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Created July 10, 2012 14:08
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RGB conversion
.global RGB24_to_ARGB16
.hidden RGB24_to_ARGB16
.type RGB24_to_ARGB16, %function
.align 2
@ r0 in
@ r1 dest
@ r2 = len
cmp r2, #0
bxeq lr
push { r4-r8 }
and r8, r2, #0x3
sub r2, r8
mov r6, #(0x1f<<27)
mov r7,#(1<<15)
orr r7, r7, #(1<<31)
ldmia r0!,{r4-r5, ip}
@ extract pixel 1
and r3, r6, r4, lsl #24 @ red in upper five bits
orr r3, r3, r4, lsr #11 @ green (and other stuff too) in the lower bits
ror r3, #10 @ put green left of red (and five bits with possible garbage before ) in top bits
bic r3, r3, r6 @ clear garbage left of green
lsr r4, r4, #19 @ discard red and green
orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #27 @ put blue in the cleared bits left of green
@ extract pixel 2
and r4, r6, r4, lsl #19
orr r3, r4, r3, lsr #6
and r4, r6, r5, lsl #24
orr r3, r4, r3, lsr #5
and r4, r6, r5, lsl #16
orr r3, r4, r3, lsr #5
orr r3, r7, r3, lsr #1
and r4, r6, r5, lsl #8 @ red
and r5, r6, r5 @ green
orr r4, r5, r4, lsr #5
and r5, r6, ip, lsl #24 @ blue
orr r4, r5, r4, lsr #5
and r5, r6, ip, lsl #16 @ red
orr r4, r5, r4, lsr #6
and r5, r6, ip, lsl #8 @ green
orr r4, r5, r4, lsr #5
and r5, r6, ip @ blue
orr r4, r5, r4, lsr #5
orr r4, r7, r4, lsr #1
stmia r1!,{r3-r4}
subs r2,#4
bne .loop
cmp r8, #0
beq .end
ldrb r3,[r0],#1
subs r8,#1
ldrb r4,[r0],#1
orr r3, r7, r3, lsr #3
ldrb r5,[r0],#1
lsr r4, #3
orr r3, r3, r4, lsl #5
lsr r5, #3
orr r3, r3, r5, lsl #10
strh r3,[r1],#2
bne .slowLoop
pop {r4-r8}
bx lr
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