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Last active January 2, 2022 17:39
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Marbles Solver using Gloss in Haskell
#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- cabal:
build-depends: base, gloss
{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Bits (testBit,setBit,clearBit,shiftR,popCount)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Animate
main :: IO ()
main = -- print solveMarbles
animate (InWindow "Marbles" (600,600) (0, 0) ) white renderFrame
-- Board Abstraction
-- | We represent the board as a 64 bit word.
-- If a marble is in a location then the bit is 1. If not... not.
-- A board is a plus-shape with each line 3 slots large, like so:
-- @
-- 6 O O O
-- 5 O O O
-- 4 O O O O O O O
-- 3 O O O O O O O
-- 2 O O O O O O O
-- 1 O O O
-- 0 O O O
-- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (x-coord)
-- @
newtype MarbleBoard = MB Word64 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
(!) :: MarbleBoard -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
(!) (MB b) p = testBit b (pointToBitIndex p)
pointToBitIndex :: (Int,Int) -> Int
pointToBitIndex (x,y) = y*7 + x
-- | The board is "plus" shaped so not every bit in the Word64 is a valid location.
validPoint :: (Int,Int) -> Bool
validPoint p@(x,y) = validPointBoard ! p && x < 7 && y < 7 && x >= 0 && y >= 0
where validPointBoard = MB 0b0011100001110011111111111111111111100111000011100
-- | Initially all spots in the board have a marble except the direct center.
initialBoard :: MarbleBoard
initialBoard = MB 0b0011100001110011111111110111111111100111000011100
peg,noPeg :: MarbleBoard -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
peg = (!)
noPeg b = not . (b !)
-- | Jump a marble from one location in a direction, thus producing a new board (if it was a legal
-- move).
jumpMb :: MarbleBoard -> (Int,Int) -> Direction -> Maybe MarbleBoard
jumpMb mb@(MB b) src@(x,y) dir
| peg mb src && good = Just $ MB (setBit (clearBit (clearBit b srcIx) midIx) dstIx)
| otherwise = Nothing
srcIx = pointToBitIndex src
dstIx = pointToBitIndex dst
midIx = pointToBitIndex mid
(mid,dst,good) =
let (m,d) = case dir of
Up -> ((x,y-1), (x,y-2))
Down -> ((x,y+1), (x,y+2))
Left -> ((x-1,y), (x-2,y))
Right -> ((x+1,y), (x+2,y))
in (m,d, peg mb m && noPeg mb d && validPoint d)
data Direction = Up | Down | Left | Right deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Enum,Bounded,Read)
jumps :: MarbleBoard -> (Int,Int) -> [MarbleBoard]
jumps mb pnt = catMaybes $ map (jumpMb mb pnt) [Up .. Right]
-- | All legal moves from a given board setup.
allJumps :: MarbleBoard -> [MarbleBoard]
allJumps mb = concatMap (jumps mb) [(x,y) | (x,y) <- allPos]
allPos :: [(Int,Int)]
allPos = [(x,y) | x <- [0..6], y <- [0..6], validPoint (x,y)]
-- | The game is won if only one marble remains.
won :: MarbleBoard -> Bool
won (MB b) = popCount b == 1
-- Solver Logic
-- | Search of possible moves from the 'initialBoard' to a winning board.
solveMarbles :: [MarbleBoard]
solveMarbles = go Set.empty [j : [initialBoard] | j <- allJumps initialBoard]
go observedBoards [] = []
go observedBoards (thisMoveSequence@(b:_):rest)
| won b = thisMoveSequence
| otherwise =
let pruneDuplicateBoards = filter (`Set.notMember` observedBoards)
possibleNextBoards = [j : thisMoveSequence | j <- allJumps b]
nexts = pruneDuplicateBoards possibleNextBoards
in go (Set.union (Set.fromList nexts) observedBoards) (nexts ++ rest)
-- Rendering
renderFrame :: Float -> Picture
renderFrame time = render board
board = reverse solveMarbles !! idx
idx = min (length solveMarbles - 1) (floor (time / timePerFrame))
timePerFrame :: Float
timePerFrame = 1.5
render :: MarbleBoard -> Picture
render b = pictures pieces
pieces = [renderPiece (x,y) | (x,y) <- allPos ]
renderPiece pos
| noPeg b pos = moveToSpot pos emptySpot
| otherwise = moveToSpot pos fullSpot
moveToSpot :: (Int,Int) -> Picture -> Picture
moveToSpot (x,y) = translate (fromIntegral x * spacing) (fromIntegral y * spacing)
where spacing = 40
emptySpot, fullSpot, boardSpot :: Picture
emptySpot = color yellow boardSpot
fullSpot = color black boardSpot
boardSpot = thickCircle 1 30
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