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TobiASS TobiasS1402

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TobiasS1402 /
Last active April 6, 2024 23:04
Android 12 BurpSuite intercepting

generating certificate

My android 12 does not accept the default burp certificate, you have to generate a unique certificate. Then import this into burp and use the commands to make it compatible with Android.

mkdir cert && cd cert
openssl req -x509 -days 730 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -outform der -keyout server.key -out ca.der -extensions v3_ca #generate ca
openssl rsa -in server.key -inform pem -out server.key.der -outform der #convert
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in server.key.der -inform der -out server.key.pkcs8.der -outform der -nocrypt #convert to pkcs8

openssl x509 -inform der -in ca.der -out ca.pem
cp ca.pem `openssl x509 -inform pem -subject_hash_old -in ca.pem | head -1`.0 #create a filename with the hash
if (str_contains($file_content, '<?')) {
// If found write this to the log for later reporting
error_log("Some hackers tried to upload code to our server. Pls check if we were compromised");
// Overwrite the offending file with a warning to the hackers.
$uploaded_file = fopen($target_file, "w");
fwrite($uploaded_file, "Nice try hackers!");
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
app: sonarr
name: sonarr-deployment
replicas: 1
serviceName: "sonarr-service"
2021/10/08 13:13:19 ...s/graceful/server.go:75:func1() [D] Starting server on tcp: (PID: 30693)
2021/10/08 13:13:22 ...s/context/context.go:740:1() [D] Session ID: ba7c7e4b074ffc7b
2021/10/08 13:13:22 ...s/context/context.go:741:1() [D] CSRF Token: Jt2TaPOUkoX9zsLsAMN_bYpZcIA6MTYzMzY4NzM5NzE1NjU0MTU1MA
2021/10/08 13:13:25 ...s/context/context.go:740:1() [D] Session ID: c66f2bca7f2e7699
2021/10/08 13:13:25 ...s/context/context.go:741:1() [D] CSRF Token: 1KHlLj77G5VxbCSZt3oBxgGmjOk6MTYzMzY5MTE5ODMwMDEwOTA1Mw
2021/10/08 13:13:25 ...s/context/context.go:185:HTML() [D] Template: user/auth/signin
2021/10/08 13:13:27 ...s/context/context.go:740:1() [D] Session ID: c66f2bca7f2e7699
2021/10/08 13:13:27 ...s/context/context.go:741:1() [D] CSRF Token: 1KHlLj77G5VxbCSZt3oBxgGmjOk6MTYzMzY5MTE5ODMwMDEwOTA1Mw
2021/10/08 13:13:27 ...s/context/context.go:740:1() [D] Session ID: c66f2bca7f2e7699
2021/10/08 13:13:27 ...s/context/context.go:741:1() [D] CSRF Token: 1KHlLj77G5VxbCSZt3oBxgGmjOk6MTYzMzY5MTE5ODMwMDEwOTA1M