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Last active October 24, 2015 22:47
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Modeling the claims store using Neo4j
= Modeling the claims store using Neo4j
First, let's add some items to the store. One of the DOIs has two ORCIDs in its metadata.
CREATE (doi1:output {name:'10.123/abcd'})
CREATE (orcid1:person {name:'0000-1111-1111-1111'})
CREATE (doi2:output {name:'10.123/efgh'})
CREATE (doi1)-[:CreatedBy]->(orcid1)
CREATE (doi2)-[:CreatedBy]->(orcid1)
Now, we're going to import an ORCID record. It contains one of the DOIs.
Note how the source of the information can be modeled using the direction of the relationship.
MATCH (doi:output{name:"10.123/abcd"})
CREATE (orcid2:person {name:'0000-2222-2222-2222'})-[:Created]->(doi)
We can now do things like find out all person-doi relationships, no matter who asserted them.
MATCH (works:output) -[]- (people:person)
We can also model things like isPartOF, contains, or both! Things with biderectional relationships are confirmed by Both parties.
MATCH (doi:output{name:"10.123/abcd"})
MATCH (doi2:output{name:"10.123/efgh"})
CREATE (doi)-[:contains]->(doi2)
CREATE (doi2)-[:isPartOf]->(doi)
We can add organisations, and model the relationships to suit ORCID or DOIs, as funders or creators or affiliations
MATCH (doi:output{name:"10.123/abcd"})
MATCH (orcid:person{name:"0000-2222-2222-2222"})
CREATE (o:org {name:'orgID'})-[:Created]->(doi)
CREATE (o)-[:Manages]->(g:grant{name:"grantID"})-[:Funded]->(doi)
CREATE (orcid)-[:Afiliated]->(o)
CREATE (g)-[:funded]->(orcid)
We can even find paths from works to funding
MATCH (g:grant{name:'grantID'}), (o:output{name:'10.123/efgh'}),
path = shortestPath( (g)<-[*..5]->(o) )
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