" : skin_url})
headers = {"Cookie" : "_uid={0}; JSESSIONID={1}".format(cookie, sessionid)}
conn = HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("GET", "/skin/remote.jsp?{0}".format(params), headers = headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
# An "accept key" is required to confirm the skin change, so we parse it out of the HTML using
# regex.
accept_key ="&accept=(.+)\">",
# And now that we have that, doing the skin change is trivia
params = urlencode({"url" : skin_url, "accept" : accept_key})
conn.request("GET", "/skin/remote.jsp?{0}".format(params), headers = headers)
#print conn.getresponse().read()
return True
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