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Last active November 26, 2021 04:33
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Tommy DnsPod DDNS Client
# Tommy DnsPod DDNS Client v0.2.0
# Author: Tommy Lau <>
# Created: 2015-02-23 08:52:00 UTC
# Updated: 2016-07-15 15:48:00 UTC
# Use 'json', other option is 'xml'
# Use English for default, 'cn' for Chinese
# Get current IP
get_ip() {
local inter=""
wget --quiet --no-check-certificate --output-document=- $inter
#curl --silent $inter
# Send the API request to DnsPod API
# @param1: The command to execute, for example, Info.Version and etc.
# @param2: The parameters to send to the API, for example, domain='domain.tld'
api_post() {
# Client agent
local agent="Tommy DnsPod Client/0.2.0 ("
# Stop if no API command is given
local inter="$api_url${1:?'Info.Version'}"
# Default post content for every request
local param="login_token=$token&format=$format&lang=$language&${2}"
wget --quiet --no-check-certificate --output-document=- --post-data "$param" --user-agent="$agent" $inter
#curl --silent --request POST --data "$param" --user-agent "$agent" $inter
# Lookup current ip
# @param1: The domain to nslookup
dns_lookup() {
local server=""
local os=`uname -n`
if [ "$os" = "ubuntu" ]; then
nslookup ${1} $server | awk '/^Address: / { print $2 }'
elif [ "$os" = "OpenWrt" ]; then
nslookup ${1} $server | tr -d '\n[:blank:]' | sed 's/.\+1 \([0-9\.]\+\).*/\1/'
# Update the DNS record
# @param1: The domain name to update, for example, 'domain.tld'
# @param2: The subdomain, for example, 'www'
dns_update() {
local current_ip=$(get_ip)
local dns_ip=$(dns_lookup "${2}.${1}")
echo "${current_ip} : ${dns_ip}"
if [ "$current_ip" = "$dns_ip" ]; then
echo "No need to update DDNS."
return 0
# Get domain id
local domain_id=$(api_post "Domain.Info" "domain=${1}")
domain_id=$(echo $domain_id | sed 's/.\+{"id":"\([0-9]\+\)".\+/\1/')
# Get record id of the subdomain
local record_id=$(api_post "Record.List" "domain_id=${domain_id}&sub_domain=${2}")
record_id=$(echo $record_id | sed 's/.\+\[{"id":"\([0-9]\+\)".\+/\1/')
# Update the record
local result=$(api_post "Record.Ddns" "domain_id=${domain_id}&record_id=${record_id}&record_line=默认&sub_domain=${2}")
result_code=$(echo $result | sed 's/.\+{"code":"\([0-9]\+\)".\+/\1/')
result_message=$(echo $result | sed 's/.\+,"message":"\([^"]\+\)".\+/\1/')
# Output
echo "Code: $result_code, Message: $result_message"
# User token
token="${1:?'Please input your token'}"
# Domain
domain=${2:?'Please input domain'}
# Sub domain
subdomain=${3:?'Please input sub domain'}
# Update the DDNS
dns_update "$domain" "$subdomain"
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可以参考下 API 文档,应该支持吧。

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