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Last active March 30, 2024 18:52
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-- | Given a representation of an arithmetic expression, convert
-- | it into a format (involving assignments) such that every
-- | operand to an operator is either a variable or integer
-- | literal.
-- |
-- | For example:
-- | ```
-- | x * 3 + y + a * b
-- | ```
-- | ->
-- | ```
-- | t0 = x * 3
-- | t1 = t0 + y
-- | t2 = a * b
-- | t3 = t1 + t2
-- | ```
module Garbage where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, get, modify_)
import Data.Array (fold)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.List (List, sortBy)
import Data.List as List
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
data BOp
= Add
| Mul
derive instance Eq BOp
derive instance Ord BOp
derive instance Generic BOp _
instance Show BOp where
show = genericShow
opToString :: BOp -> String
opToString Add = "+"
opToString Mul = "*"
data Expr
= Integer Int
| Var String
| BinOp BOp Expr Expr
derive instance Eq Expr
derive instance Ord Expr
data Intermediate
= Labeled String BOp Intermediate Intermediate
| Integer' Int
| Var' String
derive instance Eq Intermediate
derive instance Ord Intermediate
data FinalPrim
= Integer'' Int
| Var'' String
derive instance Generic FinalPrim _
instance Show FinalPrim where
show = genericShow
data FinalExprType
= Labeled'' String BOp FinalPrim FinalPrim
derive instance Generic FinalExprType _
instance Show FinalExprType where
show = genericShow
sampleExpr :: Expr
sampleExpr = BinOp Add (BinOp Add (BinOp Mul (Var "x") (Integer 3)) (Var "y")) (BinOp Mul (Var "a") (Var "b"))
toVars :: Expr -> Intermediate
toVars expr = evalState (toVars' expr) 0
toVars' :: Expr -> State Int Intermediate
toVars' (Integer a) = pure (Integer' a)
toVars' (Var a) = pure (Var' a)
toVars' (BinOp op l r) = do
left <- toVars' l
right <- toVars' r
currentCount <- get
let name = "t" <> show currentCount
modify_ ((+) 1)
pure $ Labeled name op left right
finale :: Intermediate -> List FinalExprType
finale = sortBy (\(Labeled'' nameA _ _ _) (Labeled'' nameB _ _ _) -> compare nameA nameB) <<< finale'
finale' (Labeled name op lft@(Labeled _ _ _ _) right@(Labeled _ _ _ _)) = List.singleton (Labeled'' name op (toPrim lft) (toPrim right)) <> finale lft <> finale right
finale' (Labeled name op lft@(Labeled _ _ _ _) right) = List.singleton (Labeled'' name op (toPrim lft) (toPrim right)) <> finale lft
finale' (Labeled name op lft right@(Labeled _ _ _ _)) = List.singleton (Labeled'' name op (toPrim lft) (toPrim right)) <> finale right
finale' (Labeled name op lft right) = List.singleton (Labeled'' name op (toPrim lft) (toPrim right))
finale' _ = List.Nil
toPrim :: Intermediate -> FinalPrim
toPrim (Labeled name _ _ _) = Var'' name
toPrim (Integer' n) = Integer'' n
toPrim (Var' n) = Var'' n
solution ∷ Expr -> List FinalExprType
solution = finale <<< toVars
prettyPrintFinalExprType :: FinalExprType -> String
prettyPrintFinalExprType (Labeled'' name op l r) = fold [name, " = ", showFinalPrim l, " ", opToString op, " ", showFinalPrim r]
showFinalPrim (Integer'' n) = show n
showFinalPrim (Var'' n) = n
main :: Effect Unit
main = for_ (solution sampleExpr) (log <<< prettyPrintFinalExprType)
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