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Created May 4, 2021 08:03
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# Love open-source, dev-tooling and passionate about code as much as we do?
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# This script contains hidden JS code to allow better readability and syntax highlighting
# You can use "View source" of this page to see the full script.
# Appwrite CLI location
$APPWRITE_INSTALL_DIR = Join-Path -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA -ChildPath "Appwrite"
# Appwrite CLI Executable name
# Appwrite executable file path
# Appwrite CLI image name
$APPWRITE_CLI_IMAGE_NAME = "appwrite/cli"
# Appwrite CLI image version
$allowList = 'help', 'init', 'client' , 'avatars', 'database', 'functions', 'health', 'locale', 'storage', 'teams', 'users'
if ( $args.count -eq 0 ) {
$args += 'help'
if ( -not ($allowList -contains $args[0])) {
Write-Host "Looks like a crazy hamster flipped a bit.`n`nUse appwrite help for a list of supported commands."
exit 1
docker run -i --rm --volume appwrite-cli:/usr/local/code/app/.preferences/ --volume `$pwd``:/usr/local/code/files:rw $APPWRITE_CLI_IMAGE_NAME`:$APPWRITE_CLI_IMAGE_VERSION (`$args | % {[uri]::EscapeUriString(`$_)})
$USER_PATH_ENV_VAR = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "User")
function Greeting {
Write-Host @"
_ _ _ ___ __ _____
/_\ _ __ _ ____ ___ __(_) |_ ___ / __\ / / \_ \
//_\| '_ \| '_ \ \ /\ / / '__| | __/ _ \ / / / / / /\/
/ _ \ |_) | |_) \ V V /| | | | || __/ / /___/ /___/\/ /_
\_/ \_/ .__/| .__/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|\__\___| \____/\____/\____/
|_| |_|
"@ -ForegroundColor red
Write-Host "Welcome to the Appwrite CLI install shield."
function CheckSystemInfo {
Write-Host "[1/4] Getting System Info ..."
if ((Get-ExecutionPolicy) -gt 'RemoteSigned' -or (Get-ExecutionPolicy) -eq 'ByPass') {
Write-Host "PowerShell requires an execution policy of 'RemoteSigned'."
Write-Host "To make this change please run:"
Write-Host "'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser'"
function PerformChecks {
Write-Host "[2/4] Performing Checks ..."
if (!(docker --version)) {
throw "Docker could not be found. Please install docker for your OS from and try again."
if (!(docker ps)) {
throw "The docker daemon is not operational. Make sure that docker is running and try again."
function Install {
Write-Host "[3/4] Starting installation ..."
$out = (Invoke-Expression "docker pull $APPWRITE_CLI_IMAGE_NAME`:$APPWRITE_CLI_IMAGE_VERSION") | Out-String
if ($out -NotMatch "Image is up to date|Downloaded newer image") {
throw "Failed to fetch docker image. Exiting ..."
if ($USER_PATH_ENV_VAR -like '*Appwrite*') {
Write-Host "Skipping to add Appwrite to User Path."
else {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $USER_PATH_ENV_VAR + ";$APPWRITE_INSTALL_DIR", "User")
function CleanUp {
Write-Host "Cleaning up mess ..."
function InstallCompleted {
Write-Host "[4/4] Finishing Installation ... "
Write-Host "🤘 May the force be with you."
Write-Host "To get started with Appwrite CLI, please visit"
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