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Created July 4, 2011 17:40
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  • Save ToddG/1063679 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ToddG/1063679 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
playing with erlang, nitrogen, and raphael
%% -*- mode: nitrogen -*-
-module (myraphaelpage).
main() -> #template { file="./site/templates/raphael.html" }.
title() -> "Todd's <b>Raphael</b> Page".
body() ->
Panel = #panel { style="margin: 50px 100px;", body=[
#span { text="Raphael Test" },
#button { id=mybutton, text="reflect!"},
#panel {id=holder, body=[
#image { id=photo, image="test-poster.png", alt="Test" }
wf:wire(#script { script="
console.log('wiring reflectImage');
var reflectImage = function(targetContainer, targetImage) {
var container = obj(targetContainer);
var img = obj(targetImage);
console.log('targetImage:' + img); = 'none';
var r = Raphael(container, 600, 540);
r.image(img.src, 140, 140, 320, 240);
r.image(img.src, 140, 380, 320, 240).scale(1, -1).attr({opacity: .5});
r.rect(0, 380, 600, 160).attr({gradient: '90-#000-#000', opacity: .5});
reflectImage('holder', 'photo');" }),
wf:wire(#event {
type=click, trigger=mybutton, target=holder, actions=#script { script="
console.log('calling reflectImage');
reflectImage('holder', 'photo');"}}),
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