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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Here's some of the code causing the headache
// coords are a list of Vector3D
// polygons are a sequence of triangles
// triangles are a list of 3 vertices
// vertices are a Vector3D
let triangle a b c = [a;b;c]
let coordsToPolygon coords =
let fst = Seq.head coords
let triangleF = function
| [|a;b|] -> triangle fst a b |> Some
| _ -> None
|> Seq.skip 1
|> Seq.windowed 2
|> Seq.choose triangleF
let coordsToPolygons c = coordsToPolygon c
let polygonsToTriangles p = Seq.collect (fun(x) -> x) p
let trianglesToVertices t = Seq.collect (fun(x) -> x) t
let verticesTo3dDecimals v = Seq.collect (fun(x:Vector3D) -> x.toDecimalList) v
let verticesTo2dDecimals v = Seq.collect (fun(x:Vector3D) -> x.toDecimalList |> Seq.take 2 ) v
let cube (size: Scale) =
let corner = Vector3D.unit*size
let flt = corner * Scale.front * Scale.left *
let frt = corner * Scale.front * Scale.right *
let frb = corner * Scale.front * Scale.right * Scale.bottom
let flb = corner * Scale.front * Scale.left * Scale.bottom
let blt = corner * Scale.back * Scale.left *
let brt = corner * Scale.back * Scale.right *
let brb = corner * Scale.back * Scale.right * Scale.bottom
let blb = corner * Scale.back * Scale.left * Scale.bottom
let front = [flt;frt;frb;flb]
let back = [brt;blt;blb;brb]
let left = [blt;flt;flb;blb]
let right = [frt;brt;brb;frb]
let top = [blt;brt;frt;flt]
let bottom = [brb;blb;flb;frb]
|> coordsToPolygons
|> polygonsToTriangles
|> trianglesToVertices
|> verticesTo3dDecimals
let cubeNormals =
|> (fun (x) -> [x;x;x;x])
|> coordsToPolygons
|> polygonsToTriangles
|> trianglesToVertices
|> verticesTo3dDecimals
let cubeUV u v =
let tl = Vector3D.fromDecimal 0M 0M 0M
let tr = Vector3D.fromDecimal u 0M 0M
let br = Vector3D.fromDecimal u v 0M
let bl = Vector3D.fromDecimal 0M v 0M
(fun (_) -> coordsToPolygon [tl;tr;br;bl])
|> Seq.init 6
|> polygonsToTriangles
|> trianglesToVertices
|> verticesTo2dDecimals
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