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Created September 21, 2010 15:36
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preview of refactoring for simplecqrs
Another preview of an update of my simpleCQRS stuff....
No idea where I'm going with this, but the important aspects to note are:
- Complete persistence ignorance in both domain objects and command handlers (loading & saving is handled by the message bus, and uses event sourcing underneath)
- Client side command validation should always happen without having the aggregate root available => RegisterValidator
- Untangle dependencies:
* Commmands and Events have no dependencies
* Commandhandlers have dependencies on commands & domain objects
* EventHandlers have dependencies on events
* Domain objects have dependencies on events
* instead of having a base class with an "ApplyEvent" method, I opt to let an event-/commandhandler return IEnumerable events/commands,
so no dependency to the bus/dybnamic proxy/other mumbo-jumbo is needed in the domain classes
When this all works out, an NDepend graph should show an untangled model of the domain & it's behavior...
As usual: send comments tojans@twitter
using System;
using System.Collections;
using SimpleCQRS2.Example.Domain;
using SimpleCQRS2.Example.Messages;
namespace SimpleCQRS2.Example.Handlers
public class CommandHandler
SomeReadModelUpdater sru;
public CommandHandler(SomeReadModelUpdater sru)
this.sru = sru;
RegisterHandler<Score,CreateScore >((ar,msg) => ar.CreateScore(msg.PlayerName));
RegisterHandler<Score,IncrementScore>((ar,msg) => ar.IncrementScore());
RegisterHandler<Score,DecrementScore>((ar,msg) => ar.DecrementScore());
RegisterValidator<DecrementScore>("A score of 0 can not be decremented",
msg => sru.MyScoreBoard.Items[msg.AggregateRootId].Value == 0);
protected void RegisterHandler<TAggregateRoot,TMessage>(Func<TAggregateRoot,TMessage,IEnumerable> handler)
protected void RegisterValidator<TMessage>(string message,Predicate<TMessage> pred)
using System;
using SimpleCQRS2.Framework;
namespace SimpleCQRS2.Example.Messages
public class CreateScore: Command
public string PlayerName;
public CreateScore(string playername)
PlayerName = playername;
public class IncrementScore : Command
public class DecrementScore : Command
public class DeleteScore : Command
using System;
using SimpleCQRS2.Framework;
namespace SimpleCQRS2.Example.Messages
public class ScoreCreated : Event
public string PlayerName;
public ScoreCreated(string playername)
PlayerName = playername;
public class ScoreDeleted : Event
public class ScoreChanged : Event
public int Value;
public ScoreChanged(int value)
Value = value;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using SimpleCQRS2.Example.Messages;
using SimpleCQRS2.Framework;
namespace SimpleCQRS2.Example.Domain
public class Score
: IAggregateRoot
, IMessageHandler<ScoreChanged>
int Value;
public Guid AggregateRootId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable CreateScore(string playername)
yield return new ScoreCreated(playername).For(this);
public IEnumerable IncrementScore()
yield return new ScoreChanged(Value+1).For(this);
public IEnumerable DecrementScore()
if (Value > 0)
yield return new ScoreChanged(Value -1).For(this);
yield break;
// implement interface explicit, so it is not exported unless casted to IMessageHandler
IEnumerable IMessageHandler<ScoreChanged>.Handle(ScoreChanged msg)
Value = msg.Value;
yield break;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using SimpleCQRS2.Example.Messages;
using SimpleCQRS2.Example.ViewModels;
namespace SimpleCQRS2.Example.Handlers
public class SomeReadModelUpdater
public ScoreBoard MyScoreBoard = new ScoreBoard();
public IEnumerable Handle(ScoreCreated evt )
MyScoreBoard.Items.Add(evt.AggregateRootId,new ScoreBoard.Item()
MyGuid = evt.AggregateRootId,
Value = 0,
PlayerName = evt.PlayerName
yield break;
public IEnumerable Handle(ScoreChanged evt)
MyScoreBoard.Items[evt.AggregateRootId].Value = evt.Value;
yield break;
public IEnumerable Handle(ScoreDeleted evt)
yield break;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SimpleCQRS2.Example.ViewModels
public class ScoreBoard
public class Item
public string PlayerName;
public int Value;
public Guid MyGuid;
public readonly Dictionary<Guid, Item> Items = new Dictionary<Guid, Item>();
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