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Created November 24, 2023 13:38
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lodash custom mixin
import __ from 'lodash';
* You can extend Lodash with mixins
* And use it as below
* import _ from '@lodash'
* copy the file and remove functions that not needed
const _ = __.runInContext();
interface LoDashMixins extends _.LoDashStatic {
setIn<T>(state: T, name: string, value: unknown): T;
// difference(origin: any, updated: any): any;
deepDifference<T extends object>(object1: T, object2: T): Partial<T>;
replaceArray(origin: unknown, updated: Array<unknown>): Array<unknown> | undefined;
value: T
): T extends undefined ? Array<never> : T extends Array<unknown> ? T : Array<T>;
filterRecursive<T extends RecursiveParent<T>>(
data: T[] | null,
predicate: (item: T) => boolean
): T[] | null;
pickByRecursive<T extends object>(obj: T, predict: (value: unknown) => boolean): T;
filterDeep<T extends RecursiveParent<T>>(
data: T[],
predicate: (item: T) => boolean | undefined
): T[];
* Deeply compares two nested objects and returns the difference between them.
* @param object1 - The first object to compare.
* @param object2 - The second object to compare.
* @returns The difference between the two objects.
const deepDifference = <T extends object>(object1: T, object2: T): Partial<T> => {
return _.transform(object2, (result: Partial<T>, value: unknown, key: keyof T) => {
if (!_.isEqual(value, object1[key])) {
result[key] = (
_.isObject(value) && _.isObject(object1[key])
? deepDifference(object1[key] as T[keyof T], value as T[keyof T])
: value
) as T[keyof T] | undefined;
const replaceArray = (origin: unknown, updated: Array<unknown>) => {
if (_.isArray(origin)) {
return updated;
const asArary = <T>(value: T) => (_.isNil(value) ? [] : _.castArray(value));
* Recursively filters a nested data structure based on a given predicate.
* @template T - The type of the parent object in the data structure.
* @param {T[] | null} data - The nested data structure to filter.
* @param {(item: T) => boolean} predicate - The predicate function used to filter each item.
* @returns {T[] | null} The filtered result, or `null` if the input data is `null`.
function filterRecursive<T extends RecursiveParent<T>>(
data: T[] | null,
predicate: (item: T) => boolean
): T[] | null {
// if no data is sent in, return null, otherwise transform the data
return !data
? null
: data.reduce((list: T[], entry: T) => {
let clone: T | null = null;
if (predicate(entry)) {
// if the object matches the filter, clone it as it is
clone = { ...entry };
if (entry.children != null) {
// if the object has childrens, filter the list of children
const children = filterRecursive(entry.children, predicate);
if (children !== null && children.length > 0) {
// if any of the children matches, clone the parent object, overwrite
// the children list with the filtered list
clone = { ...entry, children };
// if there's a cloned object, push it to the output list
if (clone) {
return list;
}, []);
export function pickByRecursive<T extends object>(obj: T, predict: (value: unknown) => boolean): T {
return _.transform(obj, (result, value, key) => {
if (_.isObject(value) && !_.isEmpty(value)) {
result[key] = pickByRecursive(value, predict); // Recursively check nested objects
} else if (predict(value)) {
result[key] = value;
function filterDeep<T extends RecursiveParent<T>>(
data: T[],
predicate: (item: T) => boolean | undefined
): T[] {
return data
.map((item) => {
if (item.children) {
return { ...item, children: filterDeep(item.children, predicate) };
return _.clone(item);
.filter((item) => (item.children ? item.children.length > 0 : true));
// Immutable Set for setting state
setIn: (state: object, name: string, value: unknown) => {
return _.setWith(_.clone(state), name, value, _.clone);
// difference,
export default _ as LoDashMixins;
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