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Count lines of code in SWIFT Xcode project
1. Open Terminal
2. cd to your Xcode project
3. Execute the following when inside your target project:
find . -name "*.swift" -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l
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swiftified! thanks.

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acidlynx commented Mar 2, 2016

# brew install cloc
# cd path/to/project/
# cloc .

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nunogoncalves commented May 19, 2016

find . -path ./Pods -prune -o -name "*.swift" -print0 ! -name "/Pods" | xargs -0 wc -l

(excluiding ./Pods from find)

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Exey commented Dec 23, 2016

Mixed ObjC + Swift project:
find . -type d \( -path ./Pods -o -path ./Vendor \) -prune -o \( -iname \*.m -o -iname \*.mm -o -iname \*.h -o -iname \*.swift \) -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l

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How to exclude Comments and empty lines while counting the total number of lines, please suggest.

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cornr commented Jan 3, 2019

For Jenkins Integration I suggest using cloc and SLOCCount Plugin.

Our cloc command looks something like this
cloc . --exclude-dir=Carthage,Frameworks,generated,.idea,output,derivedData,Fastlane --not-match-d=.*\.framework --by-file --xml --out=output/cloc.xml

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How would you exclude test files?

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dstuecken commented Oct 16, 2020

You'd just add your test directories into the list of exclude-dirs. Here is an example to actually only count Swift code and Pods and Tests are excluded:

cloc . --exclude-dir=.\*Tests,Pods,Carthage,Frameworks,generated,.idea,output,DerivedData,Fastlane,.\*.xcodeproj,.\*.xcworkspace --include-ext=swift

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