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Last active March 14, 2024 00:53
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/// <summary>
/// Displays an Embed with every possible option.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[Summary("Displays an Embed.")]
public async Task<RuntimeResult> Embed()
Color pink = new Color(255, 0, 255);
string authorAvatarUrl = "";
string authorWebsiteUrl = "";
string titleUrl = "";
string imageUrl = "";
string thumbnailUrl = "";
string footerIconUrl = "";
// Make an embed with every option
// Large images are scaled down until the largest dimension is in range
// See embed limitations for character and field count restrictions
Embed embed = new EmbedBuilder()
// Colored vertical bar along left edge
// Can use predefined Color structs, or custom RGB and raw int values
// Appears top left, above title
// Tiny avatar, 24x24px
.WithAuthor("Author Name", authorAvatarUrl, authorWebsiteUrl)
// Appears top left, below author
.WithTitle("Embed Title")
// Appears top right, alongside author and title
// Small icon, largest dimension 80px
// Main embed body
.WithDescription("This is the embed description. It appears as the main body of text.\n\n**Markdown** is allowed here, *even* syntax __Discord__ doesn't ~~normally~~ support like [pretty links](")
// Fields appear after description
.WithFields(new EmbedFieldBuilder[]
// Non-inline fields each get own rows
new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = false, Name = "Field A", Value = "Value A" },
new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = false, Name = "Field B", Value = "Value B" },
new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = false, Name = "Field C", Value = "Value C" },
// Inline fields may share rows
new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = true, Name = "Field W", Value = "Value W" },
new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = true, Name = "Field X", Value = "Value X" },
new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = true, Name = "Field Y", Value = "Value Y" },
new EmbedFieldBuilder() { IsInline = true, Name = "Field Z", Value = "Value Z" },
// Appears near bottom, after all content but above footer
// Large image, max width 400px, max height 300px
// Appears at very bottom, in small color-muted font
// Micro icon, 20x20px
.WithFooter("Footer", footerIconUrl)
await ReplyAsync(embed: embed);
return CommandResult.FromSuccess();
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