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Created August 27, 2015 14:30
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StringUtil class of the Tale Framework. Standalone. Provides useful string utilities and ruby-style string inflections for PHP
* Tale\StringUtil - The Tale Framework
* @version 1.0
* @status Beta
* @author Torben Köhn <>
* This software is distributed under the MIT license.
* A copy of the license has been distributed with this software.
* If this is not the case, you can read the license text here:
* Please do not remove this comment block. Thank you.
namespace Tale;
use Exception;
* Static string utility class
* Provides many useful utilities to work with strings and ruby-style string inflections
* (plural, singular, casing, splitting and similar inflections)
* First argument should consistently be a string
* @package Tale
class StringUtil {
* Array of uncountable english words
* @var array
private static $_uncountables = [
* Array of irregular english words
* Keys are singular, values are plural representations
* @var array
private static $_irregulars = [
'person' => 'people',
'man' => 'men',
'child' => 'children',
'sex' => 'sexes',
'move' => 'moves'
* An array of plural translation patterns
* Keys are RegEx patterns, values are replacements
* @var array
private static $_plurals = [
'/(quiz)$/i' => '$1zes',
'/^(ox)$/i' => '$1en',
'/([m|l])ouse$/i' => '$1ice',
'/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/i' => '$1ices',
'/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i' => '$1es',
'/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i' => '$1y',
'/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i' => '$1ies',
'/(hive)$/i' => '$1s',
'/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i' => '$1$2ves',
'/sis$/i' => 'ses',
'/([ti])um$/i' => '$1a',
'/(buffal|tomat)o$/i' => '$1oes',
'/(bu)s$/i' => '$1ses',
'/(alias|status)/i'=> '$1es',
'/(octop|vir)us$/i'=> '$1i',
'/(ax|test)is$/i'=> '$1es',
'/s$/i'=> 's',
'/$/'=> 's'
* An array of singular translation patterns
* Keys are RegEx patterns, values are replacements
* @var array
private static $_singulars = [
'/(quiz)zes$/i' => '\1',
'/(matr)ices$/i' => '\1ix',
'/(vert|ind)ices$/i' => '\1ex',
'/^(ox)en/i' => '\1',
'/(alias|status)es$/i' => '\1',
'/([octop|vir])i$/i' => '\1us',
'/(cris|ax|test)es$/i' => '\1is',
'/(shoe)s$/i' => '\1',
'/(o)es$/i' => '\1',
'/(bus)es$/i' => '\1',
'/([m|l])ice$/i' => '\1ouse',
'/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i' => '\1',
'/(m)ovies$/i' => '\1ovie',
'/(s)eries$/i' => '\1eries',
'/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i' => '\1y',
'/([lr])ves$/i' => '\1f',
'/(tive)s$/i' => '\1',
'/(hive)s$/i' => '\1',
'/([^f])ves$/i' => '\1fe',
'/(^analy)ses$/i' => '\1sis',
'/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/i' => '\1\2sis',
'/([ti])a$/i' => '\1um',
'/(n)ews$/i' => '\1ews',
'/s$/i' => '',
* Array of english stop words for canonicalization
* @var array
private static $_stopWords = [
* The constructor is blocked for a Util, we don't want instances of this class
private function __construct() {}
* Returns the plural representation of a singular string
* e.g. car => cars, house => houses, user-group => user-groups
* @param string $string The singular string to be translated
* @return string The plural representation of the passed singular string
public static function pluralize( $string ) {
$lowerCased = strtolower( $string );
foreach( self::$_uncountables as $uncountable )
if( substr( $lowerCased, ( -1 * strlen( $uncountable ) ) ) == $uncountable )
return $string;
foreach( self::$_irregulars as $singular => $plural )
if( preg_match( '/('.$singular.')$/i', $string, $matches ) )
return preg_replace( '/('.$singular.')$/i', substr( $matches[ 0 ], 0, 1 ).substr( $plural, 1 ), $string );
foreach( self::$_plurals as $rule => $replacement )
if( preg_match( $rule, $string ) )
return preg_replace( $rule, $replacement, $string );
return $string;
* Returns the singular representation of a plural string
* e.g. cars => car, houses => house, user-groups => user-group
* @param string $string The plural string to be translated
* @return string The singular representation of the passed singular string
public static function singularize( $string ) {
$lowerCased = strtolower( $string );
foreach( self::$_uncountables as $uncountable )
if( substr( $lowerCased, ( -1 * strlen( $uncountable ) ) ) == $uncountable )
return $string;
foreach( self::$_irregulars as $singular => $plural )
if( preg_match( '/('.$plural.')$/i', $string, $matches ) )
return preg_replace( '/('.$plural.')$/i', substr( $matches[ 0 ], 0, 1 ).substr( $singular, 1 ), $string );
foreach( self::$_singulars as $rule => $replacement )
if( preg_match( $rule, $string ) )
return preg_replace( $rule, $replacement, $string );
return $string;
* Takes a string, explodes it at any point except for alpha-numerical characters
* (splitting it into single words)
* and re-joins it with a different delimeter (Default: Space ( ))
* e.g. MyAwesomeClass => My Awesome Class
* some_table_name => some table name
* @todo There is a problem translating all-uppercase-strings right now,
* sometimes it's preferrable to strtolower() the string first
* @param string $string The subject string to be re-joined
* @param string $delimeter The delimeter to re-join single words with
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore
* @return string The re-joined string
public static function reJoin( $string, $delimeter = null, $ignore = null ) {
$delimeter = !is_null( $delimeter ) ? $delimeter : ' ';
$ignore = $ignore ? preg_quote( $ignore, '/' ) : '';
//All non-alphanumeric characters
$string = preg_replace( [ '/[^a-z0-9'.$ignore.']/i' ], $delimeter, $string );
//Between lowercase and UPPERCASE, e.g. some|Camel|Case|String
//or uppercase notations, abbrevations etc., e.g. Xml|HTTP|Request
$string = preg_replace(
[ '/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/', '/([A-Z]+)([A-Z])/' ],
//finally remove repeating chars, so "something & something" wont end in "something---something"
return preg_replace( '/'.$delimeter.'+/', $delimeter, $string );
* Returns a "Human Readable" representation of a string
* (Basically, reJoin paired with ucwords)
* e.g. SomeClassName => Some Class Name
* some_table_name => Some Table Name
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The "Human Readable" string
public static function humanize( $string, $ignore = null ) {
return ucwords( strtolower( self::reJoin( $string, ' ', $ignore ) ) );
* Returns a CamelCased representation of a string
* (Basically, humanize without the spaces between)
* Works best for inflecting strings to class-names
* e.g. Some String => SomeString
* some_table_name => SomeTableName
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The CamelCased string
public static function camelize( $string, $ignore = null ) {
return str_replace( ' ', '', self::humanize( $string, $ignore ) );
* Returns a dash-separated representation of a string
* (Normal reJoin with "-"-delimeter)
* The casing returned is the same as the input string
* e.g. SomeClassName => Some-Class-Name
* some_table_name => some-table-name
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The dash-separated string
public static function dasherize( $string, $ignore = null ) {
return self::reJoin( $string, '-', $ignore );
* Returns a underscore_separated representation of a string
* (Normal reJoin with "_"-delimeter)
* The casing returned is the same as the input string
* e.g. SomeClassName => Some_Class_Name
* some-view-name => some_view_name
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The underscore_separated string
public static function underscorize( $string, $ignore = null ) {
return self::rejoin( $string, '_', $ignore );
* Returns a camelCased string with the first word lowercased
* (Basically, camelize paired with lcfirst)
* Works best for inflecting strings to variable- or method-names
* e.g. SomeClassName => someClassName
* some_table_name => someTableName
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The camelCased string
public static function variablize( $string, $ignore = null ) {
return lcfirst( self::camelize( $string, $ignore ) );
* Returns a lower_cased_dash_separated string with lowercase characters
* (Basically, underscorize paired with strtolower)
* Works best for inflecting strings to table-names in RDBMS
* e.g. SomeClassName => some_class_name
* some-view-name => some_view_name
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The lower_cased_dash_separated string
public static function tableize( $string, $ignore = null ) {
return strtolower( self::underscorize( $string, $ignore ) );
* Returns a lower-cased-dash-separated string with lowercase characters
* (Basically, dasherize paired with strtolower)
* Works best for inflecting strings to file-names or slugs/mnemonic strings
* e.g. SomeClassName => some-class-name
* some_table_name => some-table-name
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The lower-cased-dash-separated string
public static function canonicalize( $string, $ignore = null ) {
return strtolower( self::dasherize( $string, $ignore ) );
* Returns a lower-cased-dash-separated string with lowercase characters
* This method automatically removes english stop-words from the string
* For a list of stop-words see $_stopWords
* Works best for inflecting strings to SEO-slugs
* e.g. SomeClassName => class-name
* some_table_name => table-name
* @param string $string The subject string
* @param string|null $ignore Characters to ignore in re-joinment
* @return string The lower-cased-dash-separated string
public static function slugify( $string, $ignore = null ) {
$string = self::canonicalize( $string, $ignore );
$stopWords = self::$_stopWords;
$string = implode( '-', array_filter( explode( '-', $string ), function( $val ) use( $stopWords ) {
return !in_array( $val, $stopWords );
} ) );
return $string;
* Creates a rd, nd, th representation of a number
* e.g. 1 => 1st
* 2 => 2nd
* 3 => 3rd
* 4 => 4th
* 123 => 123rd
* @param string|int $string The input number or number-string
* @return string The ordinalized representation of the input number
public static function ordinalize( $string ) {
$number = intval( $string );
if( in_array( $number % 100, [ 11, 12, 13 ] ) )
return $number.'th';
switch( $number % 10 ) {
case 1: return $number.'st';
case 2: return $number.'nd';
case 3: return $number.'rd';
default: return $number.'th';
* Maps a number to a unit based on a base-number
* It's best to tale a look at the bytify/timify methods to understand this function.
* e.g. given 1000 as a $base and [ 'mm', 'm', 'km' ]
* 200 => 200mm
* 2000 => 2m
* 2500 => 2.5km
* 2000000 => 2km
* @todo Maybe try to make an array to $base instead of $base and $unit, e.g.
* [ 'ms', 1000 => 's', 60 => 'm', 60 => 'h', 24 => 'Days', 7 => 'Weeks', 52 => 'Years' ] etc.
* @param string|int $number The number to add a unit to
* @param int $base The base number we're working on (1000 mostly, 60 for time, 1024 for bytes etc.)
* @param array $units An array of units mapping on the units from low to high
* @param int $precision The precision of float values that should be kept
* @return string The converted number with the unit appended
public static function sizify( $number, $base, array $units, $precision = 3 ) {
$i = 0;
foreach( $units as $unit ) {
$currentSize = pow( $base, $i );
$nextSize = pow( $base, $i + 1 );
if( $number < $nextSize || $i >= count( $units ) - 1 )
return round( $number / $currentSize, $precision ).$unit;
* Automatically adds byte units to the number passed (input unit is Byte)
* @param int $size The byte size to bytify
* @return string The converted amount with the unit appended
public static function bytify( $size ) {
return self::sizify( $size, 1024, [ 'Byte', 'KByte', 'MByte', 'GByte', 'TByte' ] );
* Automatically adds s and ms to time units (input unit is milliseconds (ms))
* @param int $size The milliseconds to timify
* @return string The converted amount with the unit appended
public static function timify( $size ) {
return self::sizify( $size, 1000, [ 'ms', 's' ] );
* Resolves a key.subKey.subSubKey-style string to a deep array value
* The function accesses multi-dimensional keys with a delimeter given (Default: Dot (.))
* @protip If you want to throw an exception if no key is found, pass the exception as the default value
* and throw it, if the result is an Exception-type
* @param string $key The input key to operate on
* @param array $source The array to search values in
* @param mixed $defaultValue The default value if no key is found
* @param string|null $delimeter The delimeter to access dimensions (Default: Dot (.))
* @return array|null The found value or the default value, if none found (Default: null)
public static function resolve( $key, array $source, $defaultValue = null, $delimeter = null ) {
$delimeter = $delimeter ? $delimeter : '.';
$current = &$source;
$keys = explode( $delimeter, $key );
foreach( $keys as $key ) {
if( is_numeric( $key ) )
$key = intval( $key );
if( !isset( $current[ $key ] ) )
return $defaultValue;
$current = &$current[ $key ];
return $current;
* Interpolates {{var.subVar}}-style based on a source array given
* Dimensions in the source array are accessed with a passed delimeter (Default: Dot (.))
* @param string $string The input string to operate on
* @param array $source The associative source array
* @param mixed $defaultValue The default value for indices that dont exist
* @param string|null $delimeter The delimeter for multi-dimension access (Default: Dot (.))
* @return string The interpolated string with the variables replaced with their values
public static function interpolate( $string, array $source, $defaultValue = null, $delimeter = null ) {
return preg_replace_callback( '/\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/i', function( $m ) use( $source, $defaultValue, $delimeter ) {
return StringUtil::resolve( $m[ 1 ], $source, $defaultValue, $delimeter );
}, $string );
* This function works like a list( $a, $b ) = explode( ':', 'aValue:bValue' ) construct
* It maps the string delimeted by the passed delimeter to a passed array
* The passed array can either be numeric-indexed, using the value as the key (e.g. [ 'controller', 'action' ])
* or it can be string-indexed, using the keys as the key and the value as the default value
* (e.g. [ 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index' ])
* You can even mix both, the default-default value is null
* (e.g. [ 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'id' ] )
* The result is a associative array using the keys of $vars and the values of the exploded $string-values
* This is primarily used to map e.g. urls to controllers, it somewhat works like a mini-router
* Imagine an url:
* $url = "some-controller/some-action/some-id";
* Using map you can simply do:
* $args = StringUtil::map( $url, '/', [ 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'id' ] );
* $args will have the following value:
* $args === [
* 'controller' => 'some-controller',
* 'action' => 'some-action',
* 'id' => 'some-id'
* ];
* @param string $string The delimeted string to operator on
* @param string $delimeter The delimeter to split the string by
* @param array $vars The variables to map the string to
* @return array An associative array with the $string-values inserted
public static function map( $string, $delimeter, array $vars ) {
$parts = explode( $delimeter, $string, count( $vars ) );
$result = [];
$x = 0;
foreach( $vars as $name => $var ) {
$index = is_int( $name ) ? $var : $name;
$result[ $index ] = empty( $parts[ $x ] )
? ( is_int( $name ) ? null : $var )
: $parts[ $x ];
return $result;
* The same as static::map(), but it works from the the end to the start of the string
* @see StringUtil::map
* @param string $string The delimeted string to operator on
* @param string $delimeter The delimeter to split the string by
* @param array $vars The variables to map the string to
* @return array An associative array with the $string-values inserted
public static function mapReverse( $string, $delimeter, array $vars ) {
return array_map( 'strrev', self::map( strrev( $string ), $delimeter, $vars ) );
* A wrapper for parse_url that always contains all keys possible
* The values that dont exist will be defaulted to null
* @param $string The URL to parse
* @return array The parse_url result with all keys existent
* @throws Exception
public static function parseUrl( $string ) {
$parts = parse_url( $string );
if( !$parts )
throw new Exception( "Failed to parse URL $string, it seems it's not a valid URL" );
return array_replace( [
'scheme' => null,
'user' => null,
'pass' => null,
'host' => null,
'port' => null,
'path' => null,
'query' => null,
'fragment' => null
], $parts );
* Normalizes and joins two path strings so that you always get a valid path
* without worrying about where the slashes have to be put
* @param $path The input path
* @param $subPath The sub path to append safely
* @return string The normalized, joined path
public static function joinPath( $path, $subPath ) {
$path = self::normalizePath( $path );
$subPath = self::normalizePath( $subPath );
$subPath = $ds.ltrim( $subPath, $ds );
return "$path$subPath";
* Normalizes a path so it can be safely joined with other paths
* "Normal" is defined as the following:
* The directory separator is normalized to / (Windows can handle it just fine, natively)
* Trailing slashes are removed (/directory/ is normalized to /directory)
* If theres "./" or ".\", it is removed
* @param $path The path to normalize
* @return string The normalized path
public static function normalizePath( $path ) {
$path = str_replace( $ds === '\\' ? '/' : '\\', $ds, $path );
$path = rtrim( $path, $ds );
if( strncmp( $path, ".$ds", 3 ) === 0 )
$path = substr( $path, 2 );
return $path;
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