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Created December 18, 2015 18:22
function setup()
text("I can't develop good pictures, but I am young!", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-75)
text("Developed with translate, ellipse, line, blendMode and rect.", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-100)
text("This is an starship with an universal background.", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-125)
text("So there was one time a starship which was called " .. '"' .. "Arda" .. '"', WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-150)
text("The owner of the Ship is Eras, he was a nice person, till", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-175)
text("Uron kidnepped him. He is now on the Planet «Erilton»,", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-200)
text("and he could go away with an deal, that he will kill Yoda...", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-225)
speech.language = "en"
speech.say("There was one time a startship which was called Arda. the owner of the ship is Eras, a nice person, but he was kidnepped by Uron, the owner of the y were on the planet Erilton and he could go away with a deal that he will kill Yoda")
function draw()
background(0, 0, 0, 255)
translate(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2)
-- Background
stroke(0, 0, 0, 255)
fill(64, 64, 29, 84)
ellipse(0, 0, 500)
fill(43, 64, 29, 255)
ellipse(100, 200, 250)
fill(60, 29, 29, 133)
ellipse(-200, -25, 500)
fill(26, 48, 44, 193)
rect(0 - WIDTH/2, 0 - HEIGHT/2, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
fill(68, 31, 102, 69)
stroke(96, 76, 54, 198)
line(0 - WIDTH/2, 0 - HEIGHT/2, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
noStroke(50, 50, 50, 50)
fill(45, 25, 46, 79)
ellipse(0, 0, 1000)
fill(50, 57, 28, 61)
ellipse(-250, 350, 450)
fill(76, 31, 43, 132)
ellipse(-175, -200, 250)
fill(75, 48, 89, 100)
ellipse(200, -250, 500)
fill(122, 117, 55, 81)
rect(50, 150, 500, 200)
fill(64, 49, 49, 157)
rect(-250, -50, 500, 450)
-- Space Ship
smooth(0, 100, 150, 225)
stroke(255, 255, 255, 255)
fill(255, 255, 255, 255)
translate(-250, -250)
line(0, 0, 150, 15)
line(0, 0, 150, 125)
line(150, 125, 150, 15)
line(150, 125, 250, 150)
line(150, 15, 500, 12.5)
line(250, 150, 500, 250)
line(250, 150, 500, 20)
line(500, 12.5, 500, 250)
translate(250, 250)
translate(0 - WIDTH/2, 0 - HEIGHT/2)
text("I can't develop good pictures, but I am young!", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-75)
text("Developed with translate, ellipse, line, blendMode and rect.", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-100)
text("This is an starship with an universal background.", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-125)
text("So there was one time a starship which was called " .. '"' .. "Arda" .. '"', WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-150)
text("The owner of the Ship is Eras, he was a nice person, till", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-175)
text("Uron kidnepped him. He is now on the Planet «Erilton»,", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-200)
text("and he could go away with an deal, that he will kill Yoda...", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-225)
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