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Last active March 27, 2018 10:24
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Compare methods of finding skipgram windows tidily
# Load data ----
# Slightly different to
# just because I have this data locally
austen_text <- janeaustenr::northangerabbey %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rename(text = value) %>%
mutate(text = str_replace_all(text, "&#x27;|&quot;|&#x2F;", "'"), ## weird encoding
text = str_replace_all(text, "<a(.*?)>", " "), ## links
text = str_replace_all(text, "&gt;|&lt;|&amp;", " "), ## html yuck
text = str_replace_all(text, "&#[:digit:]+;", " "), ## html yuck
text = str_replace_all(text, "<[^>]*>", " "), ## mmmmm, more html yuck
text = str_to_lower(text), ## BT EDIT
postID = row_number()) %>% ## Actually more like line ID...
filter(text != "")
# Dr Silge ----
# From
make_windows_js <- function(tbl, doc_var, window_size) {
tbl %>%
unnest_tokens(ngram, !!doc_var, token = "ngrams", n = window_size) %>%
mutate(window_id = row_number()) %>% # Rename for consistency with other methods
unite(skipgramID, postID, window_id, remove = FALSE) %>% # Added remove = F for comparison with other methods
unnest_tokens(word, ngram)
# From
slide_windows_js <- function(tbl, doc_var, window_size) {
# each word gets a skipgram (window_size words) starting on the first
# e.g. skipgram 1 starts on word 1, skipgram 2 starts on word 2
each_total <- tbl %>%
group_by(!!doc_var) %>%
mutate(doc_total = n(),
each_total = pmin(doc_total, window_size, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
rle_each <- rle(each_total)
counts <- rle_each[["lengths"]]
counts[rle_each$values != window_size] <- 1
# each word get a skipgram window, starting on the first
# account for documents shorter than window
id_counts <- rep(rle_each$values, counts)
window_id <- rep(seq_along(id_counts), id_counts)
# within each skipgram, there are window_size many offsets
indexer <- (seq_along(rle_each[["values"]]) - 1) %>%
map2(rle_each[["values"]] - 1,
~, .x + .y)) %>%
map2(counts, ~ rep(.x, .y)) %>%
flatten_int() +
tbl[indexer, ] %>%
bind_cols(data_frame(window_id)) %>%
group_by(window_id) %>%
filter(n_distinct(!!doc_var) == 1) %>%
# Jason Punyon ----
# From
slide_windows_jp <- function(tbl, doc_var, window_size) {
tbl %>%
group_by(!!doc_var) %>%
mutate(WordId = row_number() - 1,
RowCount = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
crossing(InWindowIndex = 0:(window_size-1)) %>%
filter((WordId - InWindowIndex) >= 0, # starting position of a window must be after the beginning of the document
(WordId - InWindowIndex + window_size - 1) < RowCount # ending position of a window must be before the end of the document
) %>%
mutate(window_id = WordId - InWindowIndex + 1)
# Me ----
lag_words <- function(tbl, col, offset) {
# Adds a new column with a lagged output and appropriate
# column name
colname <- paste0(quo_name(col), offset)
tbl %>%
mutate(!!colname := lag(!!col, offset))
create_window_wide <- function(tbl, col, window_size) {
# Adds columns containing previous words to create a window (in wide form)
max_offset <- window_size - 1
# Create a list of functions (using map) and apply iteratively
# over tbl
map(1:max_offset, .f = ~ function(t) lag_words(t, col, .x)) %>%
reduce(~ .y(.x), .init = tbl)
slide_windows_bt <- function(tbl, word_var, doc_var, window_size) {
tbl %>%
# Add a marker to remove windows smaller than `window_size` later on
group_by(!!doc_var) %>%
mutate(word_position = row_number()) %>%
# Add lagged columns to tbl (still grouped)
create_window_wide(word_var, window_size) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(window_id = row_number()) %>%
# Remove small windows
filter(word_position >= window_size) %>%
# Make tidy (wide -> long tbl)
gather(key = position, value = word, -(!!doc_var), -window_id, -word_position) %>%
# Remove unnecessary columns
select(-position, -word_position) %>%
arrange(window_id) %>%
# Undo reverse ordering caused by `gather` (make words read top to bottom)
group_by(window_id) %>%
# Create windows using each method ----
window_size <- 8
unnest_and_filter <- . %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text)
windows_js1 <- austen_text %>%
make_windows_js(quo(text), window_size)
windows_js2 <- austen_text %>%
unnest_and_filter() %>%
slide_windows_js(quo(postID), window_size)
windows_jp <- austen_text %>%
unnest_and_filter() %>%
slide_windows_jp(quo(postID), window_size)
windows_bt <- austen_text %>%
unnest_and_filter() %>%
slide_windows_bt(quo(word), quo(postID), window_size)
# Compare methods' windows ----
count_windows <- . %>%
group_by(postID) %>%
summarise(n = length(unique(window_id)))
add_label <- function(tbl, suffix) {
newcol <- paste("n", suffix, sep = "_")
# TODO: change to rename + NSE magic instead...
tbl %>%
mutate(!!newcol := n) %>%
comparison <- list(js1 = windows_js1,
js2 = windows_js2,
jp = windows_jp,
bt = windows_bt) %>%
map(count_windows) %>%
map2(., names(.), add_label) %>%
reduce(full_join, by = c("postID")) %>%
mutate(match1 = (n_bt == n_js1), # TODO find a more generic way to do this
match2 = (n_bt == n_js2),
match3 = (n_bt == n_jp),
match = match1 & match2 & match3)
# View lines which have a different number of windows
# between the two methods
unmatched_id <- comparison %>%
# filter(n_js < n_bt) %>%
filter(!match) %>%
.$postID %>%
austen_text %>%
filter(postID == unmatched_id)
windows_js1 %>%
filter(postID == unmatched_id)
windows_js2 %>%
filter(postID == unmatched_id)
windows_bt %>%
filter(postID == unmatched_id)
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