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Created August 13, 2014 06:02
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Save TorelTwiddler/43bce4e7bafddf141254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
## Made to split WoW combat log by day
## can also split any space-delimited file by the first line
## Written by Salvatore Lopiparo
## 2008
import tkFileDialog, threading
from Tkinter import *
class LogSplitter(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
self.master = master
Frame.__init__(self, master)
def make_widgets(self):
self.get_log_button = Button(self, text='Split Log', command=self.get_log)
self.get_log_button.grid(column=0, row=1, columnspan=2)
self.break_length_label = Label(self, text="Break Length:")
self.break_length_label.grid(column=0, row=0)
self.break_length_scale = Scale(self, from_=1, to=59, orient=HORIZONTAL)
self.break_length_scale.grid(column=1, row=0)
self.combine_files_label1 = Label(self, text="Combines two files into one. ")
self.combine_files_label1.grid(column=2, row=1)
self.combine_files_label2 = Label(self, text="1st is source, 2nd is destination.")
self.combine_files_label2.grid(column=2, row=2)
self.combine_files_button = Button(self, text="Combine Files", command=self.combine_files)
self.combine_files_button.grid(column=2, row=0)
self.quit_button = Button(self, text='Exit', command=self.quit)
self.quit_button.grid(column=0, row=5, columnspan=2, sticky=N+E+S+W)
def combine_files(self):
source_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(mode='r')
if not source_file:
destination_file = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(mode='a')
if not destination_file:
#source_list = [], 2)
for line in source_file.readlines():
def get_log(self):
self.input_filepath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
self.output_dir = tkFileDialog.askdirectory()
SplitLog(self, self.input_filepath, self.output_dir).start()
class SplitLog(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, master, input_filepath, output_dir):
self.input_filepath = input_filepath
self.output_dir = output_dir
threading.Thread.__init__ ( self )
self.master = master
def run(self):
def split_log(self):
in_file = open(self.input_filepath, 'r')
#print self.input_filepath
self.out_file_root = self.input_filepath.split('/')[-1]
self.out_file_root = self.out_file_root.split('.')[0]
line_list = []
current_file = 0
#print self.out_file_root, current_file, list[0]['date'].replace('/','-')
current_list = "%s_%s"%(self.out_file_root, current_file)
self.file_dict = {current_list: []}
prev_line = {}
current_number = 0
for line in in_file.readlines():
date = line.split(' ')[0]
time = line.split(' ')[1]
hour, min, sec = time.split(':')
line_dict = {
"name" : line.split(' '),
"line" : line,
"date" : date,
"time" : {"day":date, "hour":hour, "min":min, "sec":sec}
#check if this line is soon after the prev line
add_to_file = True
if prev_line:
add_to_file = self.is_soon_after(prev_line['time'], line_dict['time'])
file_date = line_dict['date'].replace('/','-')
if add_to_file:
file_name = "%s_%s_%s.txt"%(self.out_file_root, current_file, file_date)
file_path = '%s/%s'%(self.output_dir, file_name)
#print file_path
write_file = open(file_path, 'w')
self.file_dict[current_list] = []
current_file += 1
current_list = "%s_%s"%(self.out_file_root, current_file)
self.file_dict[current_list] = []
file_date = line_dict['date'].replace('/','-')
prev_line = line_dict
if float(current_number)/1000 == int(float(current_number)/1000):
self.master.progress_label1 = Label(self.master, text='Current Line: %s'%current_number)
self.master.progress_label1.grid(column=0, row=3, columnspan=3, sticky=N+E+S+W)
self.master.progress_label2 = Label(self.master,
text='Current File: %s_%s_%s.txt'%(self.out_file_root,
self.master.progress_label2.grid(column=0, row=4, columnspan=3, sticky=N+E+S+W)
current_number += 1
file_name = "%s_%s_%s.txt"%(self.out_file_root, current_file, file_date)
file_path = '%s/%s'%(self.output_dir, file_name)
#print file_path
write_file = open(file_path, 'w')
self.file_dict[current_list] = []
current_file += 1
current_list = "%s_%s"%(self.out_file_root, current_file)
self.file_dict[current_list] = []
file_date = line_dict['date'].replace('/','-')
self.master.progress_label1 = Label(self.master, text='Finished! Lines: %s'%current_number)
self.master.progress_label1.grid(column=0, row=3, columnspan=3, sticky=N+E+S+W)
self.master.progress_label2 = Label(self.master,
text='Directory: %s'%self.output_dir)
self.master.progress_label2.grid(column=0, row=4, columnspan=3, sticky=N+E+S+W)
def is_soon_after(self, prev, next):
break_length = self.master.break_length_scale.get()
#print prev, next
if prev['day'] == next['day']:
#print 'same day'
if prev['hour'] == next['hour']:
#print 'same hour'
if int(next['min']) - int(prev['min']) > break_length:
#print 'returning false'
return False
else: # prev hour is not next hour
#print 'different hour'
prev_close = self.is_close_to_hour(prev)
next_close = self.is_close_to_hour(next)
if prev_close['up'] + next_close['down'] > break_length:
#print 'returning false'
return False
else: #prev day is not next day
#print 'different day'
prev_close = self.is_close_to_midnight(prev)
next_close = self.is_close_to_midnight(next)
#print prev_close, next_close
if prev_close and next_close:
if int(prev_close) + int(next_close) > break_length:
#print 'returning false'
return False
#print 'returning false'
return False
return True
def is_close_to_midnight(self, line):
break_length = self.master.break_length_scale.get()
if int(line['hour']) == 23:
return str(self.is_close_to_hour(line)['up'])
elif int(line['hour']) == 0:
return str(self.is_close_to_hour(line)['down'])
return False
def is_close_to_hour(self, line):
up = 59 - int(line['min'])
down = int(line['min'])
return {'up': up, 'down': down}
if __name__ == '__main__':
master = Tk()
app = LogSplitter(master)
app.master.title("Log Splitter - Created by Salvatore Lopiparo")
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This was a project I did several years ago, when I was learning programming. This application split and combined combat logs from World of Warcraft from two or more guild members to create the most exhaustive logs possible for uploading to WoW Web Stats. This was done to track DPS, healing, and damage taken for guild raids. Ensuring that it could detect and adapt to differences in time zone and different computer time was important.

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