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Created April 3, 2023 06:40
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Author: Tobe :)
ZKP Circuits for a Game of Battleship
3rd-Party circuits gotten from:
pragma circom 2.1.5;
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/mimcsponge.circom";
// A ship has the right number of coordinates
// And those coordinates form a straight line
// Horizontally or vertically
template ShipMatchesShape(shape){
signal input coords[shape][2];
signal output out;
// Ensure that for all the coords,
// they must have the same X or Y values (they must be touching)
component isEqualCompX[shape];
component isEqualCompY[shape];
for(var i = 0; i < (shape - 1); i++){
isEqualCompX[i] = IsEqual();
isEqualCompX[i].in[0] <== coords[i][0];
isEqualCompX[i].in[1] <== coords[i + 1][0];
isEqualCompY[i] = IsEqual();
isEqualCompY[i].in[0] <== coords[i][1];
isEqualCompY[i].in[1] <== coords[i + 1][1];
var isEqualX = 0;
var isEqualY = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < (shape - 1); i++){
isEqualX = isEqualX | isEqualCompX[i].out;
isEqualY = isEqualY | isEqualCompX[i].out;
out <== isEqualX | isEqualY;
// Verify that Ship pieces are unique
// And ship coordinates are less than board size
template ValidShipCoordinates(boardSize, noShipPieces) {
signal input shipCoords[noShipPieces][2];
signal output out;
component lessThanEqComp[noShipPieces][2];
component isEqualComp[noShipPieces - 1];
component mimcShipPiecesComp[noShipPieces];
component mimcOutComp = MiMCSponge(noShipPieces, 220, 1);
mimcOutComp.k <== 0;
// Verify coordinates are less than the whole field/squares
for(var i = 0; i < noShipPieces; i++){
// Verify x coordinate
lessThanEqComp[i][0] = LessEqThan(2);
lessThanEqComp[i][0].in[0] <== shipCoords[i][0];
lessThanEqComp[i][0].in[1] <== boardSize;
lessThanEqComp[i][0].out === 1;
// Verify y coordinate
lessThanEqComp[i][1] = LessEqThan(2);
lessThanEqComp[i][1].in[0] <== shipCoords[i][1];
lessThanEqComp[i][1].in[1] <== boardSize;
lessThanEqComp[i][1].out === 1;
// Hash coordinates together
mimcShipPiecesComp[i] = MiMCSponge(2, 220, 1);
mimcShipPiecesComp[i].ins[0] <== shipCoords[i][0];
mimcShipPiecesComp[i].ins[1] <== shipCoords[i][1];
mimcShipPiecesComp[i].k <== 0;
mimcOutComp.ins[i] <== mimcShipPiecesComp[i].outs[0];
if (i > 0){
var j = i - 1;
isEqualComp[j] = IsEqual();
isEqualComp[j].in[0] <== mimcShipPiecesComp[j].outs[0];
isEqualComp[j].in[1] <== mimcShipPiecesComp[j + 1].outs[0];
// Verify coordinate hashes are unique
for (var i = 0; i < (noShipPieces - 1); i++){
isEqualComp[i].out === 0;
out <== mimcOutComp.outs[0];
// Board Size of 20x20
// Each player gets 10 coordinates to build their ships
component main = ValidShipCoordinates(20, 10);
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