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Last active June 26, 2019 20:54
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Batch rename files with regex replace
Batch rename files with regex replace
BATCHREGEX makes it easy to batch rename your files using regex. Supply the directory of the files you need to rename; supply the regex expression you want applyp;
supply the new file names (including capturing groups as `$1, `$2, etc.; please note the backtick). Some experience with regex would be nice before using this.
Please note that the default mode for $safe_mode = 1, which means that it will show what happens when you'd rename the files but it will NOT execute the command.
When setting $safe_mode = 0, your regex will be executed so there's no turning back...
In the following examples, pretend we have the following files "MyAwesomeVideo - 01 (somerubbish).mp4",..., "MyAwesomeVideo - 50 (somerubbish).mp4"
and we want to change it to "[COOL] ToishY vids - 01.mp4"
>> ISE
.\renameFiles.ps1 -path "F:\HomeVideos\ToishY" -rgx ".*- ``(\d{1,2}).*" -aname "[COOL] ToishY vids - `$1.mp4"
>> Windows CMD
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File .\audio2video.ps1 -path "F:\HomeVideos\ToishY" -rgx ".*- (\d{1,2}).*" -aname "[COOL] ToishY vids - `$1.mp4" -safe_mode 1
>> Linux Terminal
pwsh renameFiles.ps1 -path "F:\HomeVideos\ToishY" -rgx ".*- (\d{1,2}).*" -aname "[COOL] ToishY vids - `$1.mp4" -safe_mode 0
Made this because I got pain in my hand from doing ctrl+c / ctrl+v everytime
Made by: ToishY
Last modified: 26-6-2019 22:08
#------------- ARGUMENTS START ------------- #
param (
[string]$path, #input dir
[string]$rgx, #regex
[string]$aname, #new name
[string]$safe_mode = 1
if($safe_mode -eq 1){
# Safe verbose mode
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter "*$ext" –File | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace $rgx, $aname } -WhatIf
}elseif($safe_mode -eq 0){
# The actual one-liner
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter "*$ext" –File | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace $rgx, $aname }
Write-Error "Invalid value for argument `$safe_mode: $safe_mode. Should be 1 for safe mode, 0 for no-regrets mode."
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