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Created June 19, 2013 00:23
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<%option explicit%>
<%Response.Buffer = True%>
<%Response.Expires = -1442%>
<%Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache" %>
<%Response.AddHeader "Cache-Control", "no-cache"%>
'# Version History
'# 1.0
'# 2004/09/26: Original build
'# 1.1
'# 2004/10/25: Added "View Source" ability for ASP files.
'# 1.2
'# 2004/11/13: - Added rudimentary syntax highlighting for ASP Source View,
'# which can be VERY slow with large files, but it seems well
'# worth the cost to me. Also, file must use CR+LF for line breaks
'# for syntax highlighting to work properly.
'# - Fixed "parent directory" link when viewing source.
'# 1.3
'# 2005/01/12: - Added choices for which files to be able to view source of.
'# 1.4
'# 2005/05/02: - Toggled alternate background colors for highlighted list.
'# which makes it easier to find which "view source" link you
'# want to choose.
'# 1.5
'# 2005/05/13: - Added ability to exclude files / folders from view.
'# 1.5.1
'# 2006/03/01: - Pound symbol in folders resulted in non-downloadable files.
'# 1.5.2
'# 2007/04/27: - The script breaks if it is in the root directory of the website. Who knew!
'# 1.5.3
'# 2008/09/19: - Added option to turn off folder sizes - makes things much quicker for large collections of files.
'# 1.5.4
'# 2008-11-24: - Fixed script so that it now asks for NT credentials (instead of crashing) when it doesn't have permission to access files.
'# 1.6.0
'# 2009-03-08: - Added "default document" list. When the EDB runs in to one of the listed documents, it will redirect to it, instead of listing the contents of the containing directory. I would have liked to have pulled the default document property right from IIS itself, but IIS doesn't even allow anonymous users read-only access to the metabase.
'# 1.6.1
'# 2009-04-20: - Happy Four Twenty! Fixed a bug with redirection... Redirecting over "#" symbols in file names turned out badly. Had to redirect by manually specifying location header, as opposed to using Response.Redirect. (Thanks Craig!)
'# 1.6.2
'# 2009-12-08: - Fixed case sensitivity issue for arrPathsToExclude
Const Version = "1.6.2 (2009/12/08)"
'# Script Config
Const bAllowViewSource = False
' Boolean. Are anonymous users allowed to see
' the source code of ASP pages in this directory
' and its subdirectories?
Dim arrSourceViewFilenameExtensions
arrSourceViewFilenameExtensions = Array(".asp",".vbs")
' Which file types do you want to be able to view
' the source of?
'Const LocateLink = "/locate/default.asp?Catalog=Files"
Const LocateLink = ""
' String. If you have Dale's LOCATE or some
' other file search utility available, put the link
' to it here, and it will display itself near the top right
' hand side of the page. Otherwise, leave this as a zero-length string.
Const bShowHiddenFiles = False
' Boolean. Show files with the "hidden" attribute?
' You probably dont want this on.
Const bShowSystemFiles = False
' Boolean. Show files with the "system" attribute?
' You probably dont want this on.
Const bShowShortcutFiles = False
' Boolean. Show files that are links /aliases / or
' shortcuts to other files? Note that IIS does not
' follow links and shortcuts. It is more prone to
' just let the browser download a ".lnk" file, which
' isnt all that useful.
Const bSyntaxHighlightingOnByDefault = True
' Boolean. Only applies to source viewing.
Const bLineNumberingOnByDefault = False
' Boolean. Only applies to source viewing.
Const bShowFolderSizes = False
' Boolean - If the script is dog slow, it's because it's collecting
' folder sizes. Set this to false to speed things up.
dim arrPathsToExclude
' ArrPathsToExclude can be either filenames or folder names.
' They must include leading slashes, and are relative to the current directory.
' Becasue this file cannot browse above its own directory, the leading
' slash indicates the root of this directory. This directory is effectively
' the root directory.
arrPathsToExclude = Array( _
"/incoming" _
, "/notpublic" _
, "/_search.asp" _
Dim arrDefaultDocumentList
' If EDB runs in to one of these files, it will redirect to it instead of
' listing the directory that it's in.
arrDefaultDocumentList = Array ( _
"default.aspx" _
, "default.asp" _
, "default.html" _
, "default.htm" _
, "index.aspx" _
, "index.asp" _
, "index.html" _
, "index.htm" _
, "home.aspx" _
, "home.asp" _
, "home.html" _
, "home.htm" _
'# Declare Global Constants and Variables
Const VbEnum = 100
Const ColumnOrdinal_LastModified = 0
Const ColumnOrdinal_Size = 1
Const ColumnOrdinal_Filename = 2
Const ColumnOrdinal_CanViewSource = 3
Const ColumnOrdinal_StepSize = 4
Const FileAttribute_Hidden = 2
Const FileAttribute_System = 4
Const FileAttribute_Alias = 64
Const ShowHidden = False
Const ShowSystem = False
Const ShowAlias = False 'links or shortcuts to other files
Dim oFso, oFiles, oFolders, oFolder, path, thing
Dim PageTitle
Dim FolderSpec, FileSpec
Dim i
Dim arrfiles, arrFolders
Dim Sort
Dim DefaultVPath
Dim DefaultPhysPath
Dim ParentDirectoryLink
Dim DefaultSort
Dim bViewSource, bRequestedSourceFileFound
Dim gVisibleFilesCount
Dim gVisibleFoldersCount
gVisibleFilesCount = 0
gVisibleFoldersCount = 0
'# Runtime
Call ScriptInit
Call DumpHtmlBody
Call ScriptTerminate
'End of Script.
'# Primary Functions
Sub DumpHtmlBody
echo "<html>"
echo "<head>"
echo "<META http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=UTF-8"">"
echo "<title>" & PageTitle & "</title>"
echo "<style type=""text/css"">"
echo ""
echo "<!--"
echo ".h1 {"
echo " font-family: ""Times New Roman"", Times, serif;"
echo " font-size: 24pt;"
echo " font-weight: bold;"
echo " color: #000000;"
echo " }"
echo ".td, td, th { "
echo " font-family: ""Courier New"", Courier, mono; "
echo " font-size: 10pt; "
echo " white-space: nowrap; "
echo " vertical-align: top;"
echo "}"
echo ".lm {"
echo " text-align: right; "
echo " padding-left: 4px; "
echo " padding-right: 4px;"
echo "}"
echo ".sz {"
echo " text-align: right; "
echo " padding-left: 4px; "
echo " padding-right: 4px;"
echo "}"
echo ".fn {"
echo " text-align: left; "
echo " padding-left: 4px; "
echo " padding-right: 4px;"
echo "}"
echo ".InsideASP {"
echo " color: #000000; "
' echo " background-color: #ffffee; "
' echo " width: 100%;"
echo "}"
echo ".OutsideASP {"
echo " color: #9999cc; "
echo " background-color: #ffffff;"
echo "}"
echo ".AspComment {"
echo " font-style: italic; "
echo " color: #008080; "
echo " background-color: #ffffff;"
echo "}"
echo ".AspTransition {"
echo " color: #000000; "
echo " background-color: #ffffcc;"
echo "}"
echo ".InsideQuote {"
echo " color: #808080; "
echo "}"
echo ".LineNumber {"
echo " color: #666666; "
echo "}"
echo "-->"
echo ""
echo "</style>"
echo "</head>"
echo "<body>"
echo "<table width=""100%"" border=""0"">"
echo "<tr valign=""top"">"
echo "<td width=""84%"" class=""h1"">" & PageTitle & "</td>"
echo "<td width=""16%"" align=""right"">&nbsp;</td>"
echo "</tr>"
echo "</table>"
echo "<hr>"
echo "<table "
echo " width=""100%"" "
echo " border=""0"" "
echo " cellpadding=""0"" "
echo " cellspacing=""0"""
echo ">"
echo "<tr>"
echo "<td colspan=""3""><a href=""" & ParentDirectoryLink & """>[To Parent Directory]</a></td>"
echo "<td align=""right"">&nbsp;"
If Len(locateLink) > 0 Then echo "<a href=""" & LocateLink & """>[Search Filenames]</a>"
echo "</td>"
echo "</tr>"
echo "<tr>"
echo "<td colspan=""4"">&nbsp;</td>"
echo "</tr>"
echo "</table>"
echo "<table "
echo " width=""100%"" "
echo " border=""0"" "
echo " cellpadding=""0"" "
echo " cellspacing=""0"""
echo ">"
echo ""
If bViewSource And bAllowViewSource Then
echo "<tr colspan=""4""><td>"
Call DumpSource(oFso, FolderSpec & "\" & FileSpec)
echo "</td></tr>"
echo ""
echo " <tr bgcolor=""#dddddd"">"
echo " <th width=""20%"" colspan=""2"">"
echo "<a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?sort=" & ColumnOrdinal_LastModified & "&FolderSpec=" & server.urlencode(FolderSpec) & """>Last Modified</a>"
echo "</th>"
echo " <th width=""10%"">"
echo "<a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?sort=" & ColumnOrdinal_Size & "&FolderSpec=" & server.urlencode(FolderSpec) & """>Size</a>"
echo "</th>"
echo " <th width=""70%"" colspan=""2"">"
echo "<a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?sort=" & ColumnOrdinal_Filename & "&FolderSpec=" & server.urlencode(FolderSpec) & """>Name</a>"
echo "</th>"
echo " </tr>"
if gVisibleFoldersCount > 0 Then
echo " <tr>"
echo " <th colspan=""5"" align=""left"" bgcolor=""#eeeeee"">Folders</th>"
echo " </tr>"
echo " "
bgcolor_now = bgcolor_dark
Call DumpFoldersList(arrFolders, 0, ubound(arrFolders,1), sort)
echo ""
echo " <tr>"
echo " <td colspan=""5"">&nbsp;</td>"
echo " </tr>"
End If
if gVisibleFilesCount > 0 Then
echo " <tr>"
echo " <th colspan=""5"" align=""left"" bgcolor=""#eeeeee"">Files</th>"
echo " </tr>"
echo " "
bgcolor_now = bgcolor_dark
Call DumpFilesList(FolderSpec, ArrFiles, 0, ubound(arrFiles,1), sort)
End If
End If
echo ""
echo "</table>"
echo "<br>"
echo "<hr>"
echo "<p align=""right"" class=""td"">Dale's <a href="""">Enhanced Directory Browser and ASP Source Viewer</a>, v" & Version & "</p>"
echo "<br>"
echo "</body>"
echo "</html>"
End Sub
Sub ScriptInit
FileSpec = Request("FileSpec")
bRequestedSourceFileFound = False
Set oFso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
DefaultVPath = oFso.GetParentFolderName(PathInfo())
If Len(DefaultVPath) = 0 Then ' This means that the script is in the root folder of the website. It's not recommended to do this, btw.
DefaultVPath = "/"
End If
DefaultPhysPath = Server.MapPath(DefaultVPath)
DefaultSort = ColumnOrdinal_LastModified
Sort = Request.Querystring("sort")
bViewSource = Typecast(Len(request("ViewSource")),VbBoolean,False)
PageTitle = request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME")
Dim j
If Sort = "0" Then
Sort = ColumnOrdinal_LastModified
ElseIf Sort = "1" Then
Sort = ColumnOrdinal_Size
sort = DefaultSort
End If
'Validate the FolderSpec request
FolderSpec = Trim(Request("FolderSpec"))
FolderSpec = Replace(FolderSpec, "\", "/")
FolderSpec = Replace(FolderSpec, "//", "/")
If Len(FolderSpec) = 0 Then FolderSpec = DefaultVPath
If Len(FolderSpec) > 255 Then FolderSpec = DefaultVPath
If Left(FolderSpec, Len(DefaultVPath)) <> DefaultVPath Then FolderSpec = DefaultVPath
If bFilenameHasIllegalChars(FolderSpec, True) Then FolderSpec = DefaultVPath
If InStr(FolderSpec, "..") > 0 Then FolderSpec = DefaultVPath
If Not (InStr(FolderSpec, "/") > 0) Then FolderSpec = DefaultVPath 'FolderSpec must start with a leading slash
if InArray(Replace(FolderSpec, DefaultVPath, "", 1, 1, vbTextCompare), arrPathsToExclude) Then FolderSpec = DefaultVPath
path = mappath(FolderSpec)
Dim ErrorCheck
On Error Resume Next
Set oFolder = oFso.getFolder(path)
ErrorCheck = err.number
On Error GoTo 0
If ErrorCheck <> 0 Then
FolderSpec = DefaultVPath
path = Server.MapPath(DefaultVPath)
Set oFolder = oFso.getFolder(path)
End If
If bViewSource Then
ParentDirectoryLink = PathInfo() & "?FolderSpec=" & server.urlencode((FolderSpec)) & "&sort=" & sort
If (FolderSpec = DefaultVPath) Then
ParentDirectoryLink = "../"
ParentDirectoryLink = PathInfo() & "?FolderSpec=" & server.urlencode(oFso.GetParentFolderName(FolderSpec)) & "&sort=" & sort
End If
End If
Set oFolders = oFolder.subfolders
Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
On Error Resume Next
Dim sRedirectURL
For Each thing In oFiles
'Look for a default document in this folder. If found, display it.
If InArray(thing.Name, arrDefaultDocumentList) Then
If LCase(FolderSpec & "/" & thing.Name) <> LCase(Pathinfo()) Then
sRedirectURL = FolderSpec & "/" & thing.Name
'sRedirectURL = Replace(sRedirectURL, "#", "%23")
'br sRedirectURL
sRedirectURL = Server.UrlEncode(sRedirectURL)
sRedirectURL = Replace(sRedirectURL, "+", "%20")
sRedirectURL = replace(sRedirectURL, "FFFOOORRWWWARDDDSSLLLLAAASHH", "/")
'Response.Redirect sRedirectURL
Response.Status = "302 Object Moved"
Response.AddHeader "Location", sRedirectUrl
'br sRedirectURL
End If
End If
'Just counting files.
If bShowFile(Thing) Then
gVisibleFilesCount = gVisibleFilesCount + 1
End if
ReDim arrFiles(gVisibleFilesCount - 1, ColumnOrdinal_StepSize - 1)
if lcase(err.description) = "permission denied" And Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") = "" Then
Response.Status = "401 Authorization Required"
End If
on error goto 0
For Each Thing in oFolders
If bShowFile(Thing) Then
gVisibleFoldersCount = gVisibleFoldersCount + 1
End If
ReDim arrFolders(gVisibleFoldersCount - 1, ColumnOrdinal_StepSize - 1)
If err.number <> 0 Then
If Len(Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")) = 0 Then
Response.Status = "401 Authorization Required"
End If
End If
i = 0
For Each thing In oFiles
If bShowFile(Thing) Then
On Error Resume Next
ArrFiles(i,ColumnOrdinal_LastModified) = thing.datelastmodified
ArrFiles(i,ColumnOrdinal_Size) = thing.size
ArrFiles(i,ColumnOrdinal_Filename) =
ArrFiles(i,ColumnOrdinal_CanViewSource) = False 'set default
For j = 0 To UBound(arrSourceViewFilenameExtensions)
If LCase(ext( = LCase(arrSourceViewFilenameExtensions(j)) Then
ArrFiles(i,ColumnOrdinal_CanViewSource) = True
End If
If bViewSource Then
If LCase(thing.path) = LCase(Server.MapPath(FolderSpec) & "\" & FileSpec) Then
bRequestedSourceFileFound = True
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
i = i + 1
End If
If Not bRequestedSourceFileFound Then bViewSource = False
i = 0
For each thing in oFolders
If bShowFile(Thing) Then
On Error Resume Next
ArrFolders(i,ColumnOrdinal_LastModified) = thing.datelastmodified
If bShowFolderSizes Then
ArrFolders(i,ColumnOrdinal_Size) = thing.size
ArrFolders(i,ColumnOrdinal_Size) = Null
End If
ArrFolders(i,ColumnOrdinal_Filename) =
On Error GoTo 0
i = i + 1
End If
If Sort <> DefaultSort Then
If ubound(arrFiles,1) > 0 Then Call QuickSort(arrFiles, 0, ubound(arrFiles,1), cint(sort))
If ubound(arrFolders,1) > 0 Then Call QuickSort(arrFolders, 0, ubound(arrFolders,1), cint(sort))
End if
PageTitle = PageTitle & " - " & FolderSpec
If bViewSource Then PageTitle = PageTitle & "/" & FileSpec & " (Source)"
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub ScriptTerminate
On Error Resume Next
Set oFiles = nothing
Set oFolders = nothing
Set oFolder = nothing
Set oFso = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
'# Secondary Functions
Sub DumpFilesList(FolderSpec, ArrFiles, lo, hi, mark)
'== Print out an array from the lo bound ==
'== to the hi bound. Highlight the column ==
'== whose number matches parm mark ==
Dim Row,Column
Dim Filename
Dim v
For Row = lo to hi
Filename = FolderSpec & "/" & ArrFiles(Row, ColumnOrdinal_Filename)
If LCase(Filename) <> LCase(PathInfo()) Then
echo "<tr>"
For Column = 0 to Ubound(ArrFiles,2)
v = ArrFiles(Row,Column)
If Column = mark then
echo "<td bgcolor=""" & BgColor() & """ class=""" & ColumnClass(Column) & """>"
echo "<td class=""" & ColumnClass(Column) & """>"
End If
If VarType(v) <> 0 Then
if Column = ColumnOrdinal_Filename then
echo "<a href=""" & Replace(FolderSpec, "#", "%23") & "/" & FilenameAsUrl(v) & """>" & v & "</a>"
If ArrFiles(Row,ColumnOrdinal_CanViewSource) And bAllowViewSource Then
If Column = mark then
echo "</td><td bgcolor=""" & BgColor_Now & """ class=""sz""><a href=""" & PathInfo & "?ViewSource=1&FolderSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FolderSpec) & "&FileSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(v) & """>(view source)</a>"
echo "</td><td class=""sz""><a href=""" & PathInfo & "?ViewSource=1&FolderSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FolderSpec) & "&FileSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(v) & """>(view source)</a>"
End If
' echo "</td><td>
If Column = mark then
echo "</td><td bgcolor=""" & BgColor_Now & """ class=""sz"">&nbsp;"
echo "</td><td class=""sz"">&nbsp;"
End If
End If
ElseIf Column = ColumnOrdinal_Size Then
echo FormatNumber(v, 0)
ElseIf Column = ColumnOrdinal_LastModified Then
echo FormatDateTime(DateValue(v), VbShortDate) & "</td><td class=""" & ColumnClass(Column) & """>" & FormatDateTime(TimeValue(v), VbShortTime)
ElseIf column = ColumnOrdinal_CanViewSource Then
'do nothing
echo v
End If
End If
response.write "</td>"
echo "</tr>"
End If
End Sub 'PrintArray
Const BgColor_Dark = "#EEEEEE"
Const BgColor_Light = "#FFFFEE"
Dim BgColor_Now
Function BgColor()
If BgColor_Now = BgColor_Light Then
BgColor_Now = BgColor_Dark
BgColor_Now = BgColor_Light
End If
BgColor = BgColor_Now
End Function
Sub DumpFoldersList(ByVal ArrFolders,lo,hi,mark)
'== Print out an array from the lo bound ==
'== to the hi bound. Highlight the column ==
'== whose number matches parm mark ==
Dim Row, Column
Dim Data
For Row = lo to hi
echo "<tr>"
For Column = 0 to Ubound(ArrFolders,2)
Data = ArrFolders(Row, Column)
If Column = mark then
echo "<td bgcolor=""" & BgColor() & """ class=""" & ColumnClass(Column) & """>"
echo "<td class=""" & ColumnClass(Column) & """>"
End If
If Column = ColumnOrdinal_Filename Then
if vartype(data) = 0 then
response.write "&nbsp;"
echo "<a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?FolderSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FolderSpec & "/" & Data) & "&sort=" & sort & """>" & Data & "</a>"
end if
If Column = mark then
echo "</td><td bgcolor=""" & BgColor_Now & """ class=""sz"">&nbsp;"
echo "</td><td class=""sz"">&nbsp;"
End If
ElseIf Column = ColumnOrdinal_Size Then
if vartype(data) = 0 then
response.write "&nbsp;"
Elseif IsNull(data) then
response.write "<span style=""color:#cccccc;"">&lt;n/a&gt;</span>"
Echo FormatNumber(Data, 0)
end if
ElseIf Column = ColumnOrdinal_LastModified Then
if vartype(data) = 0 then
echo "&nbsp;</td><td class=""" & ColumnClass(Column) & """>&nbsp;"
echo FormatDateTime(DateValue(Data), VbShortDate)
echo "</td><td class=""" & ColumnClass(Column) & """>"
echo FormatDateTime(TimeValue(Data), VbShortTime)
end if
if vartype(data) = 0 then
response.write "&nbsp;"
Response.Write Data
end if
End If
response.write "</td>"
echo "</tr>"
End Sub
Sub DumpSource(ByRef fso, ByVal VPath)
Dim tso, buffer, i
Dim NewBuffer
Dim CursorPos
Dim Needle
Dim c, cPrefix, cPostfix
Dim LN
Dim bWaitingForMoreChars
Dim bInsideASP
Dim bCommentOn
Dim bInsideQuote
Dim cLast
LN = 1
Set tso = fso.opentextfile(server.mappath(VPath))
Set NewBuffer = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
NewBuffer.Type = 2 'String
echo "<pre>"
If bShowLineNumbers Then
response.write " <a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?ln=0&hls=" & Abs(CInt(bShowSyntaxHighlighting)) & "&ViewSource=1&FolderSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FolderSpec) & "&FileSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FileSpec) & """>Turn off line numbering</a>"
response.write " <a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?ln=1&hls=" & Abs(CInt(bShowSyntaxHighlighting)) & "&ViewSource=1&FolderSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FolderSpec) & "&FileSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FileSpec) & """>Turn on line numbering</a>"
End If
If bShowSyntaxHighlighting Then
response.write " <a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?hls=0&ln=" & Abs(CInt(bShowLineNumbers)) & "&ViewSource=1&FolderSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FolderSpec) & "&FileSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FileSpec) & """>Turn off syntax highlighting</a>"
response.write " <a href=""" & PathInfo() & "?hls=1&ln=" & Abs(CInt(bShowLineNumbers)) & "&ViewSource=1&FolderSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FolderSpec) & "&FileSpec=" & Server.UrlEncode(FileSpec) & """>Turn on syntax highlighting</a>"
End If
echo ""
If bShowSyntaxHighlighting Then
echo ""
bInsideASP = False
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
bCommentOn = False
bInsideQuote = False
Buffer = Tso.ReadAll
Response.Write "<span class=""OutsideASP"">"
For i = 1 To Len(Buffer)
cPrefix = ""
cPostfix = ""
c = Mid(Buffer, i, 1)
If bInsideAsp Then
Select Case C
Case ">"
If Not bInsideQuote Then
If bWaitingForMoreChars Then
bInsideAsp = False
cPrefix = "</span><span class=""AspTransition"">"
cPostfix = "</span><span class=""OutsideASP"">"
End If
End If
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
Case VbCr
If Not bInsideQuote Then
If bCommentOn Then
bCommentOn = False
cPostfix = "</span><span class=""InsideASP"">"
End If
End If
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
Case "%" 'stop right here, wait to see if next char is a greater than symbol.
If Not bInsideQuote Then
bWaitingForMoreChars = True
End If
Case "'"
If Not bInsideQuote Then
bCommentOn = True
cPrefix = "</span><span class=""AspComment"">"
End If
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
Case Chr(34)
If Not bCommentOn Then
If bInsideQuote Then
bInsideQuote = False
cPostfix = "</span><span class=""InsideASP"">"
bInsideQuote = True
cPrefix = "</span><span class=""InsideQuote"">"
End If
End If
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
Case Else
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
End Select
If bWaitingForMoreChars Then
If c = "%" Then
bInsideAsp = True
cPrefix = "</span><span class=""AspTransition"">"
cPostFix = "</span><span class=""InsideASP"">"
End If
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
If c = "<" Then 'stop right here, wait to see if next char is a percent symbol.
bWaitingForMoreChars = True
bWaitingForMoreChars = False
End If
End If
End If
If bShowLineNumbers Then
If c = VbLf Then
LN = LN + 1
End If
If i = 1 Then
response.write "<span class=""LineNumber"">" & LN & "</span>" & VbTab
If c = VbLf Then
cpostfix = cpostfix & "<span class=""LineNumber"">" & LN & "</span>" & VbTab
End If
End If
End If
If bWaitingForMoreChars Then
cLast = cLast & C
Response.Write cPrefix & server.htmlencode(cLast & C) & cPostfix
cLast = ""
End If
Do While Not tso.atendofstream
i = i + 1
response.write vbnewline
If bShowLineNumbers Then response.write "<span class=""LineNumber"">" & i & "</span>" & VbTab
response.write server.htmlencode(tso.readline)
End If
Set tso = Nothing
NewBuffer.Position = 0
Response.Write NewBuffer.ReadText
Set NewBuffer = Nothing
echo "</pre>"
End Sub
'# Tertiary Functions and Utilities
Function FilenameAsUrl(s)
FilenameAsUrl = Replace(Server.UrlEncode(oFso.GetBaseName(s)),"+","%20") & Ext(s)
End Function
function ext(byval fname)
If InStr(fname, ".") > 0 Then
ext = lcase(mid(fname,inStrRev(fname,".")))
ext = ""
End If
end function
Function ColumnClass(i)
Select Case i
case ColumnOrdinal_LastModified
ColumnClass = "lm"
case ColumnOrdinal_Size
ColumnClass = "sz"
case ColumnOrdinal_Filename
ColumnClass = "fn"
End Select
End Function
Function P()
p = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
End Function
'Replacement for Server.MapPath
Function MapPath(ByVal path)
Dim i
Dim arrBadChars
Dim arrDidReplace
Dim arrGoodChars
arrBadChars = Array(";" ,"," ,"'" ,"]")
arrDidReplace = Array(False ,False ,False ,False)
arrGoodChars = Array("%3B" ,"%2C" ,"%27" ,"%5D")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrBadChars)
If InStr(path, arrBadChars(i)) > 0 Then
path = Replace(path, arrBadChars(i), arrGoodChars(i))
arrDidReplace(i) = True
End If
Path = Server.MapPath(path)
For i = 0 To UBound(arrBadChars)
If arrDidReplace(i) Then
Path = Replace(path, arrGoodChars(i), arrBadChars(i))
End If
MapPath = Path
End Function
' ________________________________________
Function TypeCast(ByVal What, ByVal WhatType, ByVal DefaultValue)
Dim result, i
if vartype(What) = WhatType Then
result = What ' no problem! lets split and get back to work.
' not specifically that type.
' Ok, lets try and convert it.
on error resume next
select case WhatType
case vbInteger
result = CInt(what)
case vbLong
result = CLng(what)
case vbSingle
result = CSng(what)
case vbDouble
result = CDbl(what)
case vbCurrency
result = CCur(what)
case vbDate
result = CDate(what)
case vbString
result = CStr(what)
case vbBoolean
result = CBool(what)
case vbByte
result = CByte(what)
case VbEnum '### NOTE!! IMPORTANT!! VbEnum is NOT a built-in vb value:
' This is something that I made up myself-
' you MUST declare VbEnum as a global CONST
' for this to work!!!! (i use 100 - its far enough away
' from any other VbXXX constants that its not likely to
' interfereany time soon)
'to use this option, pass an ARRAY of possible enum values
' in the "DefaultValue" argument.
' If "what" does not match any of the values of the array,
' then TypeCast() will return the first value in the array.
'echo ";&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;what=" & what & " " & typename(what)
for i = 0 to ubound(DefaultValue)
if what = DefaultValue(i) then
result = what
exit for
result = defaultValue(0)
end if
end select
if err.number <> 0 then
Result = DefaultValue 'sorry pal. you trying to fake us out. no soup for you.
end if
on error goto 0
End If
TypeCast = result
End Function
Function pathinfo()
pathinfo = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
End Function
' Just an error-free wrapper. Especially handy in the case of html-encoding values
' directly from an SQL recordset, because "Server.HtmlEncode" chokes on nulls.
Function HtmlEncode(s)
HtmlEncode = Server.HtmlEncode(Typecast(s,VbString,""))
End Function
Function echo(s)
Response.write vbnewline & s
End Function
Function bDeveloperMode
Dim Result
Result = False
If request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") = "" _
or request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") = "" _
or request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") = "" _
Result = True
End If
bDeveloperMode = Result
End Function
Sub Debug(s)
DebugL "Debug", s
End Sub
Sub DebugL(label, value)
If bDeveloperMode Then
echo "<div style=""font-family: Courier New, Courier, mono, monospace; font-size: 10pt; "">" _
& " <font color=""#aaaaaa"">" & htmlencode(label) & ":</font>" _
& " <font color=""#0000aa"">" & HtmlEncode(value) & "</font>" _
& " <font color=""#aaaaaa"">(" & TypeName(value) & ")</font>" _
& "</div>"
End If
End Sub
Sub DebugE(s)
Dim ErrorCheck
On Error Resume Next
ErrorCheck = eval(s)
ErrorCheck = err.number
On Error GoTo 0
If ErrorCheck = 0 Then
If Not IsEmpty(Eval(s)) Then
DebugL s, eval(s)
DebugL "Debug:", s
End If
DebugL "Debug:", s
End If
End Sub
Function bFilenameHasIllegalChars(byVal s, bIgnoreSlashes)
dim i 'as integer - used for incrementing through each character of the string
dim Result 'as boolean - status of our investigating
dim c 'as string - each piece of the string as we move through it
dim a 'as integer - the numeric Ascii value of c
' looks for any non alphanumeric characters, returns false if the string is 'clean'
Result = False 'innocent until proven guilty.
If VarType(s) <> VbString Then
Result = True
for i = 1 to len(s)
c = mid(s,i,1)
a = asc(c)
Select Case True
' (n.p ), ", *, :, <, >, ?, |
Case (a <= 31)
'not printable
Result = True
Exit For
Case (a = 34 Or a = 42 or a = 58 or a = 60 or a = 62 or a = 63 or a = 124)
'is an illegal character.
Result = True
Exit For
' /, \
Case (a = 47 Or a = 92)
'is a back or forward slash
If Not bIgnoreSlashes Then
Result = True
Exit For
End If
Case True
'is printable and not illegal. don't do anything.
End Select
End If
bFilenameHasIllegalChars = Result
End Function
Function bShowFile(ByRef objFile)
Dim Result
Dim Attributes, Hidden, System, Alias
Result = True
Attributes = objFile.attributes
Hidden = cbool(attributes and FileAttribute_Hidden)
System = cbool(attributes and FileAttribute_System)
Alias = cbool(attributes and FileAttribute_Alias)
dim ppath
Dim vpath
ppath = objFile.path
vpath = Replace(ppath, DefaultPhysPath, "", 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
vpath = replace(vpath, "\", "/")
if InArray(vpath, arrPathsToExclude) Then
Result = False
End If
If StrComp(DefaultVpath & vpath, PathInfo(), VbTextCompare) = 0 then
Result = False
End If
if Alias then
if not ShowAlias Then Result = False
end if
If Hidden Then
If Not ShowHidden Then Result = False
end if
If System Then
If Not SHowSystem Then Result = False
End If
bShowFile = Result
End Function
sub echo(s)
response.write vbnewline & s
end sub
sub br(s)
echo "<br>" & s
end sub
Function Table(s)
table = VbNewLine & "<table>" & s & "</table>"
End Function
Function th(s)
th = VbNewLine & "<th>" & s & "</th>"
End Function
Function td(s)
td = VbNewLine & "<td class=""td"">" & s & "</td>"
End Function
Function Tr(s)
tr = VbNewLine & "<tr>" & s & "</tr>"
End Function
Sub SwapRows(ary,row1,row2)
'== This proc swaps two rows of an array
Dim x,tempvar
For x = 0 to Ubound(ary,2)
tempvar = ary(row1,x)
ary(row1,x) = ary(row2,x)
ary(row2,x) = tempvar
End Sub 'SwapRows
Sub QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiBound,SortField)
'== Sort a 2 dimensional array on SortField ==
'== ==
'== This procedure is adapted from the algorithm given in: ==
'== ~ Data Abstractions & Structures using C++ by ~ ==
'== ~ Mark Headington and David Riley, pg. 586 ~ ==
'== Quicksort is the fastest array sorting routine For ==
'== unordered arrays. Its big O is n log n ==
'== ==
'== Parameters: ==
'== vec - array to be sorted ==
'== SortField - The field to sort on (2nd dimension value) ==
'== loBound and hiBound are simply the upper and lower ==
'== bounds of the array's 1st dimension. It's probably ==
'== easiest to use the LBound and UBound functions to ==
'== Set these. ==
Dim pivot(),loSwap,hiSwap,temp,counter
Redim pivot (Ubound(vec,2))
'== Two items to sort
if hiBound - loBound = 1 then
if vec(loBound,SortField) > vec(hiBound,SortField) then
Call SwapRows(vec,hiBound,loBound)
End If
End If
'== Three or more items to sort
For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2)
pivot(counter) = vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter)
vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter) = vec(loBound,counter)
vec(loBound,counter) = pivot(counter)
loSwap = loBound + 1
hiSwap = hiBound
'== Find the right loSwap
while loSwap < hiSwap and vec(loSwap,SortField) <= pivot(SortField)
loSwap = loSwap + 1
'== Find the right hiSwap
while vec(hiSwap,SortField) > pivot(SortField)
hiSwap = hiSwap - 1
'== Swap values if loSwap is less then hiSwap
if loSwap < hiSwap then Call SwapRows(vec,loSwap,hiSwap)
Loop While loSwap < hiSwap
For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2)
vec(loBound,counter) = vec(hiSwap,counter)
vec(hiSwap,counter) = pivot(counter)
'== Recursively call function .. the beauty of Quicksort
'== 2 or more items in first section
if loBound < (hiSwap - 1) then Call QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiSwap-1,SortField)
'== 2 or more items in second section
if hiSwap + 1 < hibound then Call QuickSort(vec,hiSwap+1,hiBound,SortField)
End Sub 'QuickSort
Function bShowLineNumbers
Dim ln, result
ln = Request("ln")
If ln = "1" Then
Result = True
ElseIf ln = "0" Then
result = False
result = bLineNumberingOnByDefault
End If
bShowLineNumbers = result
End Function
Function bShowSyntaxHighlighting
Dim hls, result
hls = Request("hls")
If hls = "1" Then
Result = True
ElseIf hls = "0" Then
result = False
result = bSyntaxHighlightingOnByDefault
End If
bShowSyntaxHighlighting = result
End Function
Function bStillHasUnclosedQuotes(ByVal Chunk)
Dim Result, i, c
Dim bInsideSingleQuote
Dim bInsideDoubleQuote
Result = False
bInsideSingleQuote = False
bInsideDoubleQuote = False
For i = 1 to len(chunk)
c = mid(chunk,i,1)
If (Not(bInsideSingleQuote)) And (Not(bInsideDoubleQuote)) Then
If c = Chr(34) then
bInsideDoubleQuote = True
ElseIf c = "'" then
bInsideSingleQuote = True
end if
Elseif (bInsideDoubleQuote) Then
If c = Chr(34) then
bInsideDoubleQuote = False
end if
Elseif (bInsideSingleQuote) Then
If c = "'" then
bInsideSingleQuote = False
end if
End If
Result = bInsideSingleQuote Or bInsideDoubleQuote
If Result Then
'br "366: Chunk Not in quotes. Safe to continue."
End If
bStillHasUnclosedQuotes = Result
End Function
' Pass this an array to look through, and a value to look for.
' Returns: Boolean.
Function InArray(ByVal vNeedle, ByVal aHaystack)
Dim i
Dim Result
Result = False
For i = 0 To UBound(aHaystack)
If strComp(aHaystack(i), vNeedle, VbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Result = True
Exit For
End If
InArray = Result
End Function
'# End of File.
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