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Created January 27, 2011 14:24
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Save Topher-the-Geek/798562 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@cpsParam seems to thwart implicit conversion
import org.specs.Specification
import org.specs.mock.Mockito
import scala.util.continuations._
class ContinuationTests extends Specification with Mockito {
class Rendezvous[T] {
private trait State {
def get: T @suspendable
def set(v: T)
private class Waiting extends State {
private type K = (T => Unit)
private var q = List[K]() // TODO: Multithreading?
def get = shift ((k: K) => q ::= k)
def set(v: T) = {
q foreach (_(v))
s = new Ready(v)
private class Ready(v: T) extends State {
def get = v
def set(v: T) = throw new IllegalStateException("Rendezvous already set.")
private var s = new Waiting(): State
def v = s.get
def v_=(v: T) = s.set(v)
"Continuations" should {
"do what i want" in {
val r = new Rendezvous[Int]
var i = 0
// Compiling this line yields:
// value must_== is not a member of Int @cpsParam[Unit,Unit]
reset { r.v must_== 42; i += 1 }
reset { r.v must_== 42; i += 1 }
r.v = 42
i must_== 3
reset { r.v must_== 42; i += 1 }
reset { r.v must_== 42; i += 1 }
i must_== 5
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