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Created March 10, 2017 11:43
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Thanks to tinrtgu for the wonderful base script
Use pypy for faster computations.!
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from csv import DictReader
from math import exp, log, sqrt
# TL; DR, the main training process starts on line: 250,
# you may want to start reading the code from there
# parameters #################################################################
# A, paths
data_path = "../input/"
train = data_path+'clicks_train.csv' # path to training file
test = data_path+'clicks_test.csv' # path to testing file
submission = 'sub_proba.csv' # path of to be outputted submission file
# B, model
alpha = .1 # learning rate
beta = 0. # smoothing parameter for adaptive learning rate
L1 = 0. # L1 regularization, larger value means more regularized
L2 = 0. # L2 regularization, larger value means more regularized
# C, feature/hash trick
D = 2 ** 20 # number of weights to use
interaction = False # whether to enable poly2 feature interactions
# D, training/validation
epoch = 1 # learn training data for N passes
holdafter = None # data after date N (exclusive) are used as validation
holdout = None # use every N training instance for holdout validation
# class, function, generator definitions #####################################
class ftrl_proximal(object):
''' Our main algorithm: Follow the regularized leader - proximal
In short,
this is an adaptive-learning-rate sparse logistic-regression with
efficient L1-L2-regularization
def __init__(self, alpha, beta, L1, L2, D, interaction):
# parameters
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.L1 = L1
self.L2 = L2
# feature related parameters
self.D = D
self.interaction = interaction
# model
# n: squared sum of past gradients
# z: weights
# w: lazy weights
self.n = [0.] * D
self.z = [0.] * D
self.w = {}
def _indices(self, x):
''' A helper generator that yields the indices in x
The purpose of this generator is to make the following
code a bit cleaner when doing feature interaction.
# first yield index of the bias term
yield 0
# then yield the normal indices
for index in x:
yield index
# now yield interactions (if applicable)
if self.interaction:
D = self.D
L = len(x)
x = sorted(x)
for i in xrange(L):
for j in xrange(i+1, L):
# one-hot encode interactions with hash trick
yield abs(hash(str(x[i]) + '_' + str(x[j]))) % D
def predict(self, x):
''' Get probability estimation on x
x: features
probability of p(y = 1 | x; w)
# parameters
alpha = self.alpha
beta = self.beta
L1 = self.L1
L2 = self.L2
# model
n = self.n
z = self.z
w = {}
# wTx is the inner product of w and x
wTx = 0.
for i in self._indices(x):
sign = -1. if z[i] < 0 else 1. # get sign of z[i]
# build w on the fly using z and n, hence the name - lazy weights
# we are doing this at prediction instead of update time is because
# this allows us for not storing the complete w
if sign * z[i] <= L1:
# w[i] vanishes due to L1 regularization
w[i] = 0.
# apply prediction time L1, L2 regularization to z and get w
w[i] = (sign * L1 - z[i]) / ((beta + sqrt(n[i])) / alpha + L2)
wTx += w[i]
# cache the current w for update stage
self.w = w
# bounded sigmoid function, this is the probability estimation
return 1. / (1. + exp(-max(min(wTx, 35.), -35.)))
def update(self, x, p, y):
''' Update model using x, p, y
x: feature, a list of indices
p: click probability prediction of our model
y: answer
self.n: increase by squared gradient
self.z: weights
# parameter
alpha = self.alpha
# model
n = self.n
z = self.z
w = self.w
# gradient under logloss
g = p - y
# update z and n
for i in self._indices(x):
sigma = (sqrt(n[i] + g * g) - sqrt(n[i])) / alpha
z[i] += g - sigma * w[i]
n[i] += g * g
def logloss(p, y):
''' FUNCTION: Bounded logloss
p: our prediction
y: real answer
logarithmic loss of p given y
p = max(min(p, 1. - 10e-15), 10e-15)
return -log(p) if y == 1. else -log(1. - p)
def data(path, D):
''' GENERATOR: Apply hash-trick to the original csv row
and for simplicity, we one-hot-encode everything
path: path to training or testing file
D: the max index that we can hash to
ID: id of the instance, mainly useless
x: a list of hashed and one-hot-encoded 'indices'
we only need the index since all values are either 0 or 1
y: y = 1 if we have a click, else we have y = 0
for t, row in enumerate(DictReader(open(path))):
# process id
disp_id = int(row['display_id'])
ad_id = int(row['ad_id'])
# process clicks
y = 0.
if 'clicked' in row:
if row['clicked'] == '1':
y = 1.
del row['clicked']
x = []
for key in row:
x.append(abs(hash(key + '_' + row[key])) % D)
row = prcont_dict.get(ad_id, [])
# build x
ad_doc_id = -1
for ind, val in enumerate(row):
if ind==0:
ad_doc_id = int(val)
x.append(abs(hash(prcont_header[ind] + '_' + val)) % D)
row = event_dict.get(disp_id, [])
## build x
disp_doc_id = -1
for ind, val in enumerate(row):
if ind==0:
uuid_val = val
if ind==1:
disp_doc_id = int(val)
x.append(abs(hash(event_header[ind] + '_' + val)) % D)
if (ad_doc_id in leak_uuid_dict) and (uuid_val in leak_uuid_dict[ad_doc_id]):
yield t, disp_id, ad_id, x, y
# start training #############################################################
start =
# initialize ourselves a learner
learner = ftrl_proximal(alpha, beta, L1, L2, D, interaction)
with open(data_path + "promoted_content.csv") as infile:
prcont = csv.reader(infile)
#prcont_header = ([1:]
prcont_header = next(prcont)[1:]
prcont_dict = {}
for ind,row in enumerate(prcont):
prcont_dict[int(row[0])] = row[1:]
if ind%100000 == 0:
if ind==10000:
del prcont
with open(data_path + "events.csv") as infile:
events = csv.reader(infile)
event_header = ['uuid', 'document_id', 'platform', 'geo_location', 'loc_country', 'loc_state', 'loc_dma']
event_dict = {}
for ind,row in enumerate(events):
tlist = row[1:3] + row[4:6]
loc = row[5].split('>')
if len(loc) == 3:
elif len(loc) == 2:
tlist.extend( loc[:]+[''])
elif len(loc) == 1:
tlist.extend( loc[:]+['',''])
event_dict[int(row[0])] = tlist[:]
if ind%100000 == 0:
print("Events : ", ind)
if ind==10000:
del events
print("Leakage file..")
leak_uuid_dict= {}
with open(data_path+"leak_uuid_doc.csv") as infile:
doc = csv.reader(infile)
leak_uuid_dict = {}
for ind, row in enumerate(doc):
doc_id = int(row[0])
leak_uuid_dict[doc_id] = set(row[1].split(' '))
if ind%100000==0:
print("Leakage file : ", ind)
del doc
# start training
for e in range(epoch):
loss = 0.
count = 0
date = 0
for t, disp_id, ad_id, x, y in data(train, D): # data is a generator
# t: just a instance counter
# date: you know what this is
# ID: id provided in original data
# x: features
# y: label (click)
# step 1, get prediction from learner
p = learner.predict(x)
if (holdafter and date > holdafter) or (holdout and t % holdout == 0):
# step 2-1, calculate validation loss
# we do not train with the validation data so that our
# validation loss is an accurate estimation
# holdafter: train instances from day 1 to day N
# validate with instances from day N + 1 and after
# holdout: validate with every N instance, train with others
loss += logloss(p, y)
count += 1
# step 2-2, update learner with label (click) information
learner.update(x, p, y)
if t%1000000 == 0:
print("Processed : ", t,
if t == 100000:
# start testing, and build Kaggle's submission file ##########################
with open(submission, 'w') as outfile:
for t, disp_id, ad_id, x, y in data(test, D):
p = learner.predict(x)
outfile.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (disp_id, ad_id, str(p)))
if t%1000000 == 0:
print("Processed : ", t,
if t ==100000:
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