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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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  • Save Toshakins/1107a62712b1c621a893 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Toshakins/1107a62712b1c621a893 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-module (pike).
-export ([match/2, test/0]).
% Erlang version of R. Pike's beautiful regex matcher (modified).
% Modification lies in changing behaviour of `matchStar`, so even
% regexs like /.*b/ can be handled.
% For more information please see
% P.S.: special thanks to @dewitt for his tests.
match([$^|Re], Str) -> matchHere(Re, Str);
match(Re, Str = [_C|S]) -> case Result = matchHere(Re, Str) of
false when S =/= [] ->
match(Re, S);
_ ->
match(Re, []) -> matchHere(Re, []);
match(_, _) -> true.
matchHere([$$|[]], Str) -> Str == [];
matchHere([C|[$*|Re]], Str) -> matchStar(C, Re, Str);
matchHere([C|Re], [C|Str]) -> matchHere(Re, Str);
matchHere([$.|Re], [_C|Str]) -> matchHere(Re, Str);
matchHere([], _Str) -> true;
matchHere(_Re, _Str) -> false.
matchStar(C, Re, [C|Str]) -> matchHere(Re, Str);
matchStar($., Re, [_C|Str]) -> matchHere(Re, Str);
matchStar(_Ch, _Re, _Str) -> true.
test() ->
true = match(".*", "aaaaabbbb"),
true = match(".*b", "aaaaabbbb"),
false = match("aa^b", "aaaaabbbb"),
true = match("*", "cabcbac"),
true = match("", ""),
true = match("", "a"),
true = match("", "abc"),
true = match("a", "a"),
true = match("a", "ab"),
true = match("b", "ab"),
true = match("b", "abc"),
true = match("c", "abc"),
false = match("a", ""),
false = match("d", "abc"),
true = match("ab", "ab"),
true = match("ab", "abc"),
true = match("bc", "abc"),
false = match("cd", "abc"),
true = match("^a", "a"),
true = match("^a", "ab"),
false = match("^a", ""),
false = match("^b", "a"),
false = match("^b", "ab"),
true = match("^ab", "ab"),
true = match("^ab", "abc"),
true = match("a$", "a"),
true = match("b$", "ab"),
false = match("a$", ""),
false = match("b$", "a"),
false = match("a$", "ab"),
true = match("ab$", "ab"),
true = match("bc$", "abc"),
false = match(".", ""),
true = match("^ab$", "ab"),
false = match("^ab$", "abc"),
false = match("^bc$", "abc"),
true = match(".", "a"),
true = match(".", "ab"),
true = match("a.", "ab"),
true = match(".b", "ab"),
false = match("a.", "a"),
true = match("a.c", "abc"),
true = match("..", "ab"),
true = match("..c", "abc"),
true = match("a..d", "abcd"),
true = match("a.c.e", "abcde"),
true = match("a.c.e", "abcde"),
false = match("...", "ab"),
true = match("^.", "a"),
true = match(".$", "a"),
true = match("^.$", "a"),
true = match("^..$", "ab"),
false = match("^.$", "ab"),
false = match("*", ""),
false = match("*", "a"),
true = match("a*", ""),
true = match("a*", "a"),
true = match("a*", "aa"),
true = match("a*", "ab"),
true = match("a*", "b"),
true = match(".*", "a"),
true = match(".*", "abc"),
true = match("ab*", "abb"),
true = match("^a*", "a"),
true = match("^a*", "ab"),
true = match("^.*", "a"),
true = match("^.*", "ab"),
true = match("a*$", "a"),
true = match("ab*$", "a"),
true = match("ab*$", "ab"),
true = match("^.*", "a"),
true = match("^.*", "ab"),
true = match("^a*$", "a"),
true = match("^ab*$", "a"),
true = match("^.*$", "a"),
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