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Last active February 25, 2024 19:50
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Playing PCM data in python using SDL2 with SDL_mixer.
Play PCM data.
API overview:
sound_init Initialize sound system.
sound_close Close sound system.
sound_play Play PCM data.
py-sdl2 (
import sys
import enum
import ctypes
import sdl2
import sdl2.sdlmixer
def clamp(value: int, min_value: int, max_value: int) -> int:
return max(min_value, min(value, max_value))
class SampleFormat(enum.IntEnum):
Sample format of the audio data.
Examples explaining the coding scheme.
- S16: Signed 16 bit integer sample data in native byte order.
- U16L: Unsigned 16bit integer sample data i little endian byte order.
- U16B: Unsigned 16bit integer sample data in big endian byte order.
- F32: 32-bit floating point samples in native byte order.
S8 = sdl2.AUDIO_S8
U8 = sdl2.AUDIO_U8
S16 = sdl2.AUDIO_S16SYS
S16L = sdl2.AUDIO_S16LSB
S16B = sdl2.AUDIO_S16MSB
U16 = sdl2.AUDIO_U16SYS
U16L = sdl2.AUDIO_U16LSB
U16B = sdl2.AUDIO_U16MSB
S32 = sdl2.AUDIO_S32SYS
S32L = sdl2.AUDIO_S32LSB
S32B = sdl2.AUDIO_S32MSB
F32L = sdl2.AUDIO_F32LSB
F32B = sdl2.AUDIO_F32MSB
F32 = sdl2.AUDIO_F32SYS
def sound_init(frequency: int = 44100, format: SampleFormat = SampleFormat.S16, channels: int = 2, chunksize = 1024) -> bool:
Initializes the sound subsystem and opens a playback device configured with the given arguments.
Should be paired with a call to sound_close (even on failure).
:param frequency: Frequency to playback audio at (in Hz).
:param format: Sample format (data type and endianness).
:param channels: Number of channels (1 is mono, 2 is stereo, etc).
:param chunksize: Audio buffer size in sample frames (total samples divided by channel count).
:returns: True on success, False on failure.
# Could throw in a check for valid frequency (i.e. non-negative integer) here to give a better error message...
if sdl2.SDL_InitSubSystem(sdl2.SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0:
print(f"Failed to initialize audio subsystem: {sdl2.SDL_GetError()}", file = sys.stderr)
return False
if sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_OpenAudio(frequency, format, channels, chunksize) < 0:
print(f"Failed to open audio device: {sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_GetError()}", file = sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def sound_close():
Closes the opened playback device and the sound subsystem.
def sound_play(data: bytes, volume: int = MAX_VOLUME):
Plays the sound with the specified volume.
Blocks until playing is complete.
See MIN_VOLUME and MAX_VOLUME for the valid volume range.
:param data: buffer containing the PCM samples to play.
:param volume: Sets the volume used while playing the sound
buffer = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(data)).from_buffer_copy(data)
except TypeError as e:
print(f"Failed to play sound: {e}", file = sys.stderr)
chunk = sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_Chunk()
chunk.allocated = 0
chunk.abuf = buffer
chunk.alen = len(data)
chunk.volume = clamp(volume, MIN_VOLUME, MAX_VOLUME)
channel = sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_PlayChannel(-1, chunk, 0)
if channel == -1:
print(f"Failed to play sound: {sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_GetError()}", file = sys.stderr)
while sdl2.sdlmixer.Mix_Playing(channel):
# example usage: Play wav file.
import sys
import wave
import pcm
def load_wave(path):
with as file:
sample_frequency = file.getframerate()
sample_width = file.getsampwidth()
channels = file.getnchannels()
frames = file.getnframes()
data = file.readframes(frames)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to load {path}: {e}", file = sys.stderr)
return None
if sample_width == 1:
format = pcm.SampleFormat.U8
elif sample_width == 2:
format = pcm.SampleFormat.S16L
print(f"Unsupported sample width: {sample_width} bytes", file = sys.stderr)
return None
return (data, sample_frequency, format, channels)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load PCM data from wave file.
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print(f"Usage: python3 {__name__} <path_to_wav>")
wav = load_wave(sys.argv[1])
if not wav:
data, sample_frequency, format, channels = wav
# Play loaded PCM data.
if pcm.sound_init(sample_frequency, format, channels):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nKeyboard interrupt")
# example usage: Playing the result from sine and square wave generation.
import math
import array
import pcm
def sine_wave(samples: array.array, sample_count: int, sample_rate: int, amplitude: int, frequency: int, phase_shift: int = 0, vertical_shift: int = 0) -> array.array:
for i in range(sample_count):
t = (i / sample_rate)
sample = amplitude * math.sin(2 * math.pi * frequency * t + phase_shift) + vertical_shift
sample = int(sample)
return samples
def square_wave(samples: array.array, sample_count: int, sample_rate: int, amplitude: int, frequency: int) -> array.array:
full_cycle = sample_rate / frequency
half_cycle = full_cycle / 2
cycle = 0
for i in range(sample_count):
if cycle < half_cycle:
cycle = (cycle + 1) % full_cycle
return samples
if __name__ == "__main__":
# PCM playback configuration.
volume = int(pcm.MAX_VOLUME * 0.4)
channels = 1
sample_rate = 44100
sample_format = pcm.SampleFormat.S16
# Generate samples.
amplitude = 32767
seconds = 0.3
sample_count = int(sample_rate * seconds)
samples = array.array("h")
sine_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 200)
sine_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 250)
sine_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 300)
sine_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 350)
amplitude = int(amplitude * 0.1) # Lower volume.
square_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 200)
square_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 250)
square_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 300)
square_wave(samples, sample_count, sample_rate, amplitude, frequency = 350)
# Play generated wave forms.
pcm.sound_init(sample_rate, sample_format, channels)
pcm.sound_play(samples.tobytes(), volume)
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