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Forked from Kolcha/
Last active June 30, 2024 17:59
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  • Save Tokarak/ef81f4d0c4bb448c5bd4f3014844c5cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tokarak/ef81f4d0c4bb448c5bd4f3014844c5cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to build qBittorrent master branch with Qt6 on macOS, no Homebrew required!
# TODO: rebuild dependencies each script run, like qbittorent itself. Currently, the only way to make the script rebuild the dependencies, each dependency's lib folder needs to be deleted. This however would bring a small overhead to each operation, since dependencies are unlikely to be modified.
# standalone script to build qBittorent for macOS (including Apple Silicon based Macs)
# Script peforms much better when it caches the process for future use - it is completely unrecommended to run this script in the default temporary folder. (That was only allowed because it is still preferable to the script potentially overwriting by accident in the current working directory.) To make use of the caching functionaly, it is recommended to store the script in its own empty directory. Call the script (from that directory):
# ./ -w . -o .
# This will cause the script to _W_ork and _O_utput in the same directory - everything is nicely centralised.
# Default outdir is better: it pops the dmg straight into downloads.
# only Xcode must be installed (Xcode 12 is required to produce arm64 binaries)
# all required dependencies and tools are automatically downloaded and used only from script's working directory
# (can be specified), nothing is installed into the system
# working directory is removed on completion if it was not specified
# by default script produces binaries for the architecture it was launched on, but cross-compilation is also supported
# in both directions, i.e. x86_64 -> arm64 and arm64 -> x86_64
# Use -a option to specify arch eg "... -a universal"
# following conventions are used in the script:
# - variables names are in snake_case (special variables are an exception)
# - variables starting with '_' (underscore) should be considered "internal"
# - variables without '_' prefix can be considered "options" or "default values"
# script accepts few arguments which can customize its behavior the same way as editing "option" variables,
# see 'command line arguments parsing' section for details and possible options
# script is not interactive and doesn't ask anything, it just automates build routine
# it can be launched multiple times with the same or different set of arguments, this may be useful for development
# environment setup for example (just pass some working directory, and it will contain everything required for
# qBittorrent development)
# moreover, passing the same working directory with other arguments allows you to get environment with few different
# Qt and/or libtorrent versions (or libraries for different architectures) that you can switch easily
# Dependencies are only redownload
# qBittorrent is always recompiled (but cache is not cleaned resulting on fast rebuilds)
# =====================================================================================================================
# software versions to use
# NOTICE: currently all dependencies are only updated the first time the script is run
# With the exception of: cmake, boost
# All others should be manually upgraded by running "git fetch" + "git checkout ..." to the desired branch/tag.
# This is to avoid the script checking out by accident - now you can modify repo without needing to change version in the script.
# NOTICE: Please manually specify latest version of Boost, cmake, qt before running the script for the first time: they could be outdated.
# If you didn't read the script first and you are only reading this now:
# First two can be changed at any time; they will be redownloaded. Qt can be upgraded with "git checkout".
qbittorrent_ver=v4_5_x # qBittorrent (branch or tag)
openssl_ver=1_1_1-stable # OpenSSL
boost_ver=1.80.0 # Boost
#libtorrent_ver=RC_2_0 # libtorrent
libtorrent_ver=v2.0.8 # Or alternatively specify a release tag in this format
qt_ver=6.4.1 # Qt
cmake_ver=3.25.1 # CMake
# Ninja version is always master
# build environment variables
target_arch=$(uname -m) # target architecture, host by default
# qBittorrent requires C++17 features available only since macOS 10.14
cxxstd=17 # C++ standard
min_macos_ver=10.14 # minimum version of the target platform
# =====================================================================================================================
work_dir="" # working directory, in a temp by default (not recommended); overridden by -w option
prod_dir="${HOME}/Downloads" # output directory for result qBittorrent .dmg image; overridden by -o option
universal_arch_tag="universal" # value used as arch to build a universal binary
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# command line arguments parsing
_die() { echo "$*" >&2; exit 2; }
_needs_arg() { if [ -z "$OPTARG" ]; then _die "No arg for --$OPT option"; fi; }
_no_arg() { if [ -n "$OPTARG" ]; then _die "No arg allowed for --$OPT option"; fi; }
while getopts ha:w:o:-: OPT; do
if [ "$OPT" = "-" ]; then
case "$OPT" in
h | help )
echo "no help there! but script accepts few command line agruments, just open it to find them :)"
exit 0
a | target-arch ) _needs_arg; target_arch="$OPTARG" ;;
w | workdir ) _needs_arg; work_dir="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
o | outdir ) _needs_arg; prod_dir="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
qbittorrent ) _needs_arg; qbittorrent_ver="$OPTARG" ;;
openssl ) _needs_arg; openssl_ver="$OPTARG" ;;
boost ) _needs_arg; boost_ver="$OPTARG" ;;
libtorrent ) _needs_arg; libtorrent_ver="$OPTARG" ;;
qt ) _needs_arg; qt_ver="$OPTARG" ;;
cmake ) _needs_arg; cmake_ver="$OPTARG" ;;
cxx ) _needs_arg; cxxstd="$OPTARG" ;;
macos ) _needs_arg; min_macos_ver="$OPTARG" ;;
??* ) _die "Illegal option --$OPT" ;; # bad long option
? ) exit 2 ;; # bad short option (error reported via getopts)
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set -o errexit # exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status
set -o nounset # treat unset variables as an error when substituting
#set -o xtrace # print commands and their arguments as they are executed
set -o pipefail # the return value of a pipeline is the status of the last command to exit with a non-zero status
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# working directory setup
if [[ -z ${work_dir} ]]
work_dir=$(mktemp -d)
mkdir -p "${work_dir}"
# output directory setup
[[ -d "${prod_dir}" ]] || mkdir -p "${prod_dir}"
# get rid of symlinks in paths, Qt6 build system fails if they are faced...
# (Does not require zsh any more.)
cd "${work_dir}"
work_dir=$(pwd -P)
pushd "${prod_dir}" > /dev/null
prod_dir=$(pwd -P)
popd > /dev/null
_src_dir="${work_dir}/src" # sources will be downloaded here
_tmp_dir="${work_dir}/build/${target_arch}" # build intermediates will be placed here
_lib_dir="${work_dir}/lib/${target_arch}" # compiled libraries and headers go here
[[ "${target_arch}" == "${universal_arch_tag}" ]] && target_arch="x86_64;arm64"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# download everything required (only missing parts will be downloaded)
mkdir -p ${_src_dir}
pushd "${_src_dir}" > /dev/null
# anything known to git (i.e. branch names or tags) can be used as 'version'
git clone --filter=blob:none -b $qbittorrent_ver "" $_qbt_src_dir_name || :
git clone --filter=blob:none -b "OpenSSL_$openssl_ver" "" $_ssl_src_dir_name || :
# boost will NOT be compiled, only headers are enough, since 1.69.0 Boost.System is header-only
[[ -d ${_boost_src_dir} ]] || curl -L${boost_ver}/source/boost_${_boost_ver_u}.tar.bz2 | tar xj
# use libtorrent release archives, because GitHub doesn't include submodules into generated archives,
# but since 2.0 libtorrent has few, and they are required for compilation
git clone --filter=blob:none --recurse-submodules -b $libtorrent_ver "" $_lt_src_dir_name || :
# unfortunately, Qt repository must be cloned... it is much easier rather to deal with release archive
git clone -b v${qt_ver} --filter=blob:none ${_qt_src_dir_name} || :
# Spawn a sub-process to avoid having to cd back and messing up the directory stack. Neat!
(cd ${_qt_src_dir_name}; perl init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtsvg,qttools,qttranslations || :)
# download CMake, 3.19.2 and above is required for Apple Silicon support
popd > /dev/null # back to working directory
[[ -d ${_cmake_dir_name} ]] || curl -L${cmake_ver}/cmake-${cmake_ver}-macos-universal.tar.gz | tar xz
# Qt6 uses CMake as build system, but also provides convenient configure script
# this script relies on cmake executable in PATH
export PATH="$(dirname ${cmake})":$PATH
# Qt6 requires ninja build system. even this is not strict requirement, but why not to satisfy it?
# even more, ninja can be used to build almost any cmake-based project
# download ninja sources and later build them for required architecture, use master branch
# Prebuilt libraries could be used, but that would be a (small) pain to refactor. Enjoy the cpu cycles.
_ninja_ver="master" # ninja
# anything known to git (i.e. branch names or tags) can be used as 'version'
[[ -d ${_ninja_src_dir} ]] || curl -L${_ninja_ver}.tar.gz | tar xz -C $_src_dir
# git clone --filter=blob:none -b $_ninja_ver "" $_ninja_src_dir_name
# ninja is a build tool, so it must be compiled only for build host architecture, so that's why CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES is omitted
if ! [[ -d ${_ninja_tmp_dir} ]]
${cmake} -S ${_ninja_src_dir} -B ${_ninja_tmp_dir} -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -D CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=${min_macos_ver} -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
${cmake} --build ${_ninja_tmp_dir} -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
# to be able to use ninja, it must be available in PATH
export PATH=${_ninja_tmp_dir}:$PATH
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# everything is prepared now, time to start the build
# all dependencies are built as static libraries, the main reason for that was a possibility to use LTO
# all options used at configuration step are set only based on only my opinion or preference, there are no strict
# reasons for most of options in most cases
# OpenSSL doesn't provide the way to build an universal binary in one build step, so the only one way to get it -
# is build for each architecture separately and then merge architecture-specific binaries into one universal binary
function build_openssl_arch()
local arch=$1
local ssl_lib_dir="${work_dir}/lib/${arch}/${_ssl_src_dir_name}"
local ssl_tmp_dir="${work_dir}/build/${arch}/${_ssl_src_dir_name}"
if ! [[ -d ${ssl_lib_dir} ]]
mkdir -p ${ssl_tmp_dir} && cd $_
"${_ssl_src_dir}/Configure" no-comp no-deprecated no-dynamic-engine no-tests no-shared no-zlib --openssldir=/etc/ssl --prefix=${ssl_lib_dir} -mmacosx-version-min=${min_macos_ver} darwin64-${arch}-cc
make -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
make install_sw
cd -
# OpenSSL is used by Qt, which is compiled as universal binaries in case of cross-compilation
# so OpenSSL is also must be universal binary when it is used for cross-compilation
[[ "${target_arch}" != "$(uname -m)" ]] && _ssl_lib_dir="${work_dir}/lib/${universal_arch_tag}/${_ssl_src_dir_name}"
if ! [[ -d ${_ssl_lib_dir} ]]
if [[ "${target_arch}" == "$(uname -m)" ]]
build_openssl_arch ${target_arch}
build_openssl_arch x86_64
build_openssl_arch arm64
mkdir -p "${_ssl_lib_dir}/lib"
# copy include directory (includes are the same for each arch)
cp -r "${work_dir}/lib/x86_64/${_ssl_src_dir_name}/include" "${_ssl_lib_dir}/"
# create universal binaries using lipo
lipo -create "${work_dir}/lib/x86_64/${_ssl_src_dir_name}/lib/libcrypto.a" "${work_dir}/lib/arm64/${_ssl_src_dir_name}/lib/libcrypto.a" -output "${_ssl_lib_dir}/lib/libcrypto.a"
lipo -create "${work_dir}/lib/x86_64/${_ssl_src_dir_name}/lib/libssl.a" "${work_dir}/lib/arm64/${_ssl_src_dir_name}/lib/libssl.a" -output "${_ssl_lib_dir}/lib/libssl.a"
if ! [[ -d ${_lt_lib_dir} ]]
${cmake} -S ${_lt_src_dir} -B ${_lt_tmp_dir} -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${_boost_src_dir};${_ssl_lib_dir}" -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${cxxstd} -D CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS=OFF -D CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=${min_macos_ver} -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=${target_arch} -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -D deprecated-functions=OFF -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${_lt_lib_dir}
${cmake} --build ${_lt_tmp_dir} -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
${cmake} --install ${_lt_tmp_dir}
# Qt6 supports universal binaries out of the box, and in case of cross-compilation
# it is easier to build universal binaries rather than only for target architecture
if [[ "${target_arch}" != "$(uname -m)" ]]
if ! [[ -d ${_qt_lib_dir} ]]
mkdir -p ${_qt_tmp_dir} && cd $_
"${_qt_src_dir}/configure" -prefix ${_qt_lib_dir} -release -static -appstore-compliant -no-pch -no-dbus -no-icu -qt-pcre -system-zlib -ssl -openssl-linked -no-cups -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -no-feature-testlib -no-feature-concurrent -- -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${_ssl_lib_dir}" -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=${_qt_arch} -D QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF
${cmake} --build . --parallel
${cmake} --install .
cd -
# build qBittorrent
${cmake} -S ${_qbt_src_dir} -B ${_qbt_tmp_dir} -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${_boost_src_dir};${_ssl_lib_dir};${_lt_lib_dir};${_qt_lib_dir}" -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${cxxstd} -D CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS=OFF -D CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET=hidden -D CMAKE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN=ON -D CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=${min_macos_ver} -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=${target_arch} -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D QT6=ON
${cmake} --build ${_qbt_tmp_dir} -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
# build result .dmg image containing qBittorrent
pushd ${_qbt_tmp_dir} > /dev/null
rm -rf qBittorrent/
mkdir -p qBittorrent
ln -s /Applications qBittorrent/Applications
mv qBittorrent/
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --sign "-" qBittorrent/
hdiutil create -srcfolder qBittorrent -nospotlight -layout NONE -fs HFS+ -format ULFO -ov ${_qbt_dmg_path}
popd > /dev/null
# only automatically created directory will be removed
[[ $_remove_work_dir -eq 0 ]] || rm -rf ${work_dir}
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Tokarak commented Dec 2, 2022

I tested build again (native arm), on latest xcode; it worked. I updated deps and set min macos ver back to 10.14 (this is most likely the source of the issue, apart from maybe unstable sources.)

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ghost commented Dec 5, 2022

Worked out of the box on my M1 MBP on 13.0, thanks!

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101Dude commented Jun 30, 2024

anyone have any changes/updates to this script?
I am struggling to get this working on macOS 14.5

[100%] Linking CXX executable ../../
cd /Users/john/Build/qbt/build/x86_64/qBittorrent/src/app && /Users/john/Build/qbt/cmake-3.25.1-macos-universal/ -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/ -O3 -DNDEBUG -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=14.0 -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -rdynamic -Wl,-dead_strip CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qbt_app_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/application.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/applicationinstancemanager.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/cmdoptions.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/filelogger.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/main.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qtlocalpeer/qtlocalpeer.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/signalhandler.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/upgrade.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/stacktrace.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qbt_app_autogen/NPXYM6ZNPF/qrc_icons.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qbt_app_autogen/G6NVOLQRLL/qrc_searchengine.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qbt_app_autogen/QEGXZHQBWD/qrc_lang.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qbt_app_autogen/MMBH3QESQQ/qrc_webui_translations.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qbt_app_autogen/TUYZJ7PCOQ/qrc_about.cpp.o CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/qbt_app_autogen/TEN4WZ4RQ3/qrc_webui.cpp.o -o ../../  /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/objects-Release/Gui_resources_1/.qt/rcc/qrc_qpdf_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/objects-Release/Gui_resources_2/.qt/rcc/qrc_gui_shaders_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/objects-Release/Widgets_resources_1/.qt/rcc/qrc_qstyle_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/objects-Release/Widgets_resources_2/.qt/rcc/qrc_qstyle1_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/objects-Release/Widgets_resources_3/.qt/rcc/qrc_qstyle_fusion_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/objects-Release/Widgets_resources_4/.qt/rcc/qrc_qmessagebox_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/networkinformation/objects-Release/QSCNetworkReachabilityNetworkInformationPlugin_init/QSCNetworkReachabilityNetworkInformationPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/objects-Release/QSecureTransportBackendPlugin_init/QSecureTransportBackendPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/objects-Release/QTlsBackendOpenSSLPlugin_init/QTlsBackendOpenSSLPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/sqldrivers/objects-Release/QSQLiteDriverPlugin_init/QSQLiteDriverPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/objects-Release/QCocoaIntegrationPlugin_resources_1/.qt/rcc/qrc_qcocoaresources_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/platforms/objects-Release/QCocoaIntegrationPlugin_init/QCocoaIntegrationPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/objects-Release/QGifPlugin_init/QGifPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/objects-Release/QICOPlugin_init/QICOPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/objects-Release/QJpegPlugin_init/QJpegPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/iconengines/objects-Release/QSvgIconPlugin_init/QSvgIconPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/objects-Release/QSvgPlugin_init/QSvgPlugin_init.cpp.o /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/styles/objects-Release/QMacStylePlugin_init/QMacStylePlugin_init.cpp.o ../base/libqbt_base.a ../gui/libqbt_gui.a ../webui/libqbt_webui.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Widgets.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/styles/libqmacstyle.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Widgets.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/styles/libqmacstyle.a -lz /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Gui.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/platforms/libqcocoa.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqgif.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqico.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/iconengines/libqsvgicon.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqsvg.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Svg.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Gui.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/platforms/libqcocoa.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqgif.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqico.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/iconengines/libqsvgicon.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqsvg.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Svg.a -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker OpenGL -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker AGL -framework ImageIO -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreText /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6BundledHarfbuzz.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6BundledFreetype.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6BundledLibpng.a -framework Carbon -framework CoreVideo -framework IOSurface -framework Metal -framework QuartzCore -framework UniformTypeIdentifiers /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6BundledLibjpeg.a -lobjc ../base/libqbt_base.a /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.dylib /Applications/ /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/libtorrent-rasterbar/lib/libtorrent-rasterbar.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Network.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/networkinformation/libqscnetworkreachability.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/libqsecuretransportbackend.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/libqopensslbackend.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Network.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/networkinformation/libqscnetworkreachability.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/libqsecuretransportbackend.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/libqopensslbackend.a -framework CFNetwork /Applications/ -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker GSS -framework SystemConfiguration /usr/local/lib/libssl.dylib /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Sql.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Sql.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Xml.a /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Core.a -framework CoreFoundation -lz -framework IOKit -framework Foundation -framework DiskArbitration -framework AppKit -framework ApplicationServices -framework CoreServices -framework Security /Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6BundledPcre2.a -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker AppKit -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker Carbon -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker IOKit 
ld: warning: ignoring duplicate libraries: '-lz', '../base/libqbt_base.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/iconengines/libqsvgicon.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqgif.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqico.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/imageformats/libqsvg.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/networkinformation/libqscnetworkreachability.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/platforms/libqcocoa.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/styles/libqmacstyle.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/libqopensslbackend.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/./plugins/tls/libqsecuretransportbackend.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Gui.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Network.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Sql.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Svg.a', '/Users/john/Build/qbt/lib/x86_64/qt6/lib/libQt6Widgets.a'
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_EVP_PKEY_base_id", referenced from:
      q_EVP_PKEY_base_id(evp_pkey_st*) in libqopensslbackend.a[12](qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp.o)
  "_SSL_get_peer_certificate", referenced from:
      q_SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl_st*) in libqopensslbackend.a[12](qsslsocket_openssl_symbols.cpp.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/app/CMakeFiles/qbt_app.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
➜ brew --config
HOMEBREW_VERSION: 4.3.7-47-g09223c7
HEAD: 09223c700a35c020f9922b36dce4cf045674467f
Last commit: 17 hours ago
Core tap HEAD: 54b4e20793a97974b76ba0a48e7f46c02b5cb0a9
Core tap last commit: 3 weeks ago
Core tap JSON: 30 Jun 14:40 UTC
Core cask tap HEAD: 86eefe1293ab75352806c3d5c3bf2bfc7e28d006
Core cask tap last commit: 3 weeks ago
Core cask tap JSON: 30 Jun 14:40 UTC
HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS: ["--greedy", "--require-sha", "--no-quarantine", "--appdir=/Applications", "--fontdir=/Library/Fonts", "--qlplugindir=/Library/QuickLook", "--internet_plugindir=/Library/Internet Plug-Ins", "--prefpanedir=/Library/PreferencePanes/", "--servicedir=/Library/Services"]
HOMEBREW_DISPLAY: /private/tmp/
Homebrew Ruby: 3.3.3 => /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/portable-ruby/3.3.3/bin/ruby
CPU: 16-core 64-bit kabylake
Clang: 15.0.0 build 1500
Git: 2.45.2 => /usr/local/bin/git
Curl: 8.6.0 => /usr/bin/curl
macOS: 14.5-x86_64
Xcode: 15.4
➜ clang++ -v
Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin23.5.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/
➜ lipo -info /Users/john/Build/qbt/build/x86_64/openssl/apps/openssl 
Non-fat file: /Users/john/Build/qbt/build/x86_64/openssl/apps/openssl is architecture: x86_64

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