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Created November 29, 2016 08:07
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Hydstra rating plots explained. Code to accompany the blog at
# Avon River at Stratford, gauge 225201
# Stream gauging and rating data is available at
# Load current rating table from the Bureau of Meteorology site
# I've saved some example data to dropbox
rating_bom <- read_csv('', skip = 4)
# Load current rating table from the Victorian data warehouse
rating_warehouse <- read_csv('', skip = 0)
# Load Avon Gaugings from the BoM
gaugings <- read_csv('', skip = 2)
# Function to define the transformation
# of the gauge heights
# gh = gauge height
# CTF = gauge height at cease to flow
y_trans <- function(gh, CTF){
log10(gh - CTF)
# Prepare and tidy data
# Convert discharge in cumec to ML/d
# Remove any levels < 1.225
# Transform the levels
gaugings <- gaugings %>%
mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, format = '%d/%m/%Y'),
discharge_MLd = discharge_cumec*86.4) %>%
filter(level_m > 1.225) %>%
mutate(y_Hydstra = y_trans(level_m, CTF = 1.225))
rating_bom <- rating_bom %>%
filter(level_m > 1.225) %>%
mutate(discharge_MLd = discharge_cumec*86.4,
y_Hydstra = y_trans(level_m, CTF = 1.225))
rating_warehouse <- rating_warehouse %>%
filter(GH > 1.225) %>%
mutate(discharge_MLd = as.numeric(flow),
y_Hydstra = y_trans(GH, CTF = 1.225))
# Labeller function to label the date of gaugines
# see
as.Date_origin <- function(x){
format(as.Date(x, origin = '1970-01-01'), format = '%Y')
my.x.breaks <- 10^(-2:6)
my.x.labels <- formatC(my.x.breaks, format = 'fg', digits = 1, big.mark = ',')
my.y.breaks <- -3:1
my.y.labels <- 10^(my.y.breaks) + 1.225
Hydstra_plot <- gaugings %>%
ggplot(aes(x = discharge_MLd, y = y_Hydstra)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = as.integer(Date))) +
scale_x_log10(name = 'Discharge ML/d', breaks = my.x.breaks, labels = my.x.labels ) +
scale_y_continuous(name = 'Stream water level (m)', breaks = my.y.breaks, labels = my.y.labels, limits = c(-3,1)) +
scale_colour_gradientn(name = 'Date', colours=c('black', 'blue', 'red'), labels=as.Date_origin)
# Add BoM rating
Hydstra_plot = Hydstra_plot +
geom_line(data = rating_bom, aes(x = discharge_MLd, y = y_Hydstra))
# Add warehouse rating and plot
Hydstra_plot + geom_line(data = rating_warehouse, aes(x = discharge_MLd, y = y_Hydstra), colour = 'blue', alpha = 0.5, size = 2 ) +
annotate(geom = 'segment', x = 1000, xend = 10000, y = -2.5, yend = -2.5, colour = 'blue', alpha = 0.5, size = 2) +
annotate(geom = 'text', x = 11000, y = -2.5, label = 'Warehouse rating', hjust = 0) +
annotate(geom = 'segment', x = 1000, xend = 10000, y = -2.7, yend = -2.7, colour = 'black', size = 1) +
annotate(geom = 'text', x = 11000, y = -2.7, label = 'Bureau rating', hjust = 0)
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