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Last active May 28, 2018 17:43
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Notebook exploring compound interest
title: "Compound interest calculator"
Terms are defined as:
* Principal - Initial amount invested
* Contribution - How much is contributed in each period
* Interest - Interest rate
* Period - How frequently interest is compounded
input <- list(
principal = 0.00,
contribution = 250.00,
interest = 0.02,
period = "month",
from = as_date("2019-01-01"),
until = as_date("2019-01-01") + years(10)
# Do the calculation
compound_principal <- function(principal, rate, p, time) {
t <- time_length(time, "years")
n <- years(1) / period(p)
principal * (1 + rate/n)^(n*t)
future_value <- function(contribution, rate, p, time) {
t <- time_length(time, "years")
n <- years(1) / period(p)
contribution * (((1 + rate/n)^(n * t) - 1) / (rate/n)) * (1 + rate/n)
calc_balance <- function(principal, contribution, rate, p, time) {
principal_value <- compound_principal(principal, rate, p, time)
contrbution_value <- future_value(contribution, rate, p, time)
principal_value + contrbution_value
project_balance <- function(input) {
compounded_balance <-
date = seq(input$from, input$until, by = "1 month")) %>%
mutate(amount = calc_balance(
date - input$from
What about for various different scenarios...
parameter <- "interest"
values <- c(0.0125, 0.02, 0.05)
values %>%
map(~ magrittr::inset(input, parameter, .x)) %>%
map_dfr(project_balance) %>%
mutate(parameter := pull(., !!parameter)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = amount)) +
geom_path() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "dimgray") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::dollar_format(prefix = "£")) +
expand_limits(y = 0) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(title = "Savings balance",
subtitle = str_glue("Starting with £{input$principal}, ",
"contributing £{input$contribution} per ",
x = NULL,
y = NULL) +
facet_wrap(~ parameter)
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