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Created November 14, 2018 13:14
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OkHttp coroutine WorkerPool with proper exception handling and suspendCancellableCoroutine support.
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.InternalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.UNLIMITED
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.suspendCancellableCoroutine
import okhttp3.Call
import okhttp3.Callback
import okhttp3.Interceptor
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import okhttp3.Request
import okhttp3.Response
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.coroutines.resume
// Based on suggestion from Zach (
class OkHttpWorkerPool(
okHttpClient: OkHttpClient,
private val maxConcurrentTasks: Int
) : CoroutineScope {
internal class Task(val request: Request, val timeout: Long) {
val response = CompletableDeferred<Response>()
internal val tasks = Channel<Task>(UNLIMITED)
private val httpClient = okHttpClient.newBuilder().addInterceptor(OkHttpExceptionInterceptor()).build()
override val coroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob()
fun startWorkers() {
repeat(maxConcurrentTasks) {
launch {
for (task in tasks) executeTask(task)
suspend fun execute(request: Request, timeout: Long = -1L): Response {
val task = Task(request, timeout)
return task.response.await()
/** @param immediately If false, will finish processing all queued tasks before terminating workers. */
fun close(immediately: Boolean = false) {
if (immediately) {
private suspend fun executeTask(task: Task) {
try {
val response = httpClient
.apply {
if (task.timeout > 0) {
newBuilder().readTimeout(task.timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build()
} catch (e: Throwable) {
private suspend fun Call.await(): Response {
return suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
enqueue(object : Callback {
override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) {
override fun onFailure(call: Call, e: IOException) {
// See
continuation.tryResumeWithException(e)?.let { continuation.completeResume(it) }
continuation.invokeOnCancellation {
try {
} catch (ignore: Throwable) {
/* See */
private class OkHttpExceptionInterceptor : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
try {
return chain.proceed(chain.request())
} catch (e: Throwable) {
if (e is IOException) {
throw e
} else {
throw IOException(e)
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