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Last active November 15, 2016 13:57
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独立したデータのばらつきを可視化するBoxplotとViolinplotについて ref:
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
sns.boxplot(x='types', y="A", hue='sex', data=data, palette="PRGn")
sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True)
A B sex types
0 2.131411 -1.754907 0 1
1 -0.046614 -1.009540 0 2
2 0.136387 -0.236662 1 1
3 -3.515190 2.117925 1 1
4 -2.099287 1.647548 1 1
5 -0.536360 -0.920529 0 0
6 0.281726 -0.572448 1 2
7 2.202351 -3.214435 0 1
8 -0.825666 0.847394 1 0
9 -1.602873 1.338847 1 2
types sex variable value
0 1 0 A 2.131411
1 2 0 A -0.046614
2 1 1 A 0.136387
3 1 1 A -3.515190
4 1 1 A -2.099287
5 0 0 A -0.536360
6 2 1 A 0.281726
7 1 0 A 2.202351
8 0 1 A -0.825666
9 2 1 A -1.602873
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
import pandas as pd
x, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=2, n_redundant=0, n_informative=2,n_clusters_per_class=2, n_classes=2)
data = np.c_[np.c_[x, y], np.random.binomial(2, .5, len(x))]
data = pd.DataFrame(data).rename(columns={0:'A', 1:'B', 2:'sex', 3:'types'})
data_batch = pd.melt(data, id_vars = ['types', 'sex'], value_vars = data.columns[:-2].tolist())
print data_batch[:10]
data_batch_A = data_batch[data_batch.variable=='A']
sns.violinplot(x = 'types', y = 'value', hue = 'sex', data = data_batch_A, split=True)
sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True)
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