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Last active December 3, 2018 00:35
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Calculation and graphical display of TQmean. Code to reproduce the figures in the blog
# Reference
# TQmean is defined in Booth et al. (2004)
# Booth, D. B., J. R. Karr, S. Schauman, C. P. Konrad, S. A. Morley, M. G. Larson and S. J. Burges (2004).
# "Reviving urban streams: land use, hydrology, biology and human behaviour."
# Journal of the American Water Resources Association 40(5): 1351-1364.
# Constants
# Day of the year that is the first day of each month
month_starts <- yday(as.Date('2001-01-01') %m+% months(0:11))
# Functions
# Function to read and process a flow file
# This is based on file files from the BoM
Read_flow_file <- function(fname) {
flow <- read_csv(file = fname, skip = 9,
col_types = cols(
`#Timestamp` = col_datetime(format = ""),
Value = col_double(),
`Interpolation Type` = col_integer(),
`Quality Code` = col_integer()
flow %>%
select(xdate = `#Timestamp`, # Rename
flow_cumec = Value,
interp_type = `Interpolation Type`,
qcode = `Quality Code`) %>%
mutate(xdate = as.Date(xdate), # Add columns we use later
xyear = year(xdate),
xmonth = month(xdate),
jday = yday(xdate))
# Function to set the breaks on a graph at each year
Year_break = function (...){
function(x) {
minx = floor(min(x)) - 1;
maxx = ceiling(max(x)) + 1;
major_breaks = seq(minx, maxx, by=1)
# Data files on Google Drive
# Brushy Creek
# Olinda Ck
# read in data
id <- "165YuTKX-CLl2ucZgoN_uPrm27sR1n2kg" # Brushy
Brushy <- Read_flow_file(fname = sprintf("", id ))
id <- "1S3ECfYZMna_KsI6gr7ABxc0Be4mWt5k5"
Olinda <- Read_flow_file(fname = sprintf("", id ))
# Check and adjust data
# Remove 2 ML/d from Olinda
# See
# Silvan Reservoir provides 2 ML/d to Olinda Ck
Olinda <- Olinda %>%
mutate(flow_cumec = pmax(0, flow_cumec - 2/86.4))
# Plot missing
Brushy %>%
ggplot(aes(x = xdate, y = flow_cumec)) +
Olinda %>%
ggplot(aes(x = xdate, y = flow_cumec)) +
# Zero flows
Olinda %>%
summarise(mean(near(flow_cumec, 0), na.rm = TRUE))
Brushy %>%
summarise(mean(near(flow_cumec, 0), na.rm = TRUE))
# TQ mean calculation
# Including the years with missing data (just taking the mean of the flows that are available in that year)
Olinda %>%
group_by(xyear) %>%
summarise(flow_mean = mean(flow_cumec, na.rm = TRUE), TQmean = mean(flow_cumec > flow_mean, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
summarise(mean(TQmean, na.rm = TRUE))
# 0.37
# Excluding years with missing data
Olinda %>%
group_by(xyear) %>%
summarise(flow_mean = mean(flow_cumec, na.rm = TRUE), TQmean = mean(flow_cumec > flow_mean)) %>%
summarise(mean(TQmean, na.rm = TRUE))
# 0.35
# Including the years with missing data (just taking the mean of the flows that are available in that year)
Brushy %>%
group_by(xyear) %>%
summarise(flow_mean = mean(flow_cumec, na.rm = TRUE), TQmean = mean(flow_cumec > flow_mean, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
summarise(mean(TQmean, na.rm = TRUE))
# 0.209
# Excluding years with missing data
Brushy %>%
group_by(xyear) %>%
summarise(flow_mean = mean(flow_cumec, na.rm = TRUE), TQmean = mean(flow_cumec > flow_mean)) %>%
summarise(mean(TQmean, na.rm = TRUE))
# 0.207
# Tile plot of Tqmean
Olinda %>%
filter(xyear %in% c(1988:2016)) %>%
group_by(xyear) %>%
mutate(flow_mean = mean(flow_cumec, na.rm = TRUE),
Above_mean = flow_cumec > flow_mean) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = jday, y = xyear, fill = Above_mean)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_discrete(name = NULL,
breaks = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA),
labels = c("Above mean", "Below mean", "Missing"),
l = 40) +
scale_x_continuous(name = '', breaks = month_starts, labels=, expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(name = '', breaks = Year_break(), expand = c(0,0) ) +
theme_grey() +
theme(legend.position = 'none') +
annotate(geom = 'label', x = 8, y = 2015.5, label = 'A')
Brushy %>%
filter(xyear %in% c(1988:2016)) %>%
group_by(xyear) %>%
mutate(flow_mean = mean(flow_cumec, na.rm = TRUE),
Above_mean = flow_cumec > flow_mean) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = jday, y = xyear, fill = Above_mean)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_discrete(name = NULL,
breaks = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA),
labels = c("Above mean", "Below mean", "Missing"),
l = 40) +
scale_x_continuous(name = '', breaks = month_starts, labels=, expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(name = '', breaks = Year_break(), expand = c(0,0) ) +
theme_grey() +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
annotate(geom = 'label', x = 8, y = 2015.5, label = 'B')
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