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Last active January 14, 2016 17:55
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  • Save TobleMiner/f94a5e0d243208105de5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TobleMiner/f94a5e0d243208105de5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DLX asm ASCII upper case to lower case
// Registers
// R1: Length of text and decrementing counter (Assignment doesn't indicate that it must be preseved)
// R2: Temp register
// R3: Magic value used to add 32 to all bytes in a word
// Memory
// 1000..1000 + r1 : ASCII input
// 2000..2000 + r1 : ASCII output
addi r3, r0, #8224 // Construct magic value with bit 6 and bit 14 set
slli r3, r3, #16 // Shift magic value to upper 16 bit
addi r3, r3, #8224 // Set bit 6 and bit 14 in lower 16 bit again
// This creates a bitmask that when added to a
// word adds 32 to each byte in the word. 32 is
// the offset between 'A' and 'a' in ASCII
subi r1, r1, #1 // Decrement length to compensate for offset by 1 of
// last source byte in memory vs 1000 + r1
slei r2, r1, #-1 // Check if we are done
bnez r2, END // Jump to END if we are
lw r2, 1000(r1) // Load word/4 bytes/ascii characters from memory
add r2, r2, r3 // Add magic value to chars
sw 2000(r1), r2 // Store modified chars in target memory area
subi r1, r1, #4 // Subtract length of word = 4 bytes from loop counter
j LOOP // aaaaand repeat ;)
halt // Halt when finished
// Some additional thoughts:
// This program adds 32 to all bytes in a word even if r1 indicates that the
// text doesn't fully fill the last word in occupies in memory. I guess that
// this isn't a problem here because a) The length of valid data is known and
// b) This is a 32 bit CPU with 32 bit word size. This means that even when
// working with dynamically allocated memory the memory size would be a multiple
// of 4 bytes.
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