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Last active September 5, 2020 17:55
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Create an alphanumeric captcha with different text -and linecolours
/* Create an alphanumeric captcha the easy way - by ToshY | 05-05-2019 */
function imageCaptcha($chars = 6, $lines, $bg_colour = array('R'=>204,'G'=>153,'B'=>255), $line_colours = array(array('R'=>153,'G'=>51,'B'=>102)), $txt_colours = array(array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0),array('R'=>255,'G'=>255,'B'=>255)), $fonts = array('arial.ttf')){
// dimensions / fontsize based on amount of characters
$MW = round($chars * ( 100 / 3) ); $MH = round($MW / 3); $fs = round( ( 30 * (1 - exp( -0.005 * $MW ) ) ) , 2);
// init image with user dimensions
$img = imagecreatetruecolor( $MW, $MH );
// set bg
$bg = call_user_func_array('imagecolorallocate', array_merge( array($img), $bg_colour ) );
imagefill( $img, 0, 0, $bg );
// line colours array
$lineclrs = array(); $cl = count($line_colours);
for($i = 0; $i < $cl; $i++){
$lineclrs[] = call_user_func_array('imagecolorallocate', array_merge( array($img), $line_colours[$i] ) );
// add lines to img
for($j = 0; $j < $lines; $j++) {
imagesetthickness( $img, rand( 1, floor($fs / 5) ) );
imageline( $img, rand( 0, $MW ), 0, rand( 0, $MW ), $MH, $lineclrs[array_rand($lineclrs)] );
// text colours array
$txtclrs = array(); $ct = count($txt_colours);
for($k = 0; $k < $ct; $k++){
$txtclrs[] = call_user_func_array('imagecolorallocate', array_merge( array($img), $txt_colours[$k] ) );
// get random letter and add to img
$strcapt = '';
for($l = 0, $x = 8; $l < $chars; $l++, $x += round((( $MW - ( 1.5 * $fs ) ) / ($chars - 1)))){
// get random letter
$strcapt .= ($rstr = gRS(1,'101'));
// add letter to image
imagettftext($img, $fs, rand(-33,33), $x, rand( $fs + 5, $MH - 5), $txtclrs[array_rand($txtclrs)], $fonts[array_rand($fonts)], $rstr);
// add to session
$_SESSION['img_captcha'] = $strcapt;
// display img
header('Content-type: image/png');
function gRS($length, $opt = '111') {
$r = '';
//numbers only
$r .= ( ( (int) $opt[0] === 1) ? '012345678923456789' : '');
//numbers with small letters
$r .= ( ( (int) $opt[1] === 1) ? 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' : '');
//numbers with small and capital letters
$r .= ( ( (int) $opt[2] === 1) ? 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' : '');
return ( ($r) ? substr( str_shuffle( str_repeat( $r, ceil( $length / strlen( $r ) ) ) ), 1, $length) : NULL);
echo '<img src="'.imageCaptcha(50, 20, array(50,100,200), array(array(100,20,50),array(10,50,200),array(70,10,50)), array(array(66, 244, 158), array(247, 89, 49), array(255, 255, 255), array(0, 0 ,0)), array('/path/to/a/font.ttf','/path/to/another/font.ttf')).'">';
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