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Created December 4, 2010 06:31
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Basic Binary Search Tree
(ns algorithms.core
(:use clojure.test))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; A simple BST implemented in Clojure using both defrecord and defprotocol.
;; Note the use of the unwind function to update the graph after each insertion.
;; References:
;; BST/Clojure
;; Recommends against using clojure to write a bst, use sorted-map or sorted-set instead
;; Processing large binary files in clojure:
;; Clojure Protocols:
;; Lisp Binary Search Tree
;; Clojure 'cond'
;; Cloure defrecord default contstructor arguments
;; Clojure hash-map vs. sorted-map key behavior
;; Clojure defrecord / map
;; Protocols video by Stuart Halloway
;; Debugging macros
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;debugging parts of expressions
(defmacro dbg[x] `(let [x# ~x] (println "dbg:" '~x "=" x#) x#))
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Protocols
;; ----------------------------------------------
(defprotocol BINARYTREE
(root [this])
(insert [this node])
(delete [this node])
(search [this key])
(minimum [this])
(maximum [this]))
(defprotocol TRAVERSAL
(inorder [this tree visitor])
(preorder [this tree visitor])
(postorder [this tree visitor]))
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; TreeNode
;; ----------------------------------------------
(defn unwind [node stack]
#(if (< (:key %1) (:key %2))
(assoc %2 :left %1)
(assoc %2 :right %1))
node stack))
(defrecord TreeNode
; "Tree implementation of a BST. Each node has a pointer to a left and right child. Note that there
; is no parent pointer. This is b/c that would force the entire tree to be re-built for each node
; addition and deletion. In this impl, only the path from the node back up to the root mist be re-built."
[left right key]
(root [this] this)
(insert [this node]
(loop [current this
stack []]
(if (= current nil)
(unwind node stack)
(if (< (:key node) (:key current))
(:left current)
(:right current))
(cons current stack)))))
(delete [this node]
(loop [current this
stack []]
(if (= (:key node) (:key current))
(unwind nil stack)
(if (< (:key node) (:key current))
(:left current)
(:right current))
(cons current stack)))))
(search [this key]
(loop [current this]
(if (= key (:key current))
(if (< key (:key current))
(:left current)
(:right current))))))
(minimum [this]
(loop [stack (list this)
current this]
(if (nil? current)
(first stack)
(recur (cons current stack) (:left current)))))
(maximum [this]
(loop [stack (list this)
current this]
(if (nil? current)
(first stack)
(recur (cons current stack) (:right current)))))
(toString [this] (str "{key: " (:key this) ", left: " (:left this) ", right: " (:right this) "}")))
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Q: I don't see how to make these traversals work
;; on the TreeNode datastructure.
;; ----------------------------------------------
;(defrecord TreeGrapher
; (preorder [this tree vf]
; "walk the tree using 'preorder' traversal, and invoke the visitor function 'vf' on each node."
; (loop [stack (list this)]
; (if (= 0 (count stack))
; tree
; (recur
; (if (not (nil? cur))
; (let [cur (first stack)]
; (do
; ;; visitor function ;;
; (vf cur)
; ;; pull the first element off the stack, as it's been used
; ;; and push the right, then left nodes onto the stack
; ;; for processing in subsequent iterations
; (conj (rest stack) (:right cur) (:left cur))))
; ;; node was nill, so just pop it off the stack
; (rest stack))))))
; (inorder [this tree vf]
; "walk the tree using 'inorder' traversal, and invoke the visitor function 'vf' on each node."
; (loop [stack (list this)]
; (if (= 0 (count stack))
; tree
; (recur
; (let [cur (first stack)]
; (do (vf cur)
; (conj stack (:right cur) (:left cur))))))))
;; )
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Visual testing/confirmation that this works
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; create test data
(def test-data (list 10 5 20 7 4 40 50))
;; create tree node to test
(def test-tree-node
(loop [t (TreeNode. nil nil 50)
data test-data]
(if (= 0 (count data))
(insert t (TreeNode. nil nil (first data)))
(rest data)))))
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Test Helpers :: TODO: move these to separate file
;; ----------------------------------------------
(defn message [m]
(println "----------------------------------------------------")
(println m)
(println "----------------------------------------------------")))
(defn visual-tree-test [t s]
(message (str "Testing " s))
(println "tree: " t)
(println "tree (toString): " (str t))
(println (str "minimum: " (minimum t)))
(println (str "maximum: " (maximum t)))
(println (str "search for 5: " (search t 5)))
(visual-tree-test test-tree-node "TreeNode")
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Tree Node: Tests
;; ----------------------------------------------
(deftest test_basic_tree
(is (= 4 (:key (minimum test-tree-node))))
(is (= 50 (:key (maximum test-tree-node)))))
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; HashTreeNode
;; ----------------------------------------------
(defn left_child_index [index] (* 2 index))
(defn right_child_index [index] (+ 1 (* 2 index)))
;; no need for the left, right, or parent node pointers as they can be calculated from the current key
(defrecord Node [key data]
(toString [this] (str "{key: " (:key this) ", data: " (:data this) "}")))
;"TODO: use Meikel's coolness to create the internal map w/o having to specify it."
(defrecord HashTree [table]
(root [this] (table 1))
(insert [this node]
(do (println (str "INSERT this: " this ", node: " node))
(loop [index 1]
(let [cur ((:table this) index)]
(if (nil? cur)
(dbg (assoc-in this [:table index] node))
(if (< (:key node) (:key cur))
(dbg (left_child_index index))
(dbg (right_child_index index)))))))))
; java.lang.Object
; (toString [this] (str (:key this)))
(delete [this node]
(loop [index 1]
(let [cur ((:table this) index)]
(if (= (:key node) (:key cur))
(assoc this :table (dissoc (:table this) (:key node)))
(if (< (:key node) (:key cur))
(left_child_index index)
(right_child_index index)))))))
(search [this k]
(loop [index 1]
(let [cur ((:table this) index)]
(if (= k (:key cur))
(if (< k (:key cur))
(left_child_index index)
(right_child_index index)))))))
(minimum [this]
(loop [index 1]
(let [cur ((:table this) index)
left ((:table this) (left_child_index index))]
(if (nil? left)
(recur (left_child_index index))))))
(maximum [this]
(loop [index 1]
(let [cur ((:table this) index)
right ((:table this) (right_child_index index))]
(if (nil? right)
(recur (right_child_index index))
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Hash Tree : Visual testing/confirmation that this works
;; ----------------------------------------------
;(def test-hash-tree
; (loop [ t (HashTree. {} )
; data test-data ]
; (if (= 0 (count data))
; t
; (recur nil (rest data)))))
; (loop [ t (HashTree. {})
; data test-data ]
; (if (= 0 (count data))
; t
; (recur
; (insert t (Node. (first data) (first data)))
; (rest data)))))
;(visual-tree-test test-hash-tree "HashTree")
(message "Testing HashTreeNode")
(def htree (HashTree. {}))
(prn "htree: " htree)
(def n (Node. 99 99))
(prn "n: " n)
(def ht1 (insert htree n))
(prn "ht1: " ht1)
(def ht2 (insert ht1 (Node. 98 98)))
(prn "ht2: " ht2)
(def ht3 (insert ht2 (Node. 97 97)))
(prn "ht3: " ht3)
(def ht4 (insert ht3 (Node. 96 96)))
(prn "ht4: " ht4)
;(defrecord bar [a])
;(def test-loop
; (loop [foo (dbg (bar. 1))
; data (list 2 3 4)]
; (if (= 0 (count data))
; foo
; (recur (dbg (bar. (first data))) (rest data)))))
;(println test-loop)
;; create test data
(def test-hash-tree
(loop [tht (dbg (HashTree. {}))
data (dbg (list 0 1))]
(if (= 0 (count data))
(dbg tht)
(dbg (insert tht (Node. (first data)(first data))))
(dbg (rest data))))))
;(println "test-hash-tree: " test-hash-tree)
;(println "test-hash-tree: " (str test-hash-tree))
;(println (str "minimum: " (minimum ht2)))
;(println (str "maximum: " (maximum ht2)))
;(println (str "search for: 5" (search hashtree 5)))
;;; ----------------------------------------------
;;; Tree Node: Tests
;;; ----------------------------------------------
;(deftest test_basic_hashtree
; (is (= 4 (:key (minimum hashtree))))
; (is (= 50 (:key (maximum hashtree)))))
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Run all tests
;; ----------------------------------------------
;(run-tests 'algorithms.core)
;; TODO: extend this protocol to the existing HashTree impl
;"walk the tree using '[in|post|pre] order' traversal, and invoke the visitor function 'vf' on each node."
;(defrecord HashTreeGrapher
; (inorder [this tree vf]
; (loop [stack [1]
; visited #{}]
; (let [ci (first stack)
; li (left_child ci)
; ri (right_child ci)]
; (if (= 0 (count stack))
; tree
; (recur
; (cond
; (not (nil? (:table tree) li) && (not (contains visited li))) (list (cons li stack) visited)
; (not (contains visited ci)) (do (vf (:table tree) ci) (list stack (assoc visited ci)))
; (not (nil? (:table tree) ri) && (not (contains visited ri))) (list (cons ri stack) visited)
; :else (list (rest stack) visited)))))))
; (preorder [this tree vf]
; (loop [stack [1]
; visited #{}]
; (let [ci (first stack)
; li (left_child ci)
; ri (right_child ci)]
; (if (= 0 (count stack))
; tree
; (recur
; (cond
; (not (contains visited ci)) (do (vf (:table tree) ci) (list stack (assoc visited ci)))
; (not (nil? (:table tree) li) && (not (contains visited li))) (list (cons li stack) visited)
; (not (nil? (:table tree) ri) && (not (contains visited ri))) (list (cons ri stack) visited)
; :else (list (rest stack) visited)))))))
; (postorder [this tree vf]
; (loop [stack [1]
; visited #{}]
; (let [ci (first stack)
; li (left_child ci)
; ri (right_child ci)]
; (if (= 0 (count stack))
; tree
; (recur
; (cond
; (not (nil? (:table tree) li) && (not (contains visited li))) (list (cons li stack) visited)
; (not (nil? (:table tree) ri) && (not (contains visited ri))) (list (cons ri stack) visited)
; (not (contains visited ci)) (do (vf (:table tree) ci) (list stack (assoc visited ci)))
; :else (list (rest stack) visited)))))))
; )
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