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Last active May 20, 2019 15:48
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Example script to submit a BOUT++ batch job based on a configuration file
import configparser
from warnings import warn
from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict
from pprint import pprint
from datetime import timedelta
import subprocess
import git
from humanfriendly import format_timespan
import click
CPUS_PER_NODE = {'marconi': 48}
EMAIL = {'tnichola': ''}
@click.argument('config_file', type=click.Path(exists=True))
def submit_job(config_file):
Reads a YAML-like configuration file, writes a job script, and submits a
BOUT++ simulation job based on the options contained in the file.
The config file is just a text file which conforms to YAML-style syntax,
and has the structure shown in the example below:
name: Simulation
machine: marconi
user: tnichola
walltime: 8:00:00
queue: skl_fua_prod
account: FUSIO_ru3CCFE
n_cpus: 48
input: ./BOUT.inp
output: ./out/
executable: ./folder/storm.exe
restart: False
append: False
No defaults are provided for any parameters in the config file so that the
file must contain a complete record of all the job options used for the
config_file : str or path-like
Path to the configuration file. Specified as a command-line argument
through click, e.g. $ python3 ./path/to/config.yml
# Read and parse the config file
config_file = Path(config_file)
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
scheduler_opts, code_opts = config['scheduler'], config['code']
# Set strings to bools if appropriate
if code_opts['restart'].lower().strip().replace("'", "") == 'true':
code_opts['restart'] = 'True'
code_opts['restart'] = 'False'
if code_opts['append'].lower().strip().replace("'", "") == 'true':
code_opts['append'] = 'True'
code_opts['append'] = 'False'
# TODO somehow determine the user from the environment the script is run in
user, machine = scheduler_opts['user'], scheduler_opts['machine']
if machine.lower() not in SUPPORTED_MACHINES:
raise NotImplementedError("This script assumes you're submitting a "
f"job on one of {SUPPORTED_MACHINES}")
email = EMAIL[user]
print(f"User {user} on machine {machine}")
print(f"Job completion and error notifications will be sent to {email}")
# Check if number of processors is sensible for this machine
cpus = scheduler_opts['n_cpus']
cpus = int(cpus)
raise TypeError("Can't use a non-integer number of CPUs")
nodes = calc_nodes(cpus, machine)
output = Path(code_opts['output'])
# Check input file exists
input_file = Path(code_opts['input'])
full_input = full(output / input_file)
if not (output / input_file).is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"No input file found at {full_input}")
# Check executable file exists
executable = Path(code_opts['executable'])
if not executable.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"No executable file found at {executable}")
# Read input file, prepending a section header to satisfy configparser
with open(output / input_file, 'r') as f:
config_string = "[general]\n" +
input_options = configparser.ConfigParser()
if input_options.has_section('filaments'):
# We're trying to run a 3D storm simulation
# TODO Check if input file contains a path to a valid equilibrium file
if input_options.has_option(section='filaments', option='equilibrium_directory'):
eq_dir = output / Path(input_options['filaments'].get('equilibrium_directory'))
if not list(eq_dir.glob('*.dat')):
raise FileNotFoundError("No 1D equilibrium files found at {}"
warn("No equilibrium directory found in input options file")
# TODO Check input file specifies a sensible number of grid points
if list(output.glob('*.nc')):
warn("There are netCDF files already in the output directory which "
"might get overwritten")
if not output.is_dir():
raise NotADirectoryError("output does not point to a valid directory")
print_choices(scheduler_opts, code_opts, full_input, executable, cpus, nodes)
if click.confirm('\nDo you want to continue?', default=True):
job_script = write_job_script(config_file.parent, scheduler_opts,
code_opts, input_file, output, nodes)
# Submit job script
out = subprocess.check_output(['sbatch', str(job_script)])
*rest, job_num = str(out, 'utf-8').split(' ')
print(f"\nSubmitted job number {job_num}")
# Show job in queue
print("\nCurrent status:\n")"squeue -u {user} -l", shell=True)
def calc_nodes(cpus, machine):
# Check if number of processors is sensible for this machine
cpus_per_node = CPUS_PER_NODE[machine]
nodes = cpus // cpus_per_node
remainder = cpus % cpus_per_node
if remainder:
nodes += 1
warn("Inefficient number of processors chosen - you won't be fully "
"utilising every node. Your account will also be charged for all "
"nodes occupied!")
return nodes
def git_check(executable_path):
# Check if latest changes to executable have been committed
repo = git.Repo(executable_path, search_parent_directories=True)
if repo.is_dirty():
warn("There are uncommitted changes to the executable code's git "
# TODO Check if the executable has been compiled since the last commit
def print_choices(scheduler_opts, code_opts, full_input, executable, cpus, nodes):
print("\nChosen options for simulation run are:")
options = OrderedDict([('Run name', scheduler_opts['name']),
('Input file path', full_input),
('Output directory', code_opts['output']),
('Executable file path', str(executable)),
('Queue', scheduler_opts['queue']),
('Account', scheduler_opts['account']),
('Walltime', scheduler_opts['walltime']),
('Restart', code_opts['restart']),
('Append', code_opts['append'])])
print(f"Will use {str(cpus)} across {str(nodes)} nodes")
hrs, min, sec = (int(quantity) for quantity
in scheduler_opts['walltime'].split(':'))
total_walltime = timedelta(hours=hrs, minutes=min, seconds=sec) * cpus
print(f"Total CPU time requested is {format_timespan(total_walltime)}")
def full(path):
return str(path.resolve())
def write_job_script(config_dir, scheduler_opts, code_opts, input_file, output, nodes):
machine = scheduler_opts['machine']
cpus_per_node = str(CPUS_PER_NODE[machine])
name = scheduler_opts['name']
executable = Path(code_opts['executable'])
restart, append = '', ''
if code_opts['restart'] is 'True':
restart = 'restart'
if code_opts['append'] is 'True':
append = 'append'
text = ("#!/bin/bash\n"
f"#SBATCH -J {scheduler_opts['name']}\n"
f"#SBATCH -N {str(nodes)}\n"
f"#SBATCH --tasks-per-node={cpus_per_node}\n"
f"#SBATCH -p {scheduler_opts['queue']}\n"
f"#SBATCH -t {scheduler_opts['walltime']}\n"
f"#SBATCH -A {scheduler_opts['account']}\n"
f"#SBATCH -o {full(output / name)}.out\n"
f"#SBATCH -e {full(output / name)}.err\n"
f"#SBATCH --mail-type END,FAIL\n"
f"#SBATCH --mail-user {EMAIL[scheduler_opts['user']]}\n"
"export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1\n\n"
f"cd {full(executable.parent)}\n"
f"mpirun -np {scheduler_opts['n_cpus']} "
f"{full(executable)} {restart} {append} "
f"-f {code_opts['input']} "
f"-d {full(output)}"
job_script = Path(str(config_dir / name) + '.slurm')
return job_script
if __name__ == '__main__':
name: Simulation
machine: marconi
user: tnichola
walltime: 8:00:00
queue: skl_fua_prod
account: FUSIO_ru3CCFE
n_cpus: 48
input: ./BOUT.inp
output: ./out/
executable: ./folder/storm.exe
restart: False
append: False
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