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Created July 11, 2018 17:08
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การบ้านเรื่อง map
package main
import (
func main() {
wc := NewWordCount()
wc = wc.AddWord("I am")
type WordsCount map[string]WordCount
type WordCount struct {
Count int
Length int
func NewWordCount() WordsCount {
return make(WordsCount)
func (wc WordsCount) AddWord(s string) WordsCount {
for _, str := range strings.Fields(s) {
wc[str] = WordCount{
Count: 0,
Length: 0,
return wc
func (wc WordsCount) MaxWordCount() (string, int) {
return "", 0
func (wc WordsCount) MinWordCount() (string, int) {
return "", 0
func (wc WordsCount) LongestWord() (string, int) {
return "", 0
func (wc WordsCount) ShortestWord() (string, int) {
return "", 0
func (wc WordsCount) PrintAll() {
for key, value := range wc {
fmt.Println("Key:", key, "Value:", value)
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