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Created May 2, 2011 05:49
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file performance testing
%% notes:
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% API Function Exports
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%-export([read/1, write/2, configure/0]).
-export([test/0, create_file_slow/3, create_file/3, clear/0]).
-define(MIN_TEST_FILE_SIZE, 1024). %% 1k
-define(MAX_TEST_FILE_SIZE, 32768).
%-define(MAX_TEST_FILE_SIZE, 17179869184). %% 2 gigabytes
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Function Definitions
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% dynamicaly determine the correct file size for reading and writing
%% files on the node's host os
%configure() ->
% configure(?MIN_TEST_FILE_SIZE).
%configure(FileSize) when FileSize =< ?MAX_TEST_FILE_SIZE ->
% runtest(FileSize),
% configure(FileSize * 2);
%configure(FileSize) when FileSize > ?MAX_TEST_FILE_SIZE ->
% reconcile_results().
% read(FileName) ->
%write(FileName, Blob) ->
% case file:open(FileName, [write, raw, binary] of
% {ok, Fd}
clear() ->
test() ->
ets:new(file_test, [bag, named_table]),
test(Size) when Size =< ?MAX_TEST_FILE_SIZE ->
ok = do_test(Size),
test(Size * 2);
test(Size) when Size > ?MAX_TEST_FILE_SIZE ->
io:format("-----------------------------------------~n", []),
io:format("create_file_slow~n", []),
io:format("-----------------------------------------~n", []),
lists:map(fun({TestName, TestTime, TestSize, BytesPerSec, BlockSize}) ->
io:format("~w,~w,~w,~w,~w,~n", [TestName, TestTime, TestSize, BytesPerSec, BlockSize]) end, ets:lookup(file_test, create_file_slow)),
io:format("-----------------------------------------~n", []),
io:format("create_file (fast)~n", []),
io:format("-----------------------------------------~n", []),
lists:map(fun({TestName, TestTime, TestSize, BytesPerSec, BlockSize}) ->
io:format("~w,~w,~w,~w,~w,~n", [TestName, TestTime, TestSize, BytesPerSec, BlockSize]) end, ets:lookup(file_test, create_file)),
do_test(Size) ->
Dir = "/home/user/temp",
File = Dir ++ "/test-file",
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Dir),
ok = time_test(create_file_slow, File, Size, 1),
ok = do_fast_test(File, Size, 1),
do_fast_test(File, Size, BlockSize) when BlockSize =< 4096 ->
ok = time_test(create_file, File, Size, BlockSize),
do_fast_test(File, Size, BlockSize * 2),
do_fast_test(_File, _Size, _BlockSize) ->
time_test(Test, File, Size, BlockSize) ->
{Time, ok} = timer:tc(?MODULE, Test, [File, Size, BlockSize]),
BytesPerSec = Size/Time,
Result = {Test, Time, Size, BytesPerSec, BlockSize},
ets:insert(file_test, Result),
create_file_slow(Name, N, BlockSize) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
{ok, FD} = file:open(Name, [raw, write, delayed_write, binary]),
ok = create_file_slow(FD, 0, N, BlockSize),
ok = file:close(FD),
create_file_slow(_FD, M, M, _BlockSize) ->
create_file_slow(FD, M, N, BlockSize) ->
ok = file:write(FD, <<M:32/unsigned>>),
create_file_slow(FD, M+1, N, BlockSize).
%% Name : file name
%% N : size of file
create_file(Name, N, BlockSize) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
{ok, FD} = file:open(Name, [raw, write, delayed_write, binary]),
ok = generate_file_blocks(FD, 0, N, BlockSize),
ok = file:close(FD),
create_file(_Name, _N, _BlockSize) ->
%% FD : file descriptor
%% M : current size
%% N : final size
% current size == final size
generate_file_blocks(_FD,_M, _M, _BlockSize) ->
% current size + block =< final size
generate_file_blocks(FD, M, N, BlockSize) when M + BlockSize =< N ->
create_binary(FD, M, M + BlockSize, []),
generate_file_blocks(FD, M + BlockSize, N, BlockSize);
generate_file_blocks(FD, M, N, _BlockSize) ->
create_binary(FD, M, N, []).
% current size == final size, so write the blob to the file
create_binary(FD, M, M, R) ->
ok = file:write(FD, R);
create_binary(FD, M, N0, R) when M + 8 =< N0 ->
N1 = N0-1, N2 = N0-2, N3 = N0-3, N4 = N0-4,
N5 = N0-5, N6 = N0-6, N7 = N0-7, N8 = N0-8,
create_binary(FD, M, N8,
[<<N8:32/unsigned, N7:32/unsigned,
N6:32/unsigned, N5:32/unsigned,
N4:32/unsigned, N3:32/unsigned,
N2:32/unsigned, N1:32/unsigned>> | R]);
create_binary(FD, M, N0, R) ->
N1 = N0-1,
create_binary(FD, M, N1, [<<N1:32/unsigned>> | R]).
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