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Last active March 27, 2024 06:40
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💻 What to do on new macOS installs

Current — March 2024

  1. During Setup Assistant, Choose French as language and France as region.
    Add English (US) as 2nd preferred language (to be able to search for emoji in French+English, etc.), remove any keyboard besides ABC.
    In Vision settings, enable ⌃-2-fingers zoom and automatic switch between Light & Dark mode.
    Don’t import any backup, connect to iCloud, create an account without touching the avatar (guarantees it’ll use iCloud’s), customize data sharing, enable FileVault, add a fingerprint for Touch ID, set up Apple Pay.

  2. Download apps on the Mac App Store:
    Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Pixelmator Pro, Final Cut Pro, Apple Configurator, 1Blocker for Safari, Supercopy for Safari, Messenger, Ivory, Mactracker, Apple Developer, TestFlight, Key Codes, Boop.

  3. Download apps on the Web:
    iTerm, Sublime Text, Tower, Daisy Disk, Pastebot, ImageOptim, KeepingYouAwake, HandBrake, Nova, Suspicious Package, Kaleidoscope, Ukelele. Make Slack a web app.

  4. Import Documents/Developer/Downloads/Images/Videos folders. chmod 700 ~/Developer.

  5. In Messages, connect and enable iMessage in iCloud.

  6. Connect in Music too. Then authorize this computer to access iTunes Match tracks. Add Date Added in All Tracks.

  7. Install SF Symbols
    and SF fonts

  8. Copy over Xcode Archives, code snippets, themes, find scopes and key bindings to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode. Add Developer accounts. Turn on trim whitespace on empty lines, and set page guide at 150. Enable spellcheck via menu bar.

  9. Import Quick Actions into ~/Library/Services and check them in System Settings › Privacy & Security › Extensions.

  10. Move over ~/Library/PreferencePanes (SwiftDefaultApps) and Screen Savers.

  11. Copy ~/bin tools e.g. handbrake+ffmpeg+1080p.json. Hide the folder with chflags hidden ~/bin.

  12. Bring over all DOT files and folders: .oh-my-zsh, .ssh, .bash_history, .gitattributes, .gitconfig, .gitignore_global, .hushlogin (to remove login date in prompt), .lldbinit (for Kaleidoscope), .zsh_history, .zshrc.
    Alternatively, install Oh-My-ZSH, change theme, install auto-suggestions, put UseKeychain yes in ~/.ssh/config, and copy over the SSH key files.

  13. Bring over Sublime Text packages (Package Control, Pretty JSON, Decent Swift Syntax), settings, etc.

Reveal Sublime Text settings
	"font_face": "SF Mono",
	"font_size": 15,
	"theme": "Adaptive.sublime-theme",
	"default_dir": "/Users/<USER_NAME_HERE>/Desktop",
	"show_tab_close_buttons_on_left": true,
	"tab_completion": false,
	"scroll_past_end": 0.5,
	"index_files": true,
  1. Configure Touch ID for sudo:
    sudo cp /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template /etc/pam.d/sudo_local; sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sudo_local
    then uncomment the line.

  2. Change default color in Preview/QuickLook Markup to fraise écrasée #FF397D and add it to saved colors.

  3. Remove most apps in Dock and replace with mine.

  4. Eventually add widgets on the desktop.

  5. Drag all extras out of the menu bar (Spotlight, Battery, Wi-Fi, Now Playing, AirPods/Sound).

  6. System Settings

  • Notifications: Check mute When Sleeping and When Locked. Disable Messages sounds.
  • Sound: Turn on Make Sound When Volume Is Changed.
  • Focus: Disable Focus Status.
  • General › Info: Rename the Mac (don’t do this from Sharing).
  • General › Software Updates: Check Automatically update App Store apps.
  • General › Sharing: Turn on Remote Login & Remote Management.
  • Appearance: Turn off window tinting.
  • Accessibility: Turn on Zoom, switch to Permanently With Cursor in Advanced settings. In Cursor Options, turn on dragging with 3 fingers.
  • Control Center:
    • Remove most menu bar items if not done already.
    • Add all Control Center modules.
    • Remove the date from menu bar but add seconds.
    • Select 50, the maximum number of recent items.
  • Security: Turn on FileVault if not already set.
  • Desktop & Dock:
    • Disable double-click on title bar
    • Remove the dot indicator for open apps in the Dock
    • Remove recent apps from the Dock
    • Turn off Close Documents When Closing Apps
    • Turn off “When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application” (if already off, toggle twice)
    • Turn on Group Windows By App
    • Hot corners: set sleep on left, screensaver on right.
  • Displays: Adjust placement, make sound go out of Mac not display.
  • Wallpaper/Screen Saver: Choose Random Landscapes as both wallpaper and screen saver.
  • Battery: Set Low Power mode to when on battery.
  • Lock Screen: Lower time until screen saver. Require password after 5 seconds of inactivity.
  • Touch ID & Apple Watch: Rename fingerprint, add some more, turn on Apple Watch unlock.
  • Internet Accounts: Eventually connect accounts. Disable Notes & Reminders for non-iCloud.
  • Game Center: Check it’s connected.
  • Apple Pay: Add cards.
  • Keyboard
    • Disable backlight after ~10 seconds
    • Turn on Keyboard Navigation
    • In Keyboard Shortcuts
      • In Mission Control
        • Change ⌃→ & ⌃← for Spaces to ⌃⌥→ & ⌃⌥← (for camel case in code)
        • Set Stage Manager to ⌃⎋ (Ctrl-Escape)
      • In Services: disable anything with a shortcut, and even more
      • Remap Afficher le contenu du paquet in Finder to ⌃⇧X (Show Package Content)
      • In App Shortcuts
        • Remap Imprimer & Imprimer… in all apps to ⌃⇧⌥⌘P (Print & Print…)
        • Remap Fusionner toutes les fenêtres in all apps to ⇧⌘Space (Merge All Windows)
        • Remap Marquer tous les messages comme lus in Mail to ⌃⌘U (Mark All Messages as Read)
        • Remap Masquer Slack in Slack web app to ⌘W (Hide Slack)
        • Remap Fermer la fenêtre in Slack web app to ⇧⌘W (Close Window)
    • Edit input methods just to
      • disable auto-capitalization
      • double-space for dot
      • change double quotes to "" (for code contexts)
  • Trackpad: Check touch to click if not already set with 3-finger drag. Turn on App Exposé.
  1. App Settings
  • Dock
    • make app icons transparent if hidden: defaults write showhidden -bool YES; killall Dock
    • change Downloads from Pile to Automatic
  • Screenshots, via ⇧⌘5:
    • via disable floating window
    • show cursor on screenshots
    • show clicks on videos
  • TextEdit
    • set raw text by default (like ⇧⌘T)
    • let app open a new document instead of an open panel:
      defaults write NSShowAppCentricOpenPanelInsteadOfUntitledFile -bool false
  • Safari
    • show status bar with ⌘/
    • clean up toolbar to only have Sidebar, Previous/Next, and Tabs
    • Never Delete History
    • Delete From Downloads Once Succeeded
    • disable Open Safe Files
    • choose Compact Tabs style
    • set Never for Open Webpages in Tabs Instead of New Windows (so opening a link doesn’t change Desktop)
    • switch to DuckDuckGo
    • select Never for Notifications, Camera, Mic, and Location access
    • enable 1Blocker
    • show Development options
  • Finder
    • go to ~ › ⌘J
      • enable Show Library
      • sort by name
      • click Use as Default
    • ⌘J on the Desktop
      • enable Snap To Grid
      • choose biggest icon size
    • choose biggest icon size in Downloads via ⌘J (keep as list)
    • in preferences
      • new windows open ~
      • folders on top when sorting by name
      • new searches are in current folder
    • in sidebar
      • add ~ and Developer
      • remove Recents
      • collapse Locations & Tags, also Multimedia in Open/Save panels
    • remove everything from toolbar but search, add AirDrop
    • make Trash folder look simpler with ⌥⌘T
    • place Downloads window next to Downloads in Dock
  • Mail
    • get rid of most toolbar buttons in viewer, 1-up, and write-up windows. Add larger Move To button.
    • in settings
      • disable Undo Send
      • disable selection gets quoted
      • disable Link Previews
      • use the Unread Smart Mailbox to have a custom badge number in the Dock
      • disable sound when receiving
      • enable monospace for raw mails and use SF Mono 11, and use for text-only emails
      • add List-Id and X-Member-Count to custom headers
      • add a signature by dragging one in iCloud to the accounts
  • Calendar
    • use 12 days per week: defaults write "n days of week" 12
    • enable birthday alerts at 9:00 day of
    • disable Time to Leave alerts
    • show ~10 hours at the same time
    • enable events in Year view
    • in the View menu, check Show Rejected Events
  • iTerm
    • transfer preferences/colors/fonts/scroll settings/… via ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist. Alternatively:
      • in iTerm, under Profile, import the color theme and change font and window appearance. In General, choose Reuse Previous Session’s Directory. In Terminal, increase scrollback. In Session, choose No Action when session ends. In Keys, select Natural Text Editing.
      • in General, maybe disable Confirm Quitting, disable Copy to pasteboard on selection.
      • in Appearance, choose Dark theme, enable Show Border, enable proxy icon, disable show window/tab number, decrease dimming to 20%.
      • in Keys, remap ⌃⇥ and ⌃⇧⇥ to Next/Previous Tab.
      • in Window, eventually add 8% transparency.
      • in Advanced, enable Scroll wheel sends arrow keys when in alternate screen mode.
    • add to System Settings › Privacy & Security › Full Disk Access
    • set as SSH handler (and others)
  • Tower
    • find license
    • in sheets
      • check Rebase instead of Merge when pulling
      • check Delete Stash and Restore Staging Area when applying a stash
      • check Commit Immediately when cherry-picking
    • rearrange toolbar: push/pull, force push with lease, merge/rebase, stash, Finder/terminal
    • connect to accounts
    • in settings (alternatively carry over ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.fournova.Tower3/)
      • change default folder /Developer
      • choose iTerm
      • fetch every hour
      • 1000 commits in history
      • 1st parent for merges
      • select GPG binary (/opt/homebrew/bin/) and keys
      • FileMerge/Kaleidoscope as diff tool
      • use SF Mono 11
      • beta updates
    • in a branch history: group by day, small commit size
  • PasteBot
    • find license
    • disable sounds
    • use Expanded view (adjust it)
    • disable sequential shortcuts
    • keep maximum number of items
    • remove from Dock & menu bar: defaults write com.tapbots.Pastebot2Mac UIVisibilityState 10
  • HandBrake
    • change export to Desktop
    • set FPS to Same As Source and save preset to “1080p”
  • ImageOptim
    • Disable removal of optional chunks/EXIF for PNG & JPEG
    • Add PNGCrush
  • Slack web app
    • use small toolbar with ⌥⌘T
    • fix icon
  • Activity Monitor
    • change Frequency to high
    • show All Operations
    • resize the process name column, eventually other columns too
    • in Network, change graph colors for data instead of packets
  • KeepingYouAwake
    • set activate on launch
    • set 2 hours as default
    • set disable at 10% battery
    • set quit when over
  • DaisyDisk
    • find license
    • add to System Settings › Privacy & Security › Full Disk Access
  • TestFlight
    • install apps
    • disable all notifications
  • Notes: turn on unlocking via Touch ID
  • Contacts: sort by first name
  • Keynote: activate guides on edges
  • Pixelmator Pro: enable sidecar files
  • Archive Utility: turn on Move to Trash after unzipping in Settings
  • Dictionary: move French–English to the top of the list in Settings and eventually add other dictionaries
  • Character Viewer: expand it › click …⃝ › Custom List… › check Unicode and a bunch of other symbol tables
  • Kaleidoscope: find license
  • Ivory: disable sounds
  • Nova: find license
  1. More steps on the work equivalent of this document…


  • Download Apple Remote Desktop (import machines, change double-click pref).
    Using Screen Sharing now
  • Download Apple Configurator.
    Using other tools now
  • Download Slack.
    Using web app now
  • Download Twitter/Tweetbot.
    Using Mastodon/Ivory now
  • Download Gifski.
    GitHub can show videos now
  • Download Telegram.
    Using iMessage more
  • Download Swift Playgrounds.
    Using swift repl more
  • Clean up Touch Bar buttons in all apps and adjust Control Strip.
  • Customize Control Strip to show Quick Actions in Touch Bar.
  • Install git-delta.
    Didn’t really use it
  • In Terminal, Preferences › Profiles › Keyboard, enable ⌥ as Meta key.
    Really only using iTerm lately
  • Copy ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf and ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf.
    Install gpg with HomeBrew. Import GPG keys:
gpg -k
gpg --export-secret-keys -a KEY_ID > private_key.asc
gpg --export -a KEY_ID > public_key.asc

gpg --import private_key.asc
gpg --import public_key.asc
gpg --edit-key

Type trust. Choose ultimately 5 then y then quit.
Not using GPG for signing nowadays

  • In Tower:
    Run sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/gpgconf /usr/local/bin/gpgconf.
    In Settings, select GPG binary (/opt/homebrew/bin/) and keys.
    Check Verify GPG Signatures in a branch history graph.
    Put in ~/Library/Application Support/com.fournova.Tower3/environment.plist:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Not using GPG anymore and Tower fixed the PATH issue

  • In Safari, disable Contacts AutoFill.
    It works better now
  • Add Xcode Servers to Xcode.
  • Set Always Dark mode in Xcode.
  • Hide unecessary panes in System Preferences. Not a feature in System Settings
  • In Mail, disable Load Remote Data and perhaps use disable dark dackground in dark mode.
    iCloud privacy protections in place now, and not using light background in dark mode
  • Pixelmator Pro: force in English.
    I might un-deprecate this
  • System Settings › Keyboard: Fn shows Control Strip.
  • System Settings › Keyboard: Show Emoji in menu bar.
    🌐︎ key is good enough now
  • Remap Toggle Full Screen in iTerm to ⌃⌘F.
    Not sure why this was necessary in the past
  • Remap Envoyer par e-mail (Email This Page) in Safari to ⌃⌥⌘I
    and Envoyer cette adresse URL (Email Link to This Page) to ⌃⇧⌥⌘I.
    Doesn’t work sadly
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