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Created May 26, 2015 01:06
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layout(location = 0) in vec3 inVert;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 inNormal;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 inUV;
// Model View Projection matrix
uniform mat4 MVP;
// Model View matrix
uniform mat4 MV;
// Normal matrix
uniform mat3 NormalMatrix;
struct Lights
// Position in eye coordinates
vec4 position;
// Diffuse reflectivity
vec4 Kd;
// Light source intensity
vec4 Ld;
// Light data passed in from the client
uniform Lights light;
// Output to the fragment shader (interpolated)
out vec3 LightIntensity;
void main()
// Convert normal to eye space
vec3 nrmN = normalize(NormalMatrix * inNormal);
// Convert vertex to eye space (we convert it to vec4 so the multiply by matrix works)
vec4 eye = MV * vec4(inVert, 1);
// Get direction to the light
vec3 lightNrm = normalize( eye - light.position );
// Calculate diffuse (lambert reflectance)
vec3 lambert = dot(nrmN, lightNrm);
// Intensity is the diffuse value multiplied by the light colour and intensity
LightIntensity = light.Ld * light.Kd * max(lambert, 0.0);
// Position is the input vertex transformed by the model view projection matrix
gl_Position = MVP * vec4(inVert,1);
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