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Last active January 25, 2019 12:32
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Minecraft auto-fish robot. 我的世界自动钓鱼机器人
package main
import (
bot ""
func main() {
log.Println("作者: Tnze")
online := flag.Bool("online-mode", false, "If login server with online mode")
Name := flag.String("name", "Steve", "The player name in game. Only need for OFFLINE mode.")
UUID := flag.String("uuid", "", "Player's universally unique identifier. Only need for OFFLINE mode")
Email := flag.String("account", "", "Your Mojang account email. Only need for ONLINE mode")
Passwd := flag.String("password", "", "Your Mojang account password. Only need for ONLINE mode")
ServerIP := flag.String("ip", "localhost", "The server you want join")
Port := flag.Int("port", 25565, "The server's listening port")
var auth bot.Auth
if *online { //online mode
resp, err := authenticate.Authenticate(*Email, *Passwd)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("登录失败: %v", err))
auth = resp.ToAuth()
} else { //offline mode
auth = bot.Auth{
Name: *Name,
g, err := auth.JoinServer(*ServerIP, *Port)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("加入服务器%s:%d失败: %v", *ServerIP, *Port, err))
//Handle game
events := g.GetEvents()
go g.HandleGame()
for e := range events {
switch e {
case bot.PlayerSpawnEvent:
log.Println("Player is spawn! 开始钓鱼")
go fish(g)
func fish(g *bot.Game) {
g.SetSoundCallBack(func(s int32, x, y, z float64, v, p float32) {
if s == 184 { // 184 是钓到鱼的声音!
g.UseItem(true) //收竿
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
g.UseItem(true) //下一次甩竿
g.UseItem(true) //甩竿
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