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Last active December 4, 2016 15:04
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Save Tofee/84db1fff672bbbfe6bbb208d07bbbb61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Steps needed to get CM12.1 working on LuneOS, using hybris-hal as an overlay

==Current status on mako==

  • hybris-hal built using mer-hybris12.1 manifest, and tweaking a bit init.rc --> resulting "system/" directory has been put on the device in /usr/libexec/hal-droid/
  • host libhybris recipe has been built on top of Android API 22
  • CyanogenMod 12.1 installation is reused by mounting mmcblk0p21 on /system
  • LXC's configuration has been altered: we bind /system and /usr/libexec/hal-droid/system to the container, and add "lxc.environment = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/hal-hybris/lib:/vendor/lib:/system/lib" to the container's config
  • Host libhybris configuration must be set so that HYBRIS_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libexec/hal-droid/system/lib:/vendor/lib:/system/lib


  • Modify libhybris recipe to set HYBRIS_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libexec/hal-droid/system/lib:/vendor/lib:/system/lib
  • Modify fstab to make it mount the system partition
  • Modify android-system-image to make it deploy hybris-hal's build result into /usr/libexec/hal-droid/
  • Modify LXC recipe to add changes to the configuration

==Local manifest used==

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- <remove-project name="mer-hybris/hybris-boot" /> -->
  <remove-project name="mer-hybris/mer-kernel-check" />
  <project path="device/lge/mako" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_lge_mako" revision="stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P" />
  <project path="kernel/google/msm" name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_google_msm"/>

  <!-- system/core: do our own tweaks of init.rc -->
  <remove-project name="mer-hybris/android_system_core" />
  <project path="system/core" name="Tofee/android_system_core" groups="pdk" revision="wop-12.1"/>

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