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Created September 17, 2010 13:05
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Save ToJans/584200 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code snip of a CQRS app I'm currently writing...
public class Server : IAggregateRoot,IDisposable
public Server()
static private PermanentCache<string,Guid> TableGuidCache = new PermanentCache<string,Guid>( x=>Guid.NewGuid());
// public props for memento purposes
public string Id {get;set;}
public string Address = "";
public string PocketNr = "1";
public string LastServerUpdateArticles="0";
public string LastServerUpdateButtons="0";
public Guid AggregateRootId {get;set;}
bool ShouldRebuildChannel = true;
IHoTouchChannel _Channel;
IHoTouchChannel Channel
if (_Channel == null || ShouldRebuildChannel)
if (_Channel!=null)
// this seems odd; I'm injecting dependencies here => would some IOC be more appropriate ?
_Channel = new HoTouchChannel(new TcpChannel(Address));
return _Channel;
public IEnumerable<IMessage> OnGetOpenTables()
var tables = Channel.ServerRequest<Table[]>("request@getOpenTables@");
foreach(var t in tables)
t.AggregateRootId = TableGuidCache[t.Name];
yield return new OpenTablesReceived() {AggregateRootId = this.AggregateRootId,Tables = tables};
public IEnumerable<IMessage> OnGetTable(string name)
yield return new OpenTable() { AggregateRootId = TableGuidCache[name],Name = name };
public IEnumerable<IMessage> OnRequestRemoteConfigurationSettings()
var cr = new RemoteConfigurationSettingsReceived(){AggregateRootId = this.AggregateRootId};
if (Channel.IsConnected)
var ts = Channel.ServerRequest<Nullable<DateTime>>("Request@SendServerDateAndTime@", null) ?? DateTime.Now;
if (ts.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Duration().Minutes > 15)
throw new Exception("The servertime is out of sync with the time on the pocket");
cr.Settings = Channel.ServerRequest<RemoteConfigurationSettings>("update@Settings");
try { cr.Catalog = Channel.ServerRequest<Catalog>("UPDATE@Articles@" + LastServerUpdateArticles);} catch (NoNewDataException) {}
try { cr.Buttons = Channel.ServerRequest<Buttons>("UPDATE@Buttons@" + LastServerUpdateButtons); } catch (NoNewDataException) {}
yield return cr;
public IEnumerable<IMessage> OnRequestRemoteReceipt(string table,Guid OrderSagaId)
if (!Channel.IsConnected)
yield break;
var rcpt = Channel.ServerRequest<Receipt>("request@getReceiptInfo@" + table) ;
yield return new UpdateRemoteReceiptInOrderSaga { AggregateRootId = OrderSagaId,RemoteReceipt = rcpt };
public IEnumerable<IMessage> OnServerAddressChanged(string serveraddress)
Address = serveraddress;
ShouldRebuildChannel = true;
yield break;
public void Dispose()
if (_Channel!=null)
public ServerCommandHandlers()
public IEnumerable<IMessage> HandleCommand(OpenTable message, Server ar)
return ar.OnOpenTable(message.Name);
public IEnumerable<IMessage> HandleCommand(RequestRemoteConfigurationSettings message,Server ar)
return ar.OnRequestRemoteConfigurationSettings();
public IEnumerable<IMessage> HandleCommand(GetOpenTables message, Server ar)
return ar.OnGetOpenTables();
public IEnumerable<IMessage> HandleCommand(ChangeServerAddress message, Server ar)
return ar.OnServerAddressChanged(message.ServerAddress);
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