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Created May 16, 2014 23:18
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Save ToadKing/5507f4c59d5886cfa5d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import urllib2
from base64 import b64encode
import os
import sys
###Change these to change what game to download for
gamecode = 'RSBE'
gamecode2 = 'RVL-RSBJ'
svc = '9001'
password = 'LeNKXTpZy9Y48swJ'
cfc = '7615213554627182'
csnum = 'LU591603598'
#gsbrcd = 'RSBJ3d384f4'
#gamecode = 'R2WP'
#gamecode2 = 'RVL-R2WP'
#svc = '9001'
#password = 'xusCH9M3gvWyL2RA'
#cfc = '4404585880805254'
#csnum = 'LEH107931900'
#gsbrcd = 'RSBJ3d384f4'
def b64_enc(x):
return b64encode(x).replace("=", "%2A")
###Get token
url = ""
headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'RVL SDK/1.0', 'Content-type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'HTTP_X_GAMECD' : gamecode }
#data = "action=bG9naW4%2A&gsbrcd=" + b64_enc(gsbrcd) + "&userid=MTc4NjY3MzgyNzQ5OA%2A%2A&ingamesn=&sdkver=MDAxMDAw&gamecd=" + b64_enc(gamecode) + "&makercd=MDE%2A&unitcd=MQ%2A%2A&macadr=MDAxN2FiMjkyM2Jl&lang=MDE%2A&devtime=MTQwMjI4MTYyNDU2&csnum=" + b64_enc(csnum) + "&cfc=" + b64_enc(cfc) + "&region=MDE%2A"
#req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
#response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
#the_page =
data = "action=c3ZjbG9j&svc=" + b64_enc(svc) + "&userid=MTc4NjY3MzgyNzQ5OA%2A%2A&sdkver=MDAxMDAw&gamecd=" + b64_enc(gamecode) + "&makercd=MDE%2A&unitcd=MQ%2A%2A&macadr=MDAxN2FiMjkyM2Jl&lang=MDE%2A&devtime=MTQwMjI4MTYyNDU3&csnum=" + b64_enc(csnum) + "&cfc=" + b64_enc(cfc) + "&region=MDE%2A"
req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page =
token = the_page[the_page.find('vicetoken')+10:] #'servicetoken'
token = token[:token.find('&')].replace("*", "%2A")
#Create output folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists('./'+gamecode2):
url = ""
headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'RVL SDK/1.0', 'Content-type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
###List files
data = "gamecd=" + b64_enc(gamecode2) + "&rhgamecd=" + b64_enc(gamecode) + "&passwd=" + b64_enc(password) + "&token=" + token + "%2A%2A&cfc=" + b64_enc(cfc) + "&macadr=MDAxN2FiMjkyM2Jl&region=MDE%2A&country=Q0g%2A&action=" + b64_enc('list')
req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page =
open('./'+gamecode2+'/_list.txt','w').write(the_page) #Save the listing, it sometimes has additional data the game may need
###Download files
lines = the_page[:-1].split('\n')
if len(lines) == 0:
print "No files to download for game code " + gamecode2 + ", quitting..."
print "Game code " + gamecode2 + " has " + str(len(lines)) + " files to download.\n"
for line in lines:
fname = line[:line.find('\t')]
print "Downloading " + fname + "..."
data="gamecd=" + b64_enc(gamecode2) + "&rhgamecd=" + b64_enc(gamecode) + "&passwd=" + b64_enc(password) + "&token=" + token + "&cfc=" + b64_enc(cfc) + "&macadr=MDAxN2FiMjkyM2Jl&region=MDE%2A&country=Q0g%2A&action=" + b64_enc('contents') + "&contents=" + b64_enc(fname)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page =
print "Done!\n"
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