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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Greedy coordinate descent for NMF
# Author: Tom Dupre la Tour
# License: BSD 3 clause
Greedy Coordinate Descent for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
in scikit-learn.
To change the Coordinate Descent into a Greedy Coordinate Descent,
change the call to
_update_cdnmf_fast(W, HHt, XHt, shuffle, seed) (in
_update_greedy_(W, HHt, XHt, shuffle, seed)
# cython: cdivision=True
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
# Author: Tom Dupre la Tour
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
cimport cython
cimport numpy as np
from libc.math cimport fabs, fmax, fmin
def _update_greedy_cdnmf_fast(double[:, ::1] W, double[:, :] HHt,
double[:, :] G, bint shuffle, int seed,
int max_inner, double tol):
cdef double violation = 0.
cdef double pg
cdef int n_samples = W.shape[0] # n_features for H update
cdef int n_components = W.shape[1]
cdef int qi
cdef int j, i, t, r
cdef double s = 0.
cdef double p_init = 0.
cdef double Di_max, Dir
cdef int[:] q = np.zeros(n_samples, dtype=np.int32)
cdef double[:, ::1] S = np.zeros((n_samples, n_components))
cdef double[:, ::1] D = np.zeros((n_samples, n_components))
cdef np.ndarray[long, ndim=1] permutation_array
cdef long* permutation = NULL
if shuffle:
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
permutation_array = rng.permutation(n_samples)
permutation_array = np.arange(n_samples)
permutation = <long*>
# compute S, D and p_init
with nogil:
for j in range(n_samples):
i = permutation[j]
Di_max = 0.
q[i] = 0
for r in range(n_components):
# Step amplitude
if HHt[r, r] != 0:
S[i, r] = fmax(W[i, r] - G[i, r] / HHt[r, r], 0.) - W[i, r]
S[i, r] = 0.
# Loss Difference
D[i, r] = -(G[i, r] + HHt[r, r] / 2. * S[i, r]) * S[i, r]
# find q[i] = argmax_r(D[i, r])
if D[i, r] > Di_max:
q[i] = r
Di_max = D[i, r]
# find p_init = max(D)
if Di_max > p_init:
p_init = Di_max
if p_init == 0.:
return 0.
with nogil:
for i in range(n_samples):
qi = q[i]
Di_max = D[i, qi]
for t in range(max_inner):
if Di_max < tol * p_init:
# projected gradient for violation
pg = fmin(0, G[i, qi]) if W[i, qi] == 0 else G[i, qi]
violation += fabs(pg)
s = S[i, qi]
W[i, qi] += s
for r in range(n_components):
G[i, r] += s * HHt[qi, r]
for r in range(n_components):
if HHt[r, r] != 0:
S[i, r] = (fmax(W[i, r] - G[i, r] / HHt[r, r], 0)
- W[i, r])
S[i, r] = 0.
Dir = -(G[i, r] + HHt[r, r] / 2. * S[i, r]) * S[i, r]
# find qi = argmax_r(D[i, r])
if r == 0 or Dir > Di_max:
qi = r
Di_max = Dir
return violation
# Author: Tom Dupre la Tour
# License: BSD 3 clause
from greedy_cd_nmf_fast import _update_greedy_cdnmf_fast
# [...]
def _update_coordinate_descent(X, W, Ht, alpha, l1_ratio, shuffle, random_state):
# [...]
if greedy:
return _update_greedy_(W, HHt, XHt, shuffle, seed)
return _update_cdnmf_fast(W, HHt, XHt, shuffle, seed)
def _update_greedy_(W, HHt, XHt, shuffle, seed):
tol_greedy = 0.001
G = fast_dot(W, HHt) - XHt
n_components = HHt.shape[1]
max_inner = n_components ** 2
return _update_greedy_cdnmf_fast(W, HHt, G, shuffle, seed,
max_inner, tol_greedy)
# [...]
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