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Created December 21, 2010 01:04
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# pymc
# Created by Tyler Kennedy on 2010-12-20.
# Copyright 2010 Tyler Kennedy. All rights reserved.
import getopt, sys
import pymc.client.client
from pymc.core.exceptions import ProtocolError
def event_connecting(sender, address, port):
print 'Connecting to {0}:{1}...'.format(
address, port
def event_connected(sender, address, port):
print 'Connected to {0}:{1}.'.format(
address, port
def event_new_mob(sender, eid, etype, pos, yaw, pitch):
print 'New mob, id={0}, type={1}, pos={2}, yaw={3}, pitch={4}.'.format(
eid, etype, pos, yaw, pitch
def main(argv=None):
if not argv:
argv = sys.argv
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hp:', ['help','port='])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print str(err)
return 2
port = 25565
for k,v in opts:
if k in ['-h']:
elif k in ['-p', '--port']:
port = v
if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 3:
print 'Usage: {0} [hp] <address> <username> <password>'.format(
return 2
# Setup the client, and connect to the server
client = pymc.client.client.Client(args[0], args[1], args[2], port=port)
client.on_connecting += event_connecting
client.on_connected += event_connected
client.on_new_mob += event_new_mob
# Run the main I/O loop
except ProtocolError as err:
print err.msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
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